Indira Gandhi Institute Of Medical Sciences - Bihar

45168530 tender for supply of reagents/kits/chemical/calibrator & control etc for department of microbiology on rate contract basis to igims, patna 1. brain /heart infusion broth 2. simmons citrate medium 3. brain/heart infusion agar 4. urea agar base 5. urea solution 40% 6. triple sugar iron medium 7. muller hinton agar 8. selenite f broth 9. robertson cooked meat medium 10. tcbs agar 11. nutrient agar 12. mac conkey agar 13. cled agar 14. thioglycolate broth 15. xld medium 16. muller hinton broth 17. mr – vp media 18. deoxychlolate citrate agar 19. esbl screening agar 20. dnase test agar base 21. gelatin agar 22. hugh leifson of media 23. mannitol salt agar 24. nutrient broth 25. peptone water 26. bile esculin agar 27. anaerobic blood agar base (neomycin supplements) 28. blood agar base 29. agar powder 30. chocolate agar base 31. phenyl alanine bases 32. mannitol motility test medium 33. ferric chloride anhydrous 34. buffered glucose broth (mr/vp media) 35. nitrate broth 36. lowenstein jensen media 38. loffler serum slope media 1. poly shigella flexneri 1 6 x 2 y – 2 ml (pl 6901) 2. poly shigella dysentriae 1 10 – 2 ml (pl 6902) 3. poly shigella boydii 1 15 – 2ml (pl 6903) 4. shigella sonnei phase 1 & 2 2 ml (pl 6900) 5. poly h ph 1 & 2 factor 3 ml pl 6100 6. salmonella agglutination serum 3 ml (pl 6015) 7. salmonella agglutination serum 3 ml (pl 6011) 8. salmonella agglutination serum 3 ml (pl 6011) 9. salmonella agglutination serum 3 ml (pl 6002) (0 poly as) 10. vibrio cholerae antiserum inaba,3ml 11. vibrio cholerae antiserum ogawa,3ml 12. vibrio cholerae antiserum polyvalent,3ml 13. mc farland equivalent turbidity standard (readymade baso4 solution) 14. kovacs reagent 15. oxidase test reagent 16. gas pak sachet for anaerobic culture (3.5 liter) 17. vitamin k1 10ugm/ml 18. heamin 5 ugm/ml 19. hydrogen peroxide h2o2 (3%) 20. spirit 21. conc h2so4 22. sodium bicarbonate 23. conc hcl 24. crystal violet 25. safranine 0.5% w/v 26. grams iodine 27. acetone 28. ph paper 29. parrafin oil (light) 30. formaldehyde 31. para dimethyl amino benzaldehyde 32. isoamylalcohol 33. sodium hypochlorite 34. albert stain (a & b) 35. ethyl alcohol 36. nnnn – tetramethyl p phenylenediamine dihydrochloride 37. assay plate 96 well clear round bottom with lid non treated polystyrene 38. vancomycin hydrochloride from streptomyces orientalis protency ≥ 900 per mg 39. colistin sufate salt ≥ 1900iu/mg 40. graduated 100 ml transparent glass bottle 41. esch. coli atcc 35218 (0495p) 42. esch. coli atcc 25922 (0335p) 43. p aeruginosa atcc 27853 (0353p) 44. e. faecalis atcc 29212 (0366p) 45. s. aureus subsp. aureus atcc 25923 (0360p) 46. s. aureus subsp. atcc 29213 (0365p) 47. e.coli polyvalent antisera 48. gram stain kit 49. andrades indicator 50. methylene blue indicator strip 51. dulcitol 52. glucose 53. lactose 54. sucrose 55. maltose 56. mannitol 57. trihallose 58. rhamnose 59. hippurate 60. bile esculin 61. lysine 62. arginine 63. ornithine 64. methyl red reagent 65. ά naphthylamine 66. zn acid fast stain kit 67. whatman filter paper 125mm (100 circle / pack) 68. extran (ma02) solution 01 cefoperazone sulbactum 02 aztreonam (30 ug) 03 teicoplanin 04 clindamycin (2 ug) 05 cefepime (30 ug) 06 high level gentamicin (120 ug) 07 ampicillin (10 ug) 08 cefazolin (30 ug) 09 cefoxitin (30 ug) 10 ceftriaxone (30 ug) 11 cefotaxime (30 ug) 12 ceftazidime (30 ug) 13 ciprofloxacin (5 ug) 14 levofloxacin (5 ug) 15 gentamicin (10ug) 16 amikacin(30ug) 17 erythromycin (15 ug) 18 linezolid (30 ug) 19 vancomycin (30 ug) 20 oxacillin (1 ug) 21 penicillin 10 units 22 co – trimoxazole (1.25 / 23.75 ug) 23 nitrofurantoin (300 ug) 24 chloramphenicol (30 ug) 25 ceftazidime + clavulanic acid 26 imipenem (10 ug) 27 meropenem (10 ug) 28 piperacillin + tazobactam (100/10 ug) 29 optochin 30 novobiocin (5 ug) 31 bacitracin (10ug) 32 x factor 33 v factor 34 tetracycline (30ug) 35 amoxicillin + clavulanic acid m (20 /10 ug) 36 norfloxacin (10 ug) 37 ofloxacin (5 ug) 38 tobramycin (10 ug) 39 amoxycillin (10 ug) 40 colistin (10 ug) 41 doxycyline (30 ug) 42 minocycline (30 ug) 43 ertapenem (10 ug) 44 cefixime (5 ug) 45 cefuroxime(30 ug) 46 fosfomycin(200 ug) 47 pefloxacin(5 ug) 48 netilmicin(30 ug) 49 ceftazidime/avibactam(30 / 20 ug) 50 ampicillin/sulbactam(10/10 ug) 51 azithromycin (15 ug ) 01 vancomycin 02 teicoplanin 03 linezolid 04 imipenem 05 meropenem 1. pasteur pipettes with rubber teeth 2. non nutrient agar 3. occult blood in stool rapid detection kit – (haemospot kit) card test 4. normal saline (0.85%) 5. meyer’s albumin 6. modified trichrome stain 7. cellophane solution (kato thick smear) 8. acid alcohol (3% hcl in ethanol) 9. 1% h2so4 10. zinc sulphate 11. formaldehyde 12. ether 13. phosphate buffer 14. saf fixative 15. giemsa stain 16. malachite green 1. whatman filter paper no 22 2. 5% phenol 3. clear nail polish 4. nigrosine stain 10% w/v 5. india ink 10% w/v 6. potassium hydroxide pellates 7. calcofluor white stain 8. giemsa stain 9. gomori methenamine silver stain 10. chlamydospore agar 11. chrom agar for candida 12. corn meal agar 13. canada balsum natural 14. lactophenol cotton blue stain 15. sabouraud’s dextrose agar with chloramphenicol 16. sabouraud’s dextrose agar plain 17. niger seed agar 18. czapek dox agar 19. oatmeal agar 20. potato dextrose agar 21. sunflower seed agar 22. yeast nitrogen base 23. dtm agar base 24. normal saline 25. rpmi agar 26. dmso solution 27. 70% alcohol 28. 70% acetonitrile hplc grade 29. 70% formic acid hplc grade 30. silica beads ( fine) 31. vitek 2 yeast id panel 32. vitek 2 yeast antifungal panel 33. conc sulphuric acid 34. bacillocid 35. cryptococcal antigen kit( lfa) 36. antifungal drug powder ( different antifungal drugs) 37. sugar discs of glucose, maltose, sucrose, lactose, galactose, melibiose, cellobiose, inositol, xylose, raffinose, trehalose, dulcitol 38. potassium dihydrogen orthophosphate(kh2po4) 39. magnesium sulphate 40. potassium nitrate 41. aspergillus galactomannan test (lateral flow assay) 42. (antifungal drug discs) amphotericin b 100 mcg 43. amphotericin b 50 mcg 44. clotrimazole 10 mcg 45. fluconazole 10 mcg 46. itraconazole 10 mcg 47. itraconazole 30 mcg 48. ketoconazole 10 mcg 49. ketoconazole 30 mcg 50. ketoconazole 50 mcg 51. miconazole 30mcg 52. miconazole 50 mcg 53. nystatin 10 mcg 54. nystatin 50 mcg 55. ( e strips ) amphotericin b 56. anidulafungin 57. caspofungin 58. clotrimazole 59. fluconazole 60. flucytosine 61. griseofulvin 62. itraconazole 63. isavuconazole 64. ketoconazole 65. micafungin 66. miconazole 67. natamycin 68. nystatin 69. posaconazole 70. terbinafine 71. voriconazole 1. injecta 2. h2so4 100% 3. carbol fuschin 4. methylene blue 5. auramine 6. potassium permanganate 7. iso propyl alcohol 