Rail Wheel Plant - Bihar
44451322 supply of printing in registerprinting in register,printing of 10 types of format in register form having 100 leafs each for mould shop. each leaf on a 4 size paper (210 mm x 297 mm) having 75 gsm (both side printing). each register shall be well stitched with co tton thread and cloth pasted with adhesive for more durability. each page shall bear serial no on top right corner. details of 10 types registers are as under: (1). mould room core baking format 75 nos (2). mould room drag spray format 75 nos (3). mould room cope spray format 75 nos (4). mould room sprue grinding format 75 nos, (5). mould room stamping format 75 nos, (6). mould room hub cutting format 75 nos, (7). mould r oom pouring format 75 nos, (8). mould room close down format 75 nos, (9). mr sand plant sample format register 50 nos (perforated alternate page) (10).mould h/o to mrs format register 50 nos (perforated alternate page); total quantity required = 700 nos say 1 set. note: firm has to to get approval of proof print before bulk pri nting. sample copies of 10 types are attached. [ warranty period: 12 months after the date of delivery ] ] sse /m /mould shop/rwp/bela, bihar 1.00 set , printing of 05 types of format in register form having 100 leafs each for mould repair shop. each le af on a4 size paper (210 mm x 297 mm) having 75 gsm (both side printing). each register shall be well stitched with cotton thread and cloth pasted with adhesive for more durability. each page shall bear serial no on top right c orner. details of 05 types registers are as under: 1. mrs daily position register 20 nos 2. out turn of mrs regi ster 10 nos. 3. mould machining record (rwp form no mrs/m 007) 15nos. 4. ingate assembly record (rwp fo rm no mrs/m 008) 15nos. 5. log book/mould repair shop/mech. 25 nos. total quantity required = 85 nos say 1 set. note: firm has to to get approval of proof print before bulk printing. sample copies of 05 types are attached . [ warranty period: 12 months after the...