1. r.a (turbilatex) 2. c.r.p(turbilatex) 3. a.s.o (turbilatex) 4. widal antigen (slide) test 5. vdrl(rpr) 6. mt 5 tu (ppd) 7. ana igg(elisa) 8. ada(turbilatex) 9. scrub typhus igg & igm(rapid) 10. malaria antigen pf/pv (rapid) 11. pregnancy test (rapid) 12. typhi dot igm & igg (rapid) 13. r k 39 (rapid) 14. leptospira igg & igm (rapid) 15. micro filarial igg,igm (rapid) 16. anti cardilipin antibody igg (elisa) 17. anti cardilipin antibody igm (elisa) 18 anti ena profile igg (elisa) 20. anti ena profile plus one (lia) 21. anti ccp (elisa) 22. ana hep 2/primate liver (iift) 23. c anca igg, proteinase 3 (elisa) 24. anca granulocyte mosaic (iift) 25. anti β 2 glycoprotein igg (elisa) 26. anti β2 glycoprotein igm (elisa) 27. anti lkmi mosaic basic profile (iift) 28. anti ds dna ig g (elisa) 29. anti ds dna (iift) 30. p panca igg, anti mpo (elisa) 31. giardia lamblia antigen (elisa) 32. h.pylori antigen (elisa) 33. hs crp(turbilatex) 34. brucella igm(elisa) 35. amoebic serology, entamoeba histolytical igg (elisa) 36. toxins of cl.difficile (tox a + tox b + gdh) rapid 1 hbsag elisa 2 anti hcv elisa 3 hiv elisa 4 anti hev igm vidas 5 anti hav igm vidas 6 hbeag vidas 7 hbeab vidas 8 anti hbc igm vidas 9 rubella igm vidas 10 rubella igg vidas 11 dengue serology rapid 12 hbc total (vidas) 13 hsv igm 14 hsv igg 15 hiv vidas 16 hcv vidas 17 hbsag vidas 18 cmv igm 19 cmv igg 20 toxo igm (vidas) 21 toxo igg (vidas) 22 hbsag(rapid) 23 anti hcv (rapid) 24 hiv (rapid) 25 anti hbst (vidas) 26 varicella zoster igg (vidas) 27 hav total (vidas) 28 hev igg(vidas) 29 chikungunya igm(rapid) 30 measles igg vidas 31 mumps igg vidas 32 ebv vca igm vidas 33 ebv ebna igg vidas 34 ebv vca /ea igg vidas 35 toxo igg avidity vidas 36 cmv igg avidity vidas 37 lyme igg vidas 38 lyme igm vidas 1 k3 edta non vacuum blood collection tube 2 ethanol (diluent for dna extraction) 3 dna blood mini extraction kit (250) 4 viral rna mini extraction kit (50) 5 pcr tubes(rotor gene q qiagen rt pcr machine) 0.1 micro litre(1000) 6 pcr tubes(biorad rt pcr machine) 0.1 micro litre for covid test(1000) 7 real time pcr kit for hbv (96) 8 real time pcr kit for hcv (24) 9 real time pcr kit for cmv (24) 10 dengue serotype rt pcr kit 1. slide staining glass rod – 190 x 6mm 2. universal sterile container (30 ml) 3. glass slide (25 x 75mm) 4. cover slip (18mm) 10gm x 20pcs / pack 5. glass petri dish (90mm) 6. glass petri dish (150mm) 7. test tube (12 x 100 ) 8. test tube with cap ( 5ml) 100 pc / pack 9. flat bottom conical flask (glass) (1l) 10. flat bottom conical flask (glass) 500 ml 11. glass beaker (1000 ml) 12. glass beaker (500 ml) 13. graduated measuring cylinder(1000 ml) 14. auto clave indicator tape 15. graduated transparent bottle (100ml) glass 16. graduated transparent bottle (500ml) glass 17. microscope lens cleaner 18. washing tub big (plastic ) 19. sample collection tray big (plastic) 20. microscope bulb (6v/20w) 21. dissecting forceps 22. durhams tube 23. metaloop holder without loop or wire(la 040) 25. assorted nichrome loop 4 mm 26. petri dish 99mm/ plastic disposable 27. slide carrying tray aluminium 2. glass test tube (150mm) 3. glass rods (thick) 4. glass rods (thin) 5. glass funnel (medium size) 6. staining jar 7. teasing needle with plastic handle 8. inoculation wire loop 9. straight wire with handle 10. l shaped wire 11. bunsen burner ( for gas connection) 12. rubber tapped dropping bottle 13. tripod stand 14. rack for large tubes 15. rack for small tubes 16. slide draining rack 18. slide box 19. steel trey ( big size) 20. disposable syringe ( 2ml, 5ml,10ml) 22. surgical blade 23. sterile needle (18 and 22 no) 24. scalpel handle 25. slide view box 26. plain round bottom microtiter well plates 27. pasteur pipettes with rubber teeth 29. wooden application sticks 30. cotton tip application sticks 31. plain applicator sticks 33. screw capped sterile plastic tubes 34. paraffin tape 35. tissue roll (6pcs / pack) 36. aluminium foil 01 hypochlorite solution 02 nitrile gloves(non sterile ) 03 hand wash (large ) hand wash (small) 04 phenyl 05 naphthylene ball 06 room freshner 07 black hit 08 harpic 09 odonyl 10 sanitizer 11 surgical gloves(6 no,6.5 no, 7no &7.5no) 12 surgical mask 13 betadin 14 colin 15 loose gloves 16 phenol solution 17 dustbin for waste disposable 18 n95 19 shoe cover 1 kit cobas sys sample prep 2 kit cobas 4800 sys liq cyt prep 3 kit cobas sys wash buffer 4 hpv controls kit 5 hpv amp/det kit 6 reagent reservoir 7 reagent reservoir 8 tips core tips wit filter (1 ml) 9 extraction deepwell plate 2.0ml 10 ad plate0.3 ml 11 kit cervical collection brush 12 roche cell collection media 13 qubit 1x ds dna hs assay kit 14 qubit rna hs assay kit 15 bio analyzer kit 16 ngs library prepation kit 17 library index 18 mi seq reagent kit v3 19 edta tube 20 sodium chloride 21 dsa kit 22 sodium heparin tube 23 rpmi media 24 phosphate buffer saline 25 lymphoprep 26 compliment (class i) 27 compliment (class ii) 28 negative control (cdc) 29 positive control (cdc) 30 mineral oil 31 normal saline 32 floroquench dye 33 eosine dye 34 formaline 35 s kit (hla b27 s. kit) 36 pra kit 37 flow kit 38 fluid sheeth (flow + luminex) 39 flowcytometer tube 40 plastic waste container (cdc) 41 terasaki plate 42 naoh 43 hcl 44 sodium bicarbonate 45 sodium phosphate 300 gm dibasic dehydrate 46 albumin (bsa) 47 potassium chloride 48 potassium phosphate monobasic 49 sodium azide 50 filter (0.2 micron+0.4 micron) 51 agarose powder 52 ethanol (diluent for dna extraction) 53 spatula 54 glass beads 55 igg (flow) 56 negative control (flow) 57 positive control (flow) 58 waste container stand (cdc) 59 tris base 60 acetic acid 61 edta 62 etbr 63 boric acid powder 64 pcr reaction tube plate 65 filter plate (dsa) 66 ph indicator paper(full range) 67 noah pellets 68 semi skirted pcr plate 69 hla b27 ssp kit 70 hla b 27 real time pcr kit 71 ngs cancer comprehensive panel 72 dna blood mini extraction kit (250) 73 nuclease free water(100 ml) 74 flowcytometer calibration kit 75 luminex calibration kit 76 flow cleaning agent (500 ml) 77 backman coulter contrad70 (500ml) 1 mt syringe(insulin syringe) 2 ria tube (disposable) 3 micro tips(2 200ul) 4 micro tips(100 1000ul) 5 micro tips (2 20µl) 6 micro tips (200 1000µl) 7 cryovial/ependroff vial(2µml) 8 micro centrifuge tube (1.5 ml) 9 glass ware bottle (04 litre) 10 glass ware bottle (01 litre) 11 glass ware bottle (500 ml) 12 micro tips (10 µl) 13 falcon tube (15 ml) 14 falcon tube (50 ml) 15 syringe (2ml + 5ml + 12ml) 16 falcon tube stand 17 pipette stand 18 spatula 19 paraffin tape 20 pipette stand 21 aliquots box 22 forceps (plain / tooth) 23 pcr tube strips 24 falcon tube (15 ml) 25 falcon tube (50 ml) 26 plastic waste container (cdc) 27 kim wipes 28 sealing tape for pcr plate 29 pcr tube (single unit test ) ...

Essential Drugs Company Limited - Bihar

44872785 tender for supply of pharmaceutical raw materials . 01. atropine sulphate usp l 02. cefuroxime sodium (ste. micro.) usp 03. ceftazidime with sodium carbonate (sterile) usp 04. ondansetron hci usp (injectable grade) 05. pellets: elemental iron(as iron, carbonyl)usp folic acid usp +zinc sulphate monohydrate usp...

Essential Drugs Company Limited - Bihar

44872778 tender for supply of pharmaceutical raw materials . 01. zinc sulphate monohydrate bp 02. esomeprazole enteric coated pellets (assay 8.5%) ph. gr. 03. pantoprazole sodium usp 04. omeprazole enteric coated pellets (анау 22.5%) usp 05. clopidogrel hydrogen sulfate bp...

Deshratna Drrajendra Prasad Dugdh Utpadak Sahkari Sangh Limted - Bihar

44634956 tender for supply of items di calcium phosphate moisture (%), max calcium (%), min phosphorus (%), min fluorine (%), max silica/ala (%), max total ash (%), min total ash (%), max lead (mg/kg), max arsenic (mg/kg), max calcite powder, ca (%) sodium thiosulphate na s₂o₃ magnesium oxide, mgo copper sulphate cuso4 zinc sulphate znso potasium iodide, ki chromium chelate moisture. chromium, cobalt sulphate coso,...

Department of School Education - Bihar

44438206 bids are invited for mg ribbon , lead nitrate , potassium iodide , zinc granules , calcium oxide , ferrous sulphate , copper sulphate , sodium sulphate , barium chloride , phenolphthalein , methyl orange , sodium hydroxide , dilute hcl , dilute acetic acid , sodium bicarbonate , zinc sulphate , aluminium sulphate , iodine solution , test tube , test tube stand , copper granules , aluminium pieces , bar magnet , prism , compass , reagent bottle , tuning fork , beaker , conical flask , dropper , morter and pestle set total quantity : 64...

Bihar Medical Service And Infrastructure Corporation Ltd - Bihar

43876873 tender for rate contract and supply of drugs for different healthcare facilities of state of bihar. acyclovir 3% w/w ointment 5 gm adenosine 3 mg/ ml injection vial amikacin 500 mg injection 2 ml vial amiodarone 50 mg/ml injection 3 ml vial amoxicillin (a) + clavulanic acid (b) tablet500 mg (a) + 125 mg (b) artesunate (a) + sulphadoxine pyrimethamine (b) tabletcombi pack (a+b) 1 tablet 200 mg (a) + 2 tablet (750 mg + 37.5 mg) (b) atracurium 10 mg/ml injection 5 ml ampoule capecitabine 500 mg tablet cefixime 50mg (dt) dispersible tablet cefotaxime 125 mg injection vial ceftriaxone 250mg powder for injection vial ceftriaxone 1g powder for injection vial compound sodium lactate (ringer lactate) infusion 500ml bottle desvenlafaxine 50 mg er tablet dextrose (a) + sodium chloride (b) (a) 5% + (b) 0.9% w/v infusion 500 ml digoxin 250 mcg tablet dopamine hcl 40 mg/ml injection 5 ml ampoule enoxaparin 60 mg/0.6 ml injection 0.6 ml pre filled syringe etophylline + theophylline 169.4mg + 50.6mg per 2ml injection 2 ml ampoule furosemide 40 mg tablet glucose powder 100 gm heparin 1000 iu/ml injection 5 ml vial ketamine 50mg/ml injection 2ml ampoule lactulose 10 g/15 ml oral liquid 100 ml bottle levothyroxine 125 mcg tablet lignocaine 5% w/w ointment 30 gm tube magnesium sulphate 50% w/v injection 10 ml vial mannitol 20 % w/v injection 100 ml bottle meropenem 500mg powder for injection vial meropenem 1g powder for injection vial metronidazole 500 mg/100 ml injection 100 ml bottle midazolam 1mg/ml injection 5ml vial noradrenaline 2mg/ml injection 2ml amp ondansetron 2mg/ml injection 2 ml ampoule para aminosalicylic acid 9.2 gm granules paracetamol 150mg/ml injection 2ml ampoule promethazine 25mg/ml injection 1 ml vial sodium chloride (normal saline) 0.9% w/v nasal drop sodium chloride (normal saline) 0.9% w/v injection 500ml bottle sodium valproate 500 mg tablet surfactant suspension for intratracheal instillation (as licensed) thiamine injection 100mg/ml 1 ml ampoule tramadol 100mg sr tablet tranexamic acid 100mg/ml injection 5ml ampoule trihexyphenidyl 2 mg tablet vecuronium 10 mg powder for injection vial vitamin a paediatric oral solution 100000 iu/ml oral liquid vitamin k1 (phytomenadione or phyloquinone) 1 mg/ml injection 1 ml ampoule zinc sulphate 20mg dispersible tablet ...

Bihar Medical Service And Infrastructure Corporation Ltd - Bihar

43548571 tender for rate contract and supply of drugs for different healthcare facilities of state of bihar. 1 acyclovir 2 adenosine 3 amikacin 4 amiodarone 5 amoxycillin + potassium clavunate 6 artesunate (a) + sulphadoxine pyrimethamine (b) 7 atracurium 8 capecitabine 9 cefixime 10 cefotaxime 11 ceftriaxone 12 ceftriaxone 13 compound sodium lactate (ringer lactate)14 desvenlafaxine 15 dextrose (a) + sodium chloride (b) 16 digoxin 17 dopamine hcl 18 enoxaparin19 etophylline theophylline 20 furosemide 21 glucose powder 22 heparin 23 ketamine 24 lactulose 25 levothyroxine 26 lignocaine 27 magnesium sulphate 28 mannitol 29 meropenem 30 meropenem 31 metronidazole 32 midazolam 33 noradrenaline 34 ondansetron 35 paraaminosalicylic acid 36 paracetamol 37 promethazine 38 sodium chloride (normal saline) 39 sodium chloride (normal saline) 40 sodium valproate 41 surfactant 42 thiamine injection 43 tramadol 44 tranexamic 45 trihexyphenidyl 46 vecuronium 47 vitamin a paediatric oral solution 48 vitamin k1 (phytomenadione or phyloquinone) 49 zinc sulphate ...

Indo Tibetan Border Police - Bihar

43522887 bids are invited for medical tissue paper , glucostrip , urine container , plain vial red top , edta tube , glucose kit 02 200 ml , urine strip multiple 10p , urea kit 5 20 ml , triglyceride kit 05 20 ml , creatinine kit 02 60 ml , total cholestrol kit 5 20 ml , micro tips small , micro tips big size , urine pregnancy kit , distill water 05 ltr , erba wash 4 50 ml , thermo meter mercury , disposal syringe 10 ml , disposal syringe 02ml , disposal syringe 05 ml , scalp vein set , roller bandage 15 03cm , roller bandage 10 03cm , tab chloroquine phosphate 500mg , tab ethamsylate 500mg , tab paracetamol phenylephrine hydrocholoride chlorpheniramine maleate 500 10 2 mg , tab diclofenac sodium paracetamol chlorzoxazone 50 325 500 mg , tab ondansetron 4mg , tab mefenamic acid dicyclomine hydrochloride 500 20 mg , tab drotaverine hydrocholoride mefenamic acid 80 250 mg , tab calcium citrate magnesium zinc sulphate vit d3 , tab trypsin chymotrypsin , tab aceclofenac paracetamol serratiopeptidase 100 325 15 mg , cap antioxidants multivitamin and multiminirals , cap b complex forte vitamin c , cap vitamin e 400mg , inj benzyl penicillin , inj hyoscine butylbromide , inj hydrocortisone sodium succinate 100mg , inj pantoprazole 40mg , inj adrenaline , inj frusemide , inj tranexamic acid , inj tetanus toxoid 0 5ml , inj normal saline , syp disodium hydrogen citrate solution , syp digene , syp paracetamol phenylephrine hydrocholoride chlorpheniramine maleate sodium citrate , oint diclofenac sodium linseed oil methyl salicylate and menthol gel , oint betadine 10 percent , spray virgin linseed oil diclofenac diethylamine, methyl salicylate and menthol , foleys catheter 14no , lignocaine hydrochloride gel 2 percent , syp ibuprofen paracetamol 100 162 5 mg , susp dicyclomine hydrochloride and simethicone 10 40 mg , syp dextromethorphan hydrobromid chlorpheniramine maleate total quantity : 14202...

Bihar State Milk Cooperative Federation - Bihar

43171945 tender invitation for laboratory interior, supply, installation & commissioning of small laboratory equipments for state central laboratory at comfed patna as per design, drawing & technical specification. list of media to be supplied list of media qty 1 alkaline peptone water 1 kg 2 agar agar type i 1 kg 3 arginine dihydrolase broth 1 kg 4 asparagine proline broth granulated 1 kg 5 bile salt agar 1 kg 6 baird parker agar base 1 kg 7 brilliant green bile broth2% 1 kg 8 bacillus medium 1 kg 9 bifidobacterium agar 1 kg 10 buffered peptone water 1 kg 11 brain heart infusion broth ( bhi ) 1 kg 12 brilliant green agar w / phosphates 1 kg 13 buffered charcoal yeast extract agar medium ( bcye ) 1 kg 14 cetrimide agar base 1 kg 15 cooked meat medium 1 kg 16 chloramphenicol yeast glucose agar ( yegca ) 1 kg 17 cfc broth base 1 kg 18 dextrose trptone agar 1 kg 19 differential reinforced clostridial broth base 1 kg 20 deoxycholate citrate agar medium 1 kg 21 ellners broth 1 kg 22 emb agar 1 kg 23 ethyl violet azide dextrose agar 1 kg 24 fluid selenite cystine medium ( selenite cystine medium ) twin pack part a 1 kg 25 fluid selenite cystine medium ( twin pack ) part b 1 kg 26 fraser secondary enrichment broth base 1 kg 27 fraser broth base 1 kg 28 gelatin agar 1 kg 29 glucose salt teepol broth ( twin pack ) part a 1 kg 30 glucose salt teepol broth ( twin pack ) part b 31 glucose agar 1 kg 32 hektoen entric agar 1 kg 33 lysine decarboxylase 1 kg 34 l mono differential agar base 1 kg 35 listeria identification agar base ( palcam ) 1 kg 36 lactobacillus mrs hiveg agar ( mrs ) 1 kg list of media qty 37 lactose broth 1 kg 38 listeria oxford medium base 1 kg 39 macconkey agar 1 kg 40 macconkey broth w / neutral red 1 kg 41 milk agar w / cetrimide ( part a ) 1 kg 42 mug lauryl sulphate broth 1 kg 43 myp agar base ( phenol red egg yolk polymyxin agar base ) 1 kg 44 mannitol salt agar base 1 kg 45 muller kauffman tetrathionate broth 1 kg 46 milk agar w / cetrimide ( part b ) 47 malonate broth 1 kg 48 m enterococcus agar base 1 kg 49 nutrient broth 1 kg 50 nutrient agar 1 kg 51 ornithine decarboxylase broth 1 kg 52 plate count agar 1 kg 53 phenol red broth base 1 kg 54 peptone, bacteriological 1 kg 55 peptone water 1 kg 56 potato dextrose agar 1 kg 57 phosphate buffer, alpha, ph 7.2 1 kg 58 rappaport vassiliadias medium, modified 1 kg 59 simmons citrate agar 1 kg 60 sodium chloride 1 kg 61 selenite f broth ( twin pack ) part a 1 kg 62 selenite f broth ( twin pack ) part b 63 soyabean casein digest medium ( casein soyabean digest broth ) 1 kg 64 slanetz and bartley medium 1 kg 65 sm grwoth powder 1 kg 66 soyabean casein digest agar 1 kg 67 sabouraud chloramphenicol agar 1 kg 68 tcbs agar 1 kg 69 tethrathionate brilliant green bile broth 1 kg 70 triple sugar iron agar 1 kg 71 tryptone type i ( casitone type i ) 1 kg 72 tryptone water ( broth ) 1 kg 73 tergitol 7 agar base 1 kg 74 tryptic soya agar 1 kg 75 urea agar base 1 kg list of media qty 76 violet red bile agar 1 kg 77 violet red bile glucose agar 1 kg 78 wills and hobbs medium base 1 kg 79 xylose lysine deoxycholate agar ( xld agar ) 1 kg list of supplements to be supplied list of supplements qty 1 listeria selective supplement ( palcam ) 5 pack 2 wils and hobbs supplement 5 pack 3 fraser selective supplement 5 pack 4 l mono selective supplement i 5 pack 5 l mono selective supplement ii 5 pack 6 modified cfc selective supplement 5 pack 7 fraser supplement 5 pack 8 coagulase plasma 5 pack 10 oxford listeria supplement 5 pack 11 polymyxin b selective supplement 5 pack 12 bd difco ™ salmonella o antiserum poly a i &vi 5 pack 13 bd difco™ salmonella h antiserum poly a z 5 pack 14 bd difco™ vibrio cholerae antiserum cgawa 5 pack 15 tsc supplement ( perfringens t.s.c supplement ) 5 pack 16 legionella supplement ( twin pack ) 5 pack 17 ttc solution 1% 5 pack 18 egg yolk tellurite emulsion 5 pack 19 egg yolk emulsion 5 pack 20 bd difce™ vibrio cholarae antiserum poly hikojima, inaba, cgawa 5 pack 21 bd difco™ salmonella h antiserum poly a z 5 pack 22 legionella ( gvpc ) selective supplement 5 pack 23 ttc solution 1% 5 pack 24 coagulase plasma 5 pack 25 oxford listeria supplement 5 pack 26 listeria selective supplement ( palcam ) 5 pack 27 listeria moxalactam supplement 5 pack 28 legionella selective supplement ( gvpn ) 5 pack 29 tributryrin 5 pack 30 l mono enrichment supplement 5 pack list of glassware for microbiology sr. no. description qty 1 conical flask, 500ml 20 2 conical flask, 250ml 100 3 conical flask, 50ml 100 4 biker, 1l 10 5 biker, 500ml 10 6 biker, 50ml 20 7 biker, 10ml, with calibration certificate from nabl accredited lab 20 8 volumetric flask, 10ml, with calibration certificate from nabl accredited lab 50 9 volumetric flask, 25ml, with calibration certificate from nabl accredited lab 50 10 volumetric flask, 50ml, with calibration certificate from nabl accredited lab 50 11 volumetric flask, 100ml 50 12 volumetric flask, 1l 20 13 measuring cylinder, 10ml, with calibration certificate from nabl accredited lab 2 14 measuring cylinder, 50ml, with calibration certificate from nabl accredited lab 5 15 measuring cylinder, 100ml, with calibration certificate from nabl accredited lab 5 16 glass pipette, 10ml, with calibration certificate from nabl accredited lab 5 17 glass pipette, 25ml, with calibration certificate from nabl accredited lab 5 18 glass pipette, 50ml, with calibration certificate from nabl 5 sr. no. description qty accredited lab 19 glass pipette, fixed, 1ml, with calibration certificate from nabl accredited lab 10 20 glass pipette, fixed 5ml, with calibration certificate from nabl accredited lab 10 21 glass tube with plastic cap, 50ml 100 22 culture tube with plastic cap, 50ml 100 23 centrifuge tube, 20ml 100 24 culture tube with plastic cap, 100ml 100 25 culture tube, with glass buch, 50ml 100 26 platinum loop 4 27 disposable loop 100 28 glass pertriplate, 90 100 mm 500 29 disposable pertriplate, 90 mm 1000 30 slide with slide cover 500 31 slide box 10 32 sterilization indicator strip 20 roles 33 bunsen burner with stand 2 list of glassware for chemical section sr. no. description qty 1 conical flask, 500ml 20 2 conical flask, 250ml 100 3 conical flask, 50ml 100 4 beaker, 1l 10 5 beaker, 500ml 10 6 beaker, 50ml 20 7 beaker, 10ml, with calibration certificate from nabl accredited lab 20 8 volumetric flask, 10ml, with calibration certificate from nabl accredited lab 50 9 volumetric flask, 25ml, with calibration certificate from nabl accredited lab, with calibration certificate from nabl accredited lab 50 10 volumetric flask, 50ml, with calibration certificate from nabl accredited lab 50 11 volumetric flask, 100ml 50 12 volumetric flask, 1l 20 13 measuring cylinder, 10ml, with calibration certificate from nabl accredited lab 2 14 measuring cylinder, 50ml, with calibration certificate from nabl accredited lab 5 15 measuring cylinder, 100ml, with calibration certificate from nabl accredited lab 5 16 glass pipette, 10ml, with calibration certificate from nabl accredited lab 5 17 glass pipette, 25ml, with calibration certificate from nabl accredited lab 5 sr. no. description qty 18 glass pipette, 50ml 5 19 glass pipette, fixed, 1ml, with calibration certificate from nabl accredited lab 10 20 glass pipette, fixed 5ml, with calibration certificate from nabl accredited lab 10 23 centrifuge tube, 20ml 100 24 bunsen burner with stand 4 25 burette, 10ml, with calibration certificate from nabl accredited lab 4 26 burette, 25ml, with calibration certificate from nabl accredited lab 4 27 burette, 50ml, with calibration certificate from nabl accredited lab 4 28 burette stand, plastic, with double clip 10 29 hotplate, rectangular, up to 3500c, 450x00mm 2 30 beaker 250 ml 10 31 volumetric flask 500 ml 5 32 volumetric flask 25 ml 20 33 volumetric flask 50 ml 20 34 volumetric flask 250 ml 5 35 funnels 10 36 iodine flask 500ml 3 37 majineex flask 10 38 do bottle 300 ml 10 39 volumetric flask 10 ml 20 40 volumetric flask 5 ml 10 41 goochers for crude fibre 15 sr. no. description qty 42 burette , 25 ml 03 43 burette, 10 ml 03 44 beaker 50 ml 03 45 separating finnel set ( 125ml , 250 ml, 500 ml ) 46 bulb pipette ( 10ml, 25ml, 20 ml, 50 ml, 05 ml, 02 ml ) 03 each 47 round botton flask ( 1000 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml ) 05 each 48 graduated pipette ( 10ml, 02 ml, 05 ml, 1 ml ) 05 each 49 measuring cylinder ( 100 ml , 500 ml ) 03 each 50 protein tube 10 51 cyanide distillation assembly 01 52 soxhlet assembly with condenser 08 53 alcohol extractor / distillation with condenser 02 54 tlc glass chamber 02 55 vacuum filtration glass assembly 03 56 rm value / p value glassware 03 57 den stack apparatus 01 58 lod bottles 03 set si no name of indicators qty 1 alizarin red s 100 gm 2 2 ( p sulphophenylazo ) 1, 8 dihydroxy naphthalene 3 6 disulforic acid trisodium salt ( 2 ) spadns 5 gm 3 1, 5 diphenyl carbazide 25 gm 4 bromothymol blue ar 10 gm 5 phenol red gr 1 pack 6 1, 10 phenanthrolin monohrdrate ar 25 gm 7 methylene blue 100 gm 8 methyl red ar 25 gm 9 rosolic acid 5 gm 10 eriochrome cyanine 10 gm 11 crystal violet 25 gm 12 fast green fcf 10 gm 13 calmagite indicator ar 1 pack 14 alizarine complexone 100 gm 15 methyl orange 25 gm 16 1 , 10 phenanthroline monohydrate ar 1 pack 17 eosin yellow staining solution / 2% wn ( alcoholic ) 125 ml 18 bromocresol green indicator 25 gm 19 erythrosine b 25 gm 20 tin ( metal ) granular sn 100 gm 21 furfuraldehyde ar 100 ml 22 phenolphthalein 100 gm 23 ] rhodamine bgr 25 gm 24 phenol reagent 100 ml 25 solochrome cyanine r ar 25 gm 26 mercuric oxide red 50 gm 27 patton and reeders reagent 5 gm 28 dithizone ar acs 5 gm 29 hydrox napthol blue 25 gm 30 indigo carmine gf 25 gm 31 eriochrome black t 25 gm 32 bovine albumin fraction v 5 gm 33 quinalizarin ( gr ) 5 gm 34 cresol red indicator 5 gm 35 bromophenol blue powder 5 gm 36 comassie brilliant blueg 5 gm 37 quinine sulphate 25 gm 38 brilliant blue 10 gm 39 indigo carmine ar 10 gm list of chemicals & reagents to be supplied sl no name of solvents / liquid chemicals grade 1 nitric acid ( 1.42 ) ultrapure 2 acetone ar 3 n, n dimethyl formamide ar 4 tetrahydrafuran ar 5 hydrochloric acid ar 6 propane 2, ol ar 7 pyridine ar 8 butane 1 ol ar 9 methane sulphonic acid ar 10 perchloric acid 70% ar 11 sulphuric acid ar 12 benzene hplc hplc 13 n pentane hplc 14 methanol – 4 ltrs hplc 15 phenol crystal ar 16 bromine water ar 17 0 toluidine ar 18 quinoline ar 19 nitro benzene ar 20 butyl digol ( diethylee glycol monobutyl ether ) ar 21 n, n dimethylaniline ar 22 triacetin ar 23 3 amino 1 propanol 99% ar 24 pentane 1 ol ( c5h120h ) ar 25 triethylamine ar 26 dimethyl formamide ar 27 aniline gr ar 28 fehlings solution no.1 ar 29 formaldehyde solution ar 30 sulphur dioxide solution ar ar 31 benzyl alcohol ( c6h5ch2oh ) ar 32 formaldehyde solution 37 41% w / l for synthesis ar 33 1, 1, 2 trichlorotrifluoro ethane lr ar 34 xylene ( sulphur free ) ar 35 lactic acid ar 36 propionic acid ar 37 guaiacol ( liquid ) ( o methoxyphenol ) ar 38 n pentane ar 39 cyclohexanone ar ar 40 dimethyl sulphate ar 41 1 heptamol ( pure for synthesis ) ar 42 phenol crystal ar 43 n propyl alcohol ar 44 ethyl cellusolve ar 45 furfuraldehyde ar 46 sodium hypochlorite solution ar 47 oil ( quality mechanical vaccum pump oil ar 48 n, n dimethyl formamide ar 49 hexamethyl disilazane ar 50 alluminium chloride ar 51 wijs iodine solution ar 52 sodium hypochlorite solution ar 53 triethanol amine ar 54 phenyl hydrazine for synthesis ar 55 3 amino 1 propanol ar 56 n, n, n, n tetramethyl ethylene diamine ar 57 2 mercuptaethanol ar 58 trifluro acetic acid ar 59 phenol red ar 60 1, 1, 2, 2 tetra chloro ethane ar 61 acyl alcohol ( iso ) ar 62 perchloro ethylene ar 63 boron tri fluoride ethyl ether complex lr rm 64 hydrchloric acid 30% u ltrpure 65 dimethyl sulphoxide ar 66 bromoform ( blue cap ) ar 67 nitric acid ( 1 .42 ) ar 68 hydro fluoric acid ar 69 glycerol anhydrous ar 70 potassium thio cyanide ar 71 formic acid 98 100% ar 72 2, 2, 4 tri methyl pentane ar 73 iso acyl acetate ar 74 thio glycolic acid ar 75 phenol crystals ar 76 1, 2 dichloro ethane ar 77 benzaldehyde 99% ar 78 carbon di sulphate ar 79 toluene for hplc and spectroscopy ar 80 propane 2 ol for hplc and spectroscopy ar 81 hydrofluoric acid ar 82 stannous chloride ar 83 n hexane hplc 84 acetonitrile hplc list of the chemical a 4 amino antipyrine antimony ( metal ) lumps ammonium conic nitrate azomethine h monosodium salt hydrate activated charcoal granular antimony ( metal ) powder 4 amino antipyrine lr ammonium metavanadate ammonium molybdate ar ammonium rineckate ar aniline hydrochloride ammonium molybdate tetrahydrate arsenic pentoxide aammonium ceric sulphate amylose ( from potato starch ) ammonium sulphate ammonium di hydrogen of ortho phosphate arsenic trioxide al2o3 aluminiumoxide aktiv l ascorbic acid ar di ammonium hydrogen ortho phosphate ( anhydrous ) extrapure ammonium oxalate acetamide lr acacia powder aluminium sulphate purified lr aluminium potassium sulphate ammonium ferrous sulphate extra pure ammonium ferric sulphate ammonium chloride ammonium oxalate ammoium dichromate asbestos ot lr alizarin red s b barium chloride benzethonium chloride brucine sulphate lr barbituric acid ar butylated hydro anisol boric acid crystals benzoic acid barium sulphate borax barium hydroxide butylated hydroxy toluene boron trifluoride methanol complex brilliant blue benzene c celite acid washed cadmium sulphate calcium d pantothanate chromium ( metal ) powder chromotropic acid disodium salt dihydrate ccoaltous chloride cupric nitrite extra pure ( trihydrate ) caffine cetyl trinnethyl ammonium bromide chloramide t cetrimide lr cupric sulphate cupric acetate ccasein cobalt sulphate chromium trioxide citric acid citric acid ar copper carbanate ( basic ) calcium chloride ( fused ) cadmium suphate carboxymethyl cellulose calcium hydroxide clorisil chromatographic gel chromotropic .acid disodium salt 98% charcoal decolourising powder activated caffine 98% coffein d d dianisidine dowex 50wxs hydrogen from hydrogen form 100 200 mesh 4 dimethyl amino benzaldehyde dodecyl benzene sulphonic acid methyl ester 2, 6 dichlorophenol indophenol sodium salt devardas alloys dodecyl benzene sulphonic acid sodium salt 1, 5 diphenyl carbozide ar 3, 5 dinitro salicylic acid p dimethyl amino benzadehyde diphenylamine dectrose dextrose anhydrous ar e ethylenediamine tetra acetic acid sisodium salt ethylenediamine tetraacitic acid magnesium disodium salt 98.5% edta disodium salt dihydrate f fast green fcf d fructose florosil ferric hydraye nanohydrate 98% ferric sulphate hydrate lr ferrous sulphate sticks ( fused ) fumaric acid ferrous sulphate ferric chloride ( anhydrous ) g d galactose l glutamic acid d glucose anydrous glycine gelatin powder h hexamine pure humic acid p hydroxy biphenyl hydroxylaminehydro chloride hydrazine sulphate hydroxylammonium chloride i iodine resublimed iron fillings lsonicotinic acid l lamthanum nitrate lead acetate trihydrate lead nitrate lanthanum ( iii ) oxide ar lithium lactate lithium chloride lead carbonate lead acetate trihydrate lactose monohydrate lead acetate ar m manganous sulphate tris ( hydroxyrnethyl ) methylamine molybdate acid 2 morpholino ethane sulphonic acid mercuric thiocyanate 3 methyl 1 phenyl 5 pyrazolone magnesium acetate mercuric chloride powder mes menadionc [ vit k3 ] mercuric oxide red maltose monohydrate magnesium nitrate di methionine menthol ( crystal 99% ) magnesium chloride mercuric chloride red d mannitol 99% mercuric bromide magnesium oxide 3 methyl phenyl 2 pyrozoline one magnesium sulphate methylpaben99% manganese ( li ) sulphate ( monohydrate ) 98% mercuric sulphate lr n n 1 napthyl ethylene diamine dihydrochloride ar ninhydrin 99% gr nitroso r salt ar ned alpha naphthol benzein ( ph indicator ) 1 naphthol nicotinic acid mn, n dimethyl p phenylene diamine oxalate o oxalic acid p potassium permanganate lr praffin liquid 1:10 phenanthrol monohydrate potassium ferric cyanite potassium chloroplantinate ar potassium iodide extrapure phosphotungstic acid potassium hydrogen pthalate m phenylene diamine dihydro chloride potassium periodate potassium sulphate potassium dichromae potassium chloride picric acid potassium bromide di potassium hydrogen orthophosphate potassium hydroxide pellets potassium hydrodgen sulphate potassium dihydrogen ortho phosphate potassium ferrocyanide m phosphoric acid potassium chromate potassium nitrate potassium iodate lr potassium thio cyanate potassium bromate white petroleum jelly m phosphoric acid potassium oxalate purified lr propyl paraben extra pure potassium sodium tartarate tetrahydrate 98% potassium ferrocyanide extrapure phosphorous pentoxide lr potssium oxalate potassium ohydrogen carbonate q quinol r resorcinol retinol acetate s sodium carbonate sodium nitroprusside silver sulphate selenium di sodium hydrogen ortho phosphate silver nitrate sodium ascorbate di sodium hydrogen orthophosphate dodecahydrate ( anhydrous sodium borohydride lr di sodium oxalate di sodium tetra borate sodium flouride silica siulphanilic acid sodium chloride sodium metabisulphite sodium sulphite sodium dithionite sodium periodate sodium arsenite sodium nitrite extrapure sodium hydrogen sulphite sodium thiosulphate siuphamic acid sodium hydroxide pellete sodium azide silicic acid precipitated dried sodium acetate ( anhydrous ) sodium thiosulphate pentahydrate sodium acetate silica gel salicylic acid sodium lauryl sulphate sorbic acid puriss sucrose di sodium tartarate dihydrate saccharin, sodium salt hydrate seasand sudan lv stain sodium formate extra pure sulphanilic acid sulphur powder sodium meta silicate ( non hydrate ) sodium ssalicylate purified ( extra pure ) succinic acid sodium bromate sudan hi sodium diethyl dithio carbonate sodium malate l sodium bisulphate monohydrate sodium meta silicate starch sodium borohydride sodium carbonate osodium thiosulphate sodium hydrogen carbonate sodium phosphate dibasic anhydrous sodium sulphate ( anhydrous ) sodium dihydrogen orthophosphate sulphamic acid trisodium citrate sodium sulfide d sorbito; powder sodium propionate extra pure sodium ( meta ) validate sulphanil amide sodium l ascaorbate stannous chloride sodium flouride sodium tungstate hydrated sodium bi sulphite strontium chloride t tartarazine taratrazine gr trichloro acetic acid ( ep ) 2, thiobarbituric acid thioacetamide ( extra pure ) p toluidine l tartaric acid tannic acid toluene u uric acid urea v vladiums chloride vanillin gr vanillin extra pure x d xylose xylene z zinc acetate zinc metal dust zirconium oxychloride zinc chloride zinc sulphate heptahydrate zinc sulphate heptahydrate purified zinc metal granulated list of media to be supplied list of media qty 1 alkaline peptone water 1 kg 2 agar agar type i 1 kg 3 arginine dihydrolase broth 1 kg 4 asparagine proline broth granulated 1 kg 5 bile salt agar 1 kg 6 baird parker agar base 1 kg 7 brilliant green bile broth2% 1 kg 8 bacillus medium 1 kg 9 bifidobacterium agar 1 kg 10 buffered peptone water 1 kg 11 brain heart infusion broth ( bhi ) 1 kg 12 brilliant green agar w / phosphates 1 kg 13 buffered charcoal yeast extract agar medium ( bcye ) 1 kg 14 cetrimide agar base 1 kg 15 cooked meat medium 1 kg 16 chloramphenicol yeast glucose agar ( yegca ) 1 kg 17 cfc broth base 1 kg 18 dextrose trptone agar 1 kg 19 differential reinforced clostridial broth base 1 kg 20 deoxycholate citrate agar medium 1 kg 21 ellners broth 1 kg 22 emb agar 1 kg 23 ethyl violet azide dextrose agar 1 kg 24 fluid selenite cystine medium ( selenite cystine medium ) twin pack part a 1 kg 25 fluid selenite cystine medium ( twin pack ) part b 1 kg 26 fraser secondary enrichment broth base 1 kg 27 fraser broth base 1 kg 28 gelatin agar 1 kg 29 glucose salt teepol broth ( twin pack ) part a 1 kg 30 glucose salt teepol broth ( twin pack ) part b 31 glucose agar 1 kg 32 hektoen entric agar 1 kg 33 lysine decarboxylase 1 kg 34 l mono differential agar base 1 kg 35 listeria identification agar base ( palcam ) 1 kg 36 lactobacillus mrs hiveg agar ( mrs ) 1 kg list of media qty 37 lactose broth 1 kg 38 listeria oxford medium base 1 kg 39 macconkey agar 1 kg 40 macconkey broth w / neutral red 1 kg 41 milk agar w / cetrimide ( part a ) 1 kg 42 mug lauryl sulphate broth 1 kg 43 myp agar base ( phenol red egg yolk polymyxin agar base ) 1 kg 44 mannitol salt agar base 1 kg 45 muller kauffman tetrathionate broth 1 kg 46 milk agar w / cetrimide ( part b ) 47 malonate broth 1 kg 48 m enterococcus agar base 1 kg 49 nutrient broth 1 kg 50 nutrient agar 1 kg 51 ornithine decarboxylase broth 1 kg 52 plate count agar 1 kg 53 phenol red broth base 1 kg 54 peptone, bacteriological 1 kg 55 peptone water 1 kg 56 potato dextrose agar 1 kg 57 phosphate buffer, alpha, ph 7.2 1 kg 58 rappaport vassiliadias medium, modified 1 kg 59 simmons citrate agar 1 kg 60 sodium chloride 1 kg 61 selenite f broth ( twin pack ) part a 1 kg 62 selenite f broth ( twin pack ) part b 63 soyabean casein digest medium ( casein soyabean digest broth ) 1 kg 64 slanetz and bartley medium 1 kg 65 sm grwoth powder 1 kg 66 soyabean casein digest agar 1 kg 67 sabouraud chloramphenicol agar 1 kg 68 tcbs agar 1 kg 69 tethrathionate brilliant green bile broth 1 kg 70 triple sugar iron agar 1 kg 71 tryptone type i ( casitone type i ) 1 kg 72 tryptone water ( broth ) 1 kg 73 tergitol 7 agar base 1 kg 74 tryptic soya agar 1 kg 75 urea agar base 1 kg list of media qty 76 violet red bile agar 1 kg 77 violet red bile glucose agar 1 kg 78 wills and hobbs medium base 1 kg 79 xylose lysine deoxycholate agar ( xld agar ) 1 kg list of supplements to be supplied list of supplements qty 1 listeria selective supplement ( palcam ) 5 pack 2 wils and hobbs supplement 5 pack 3 fraser selective supplement 5 pack 4 l mono selective supplement i 5 pack 5 l mono selective supplement ii 5 pack 6 modified cfc selective supplement 5 pack 7 fraser supplement 5 pack 8 coagulase plasma 5 pack 10 oxford listeria supplement 5 pack 11 polymyxin b selective supplement 5 pack 12 bd difco ™ salmonella o antiserum poly a i &vi 5 pack 13 bd difco™ salmonella h antiserum poly a z 5 pack 14 bd difco™ vibrio cholerae antiserum cgawa 5 pack 15 tsc supplement ( perfringens t.s.c supplement ) 5 pack 16 legionella supplement ( twin pack ) 5 pack 17 ttc solution 1% 5 pack 18 egg yolk tellurite emulsion 5 pack 19 egg yolk emulsion 5 pack 20 bd difce™ vibrio cholarae antiserum poly hikojima, inaba, cgawa 5 pack 21 bd difco™ salmonella h antiserum poly a z 5 pack 22 legionella ( gvpc ) selective supplement 5 pack 23 ttc solution 1% 5 pack 24 coagulase plasma 5 pack 25 oxford listeria supplement 5 pack 26 listeria selective supplement ( palcam ) 5 pack 27 listeria moxalactam supplement 5 pack 28 legionella selective supplement ( gvpn ) 5 pack 29 tributryrin 5 pack 30 l mono enrichment supplement 5 pack list of glassware for microbiology sr. no. description qty 1 conical flask, 500ml 20 2 conical flask, 250ml 100 3 conical flask, 50ml 100 4 biker, 1l 10 5 biker, 500ml 10 6 biker, 50ml 20 7 biker, 10ml, with calibration certificate from nabl accredited lab 20 8 volumetric flask, 10ml, with calibration certificate from nabl accredited lab 50 9 volumetric flask, 25ml, with calibration certificate from nabl accredited lab 50 10 volumetric flask, 50ml, with calibration certificate from nabl accredited lab 50 11 volumetric flask, 100ml 50 12 volumetric flask, 1l 20 13 measuring cylinder, 10ml, with calibration certificate from nabl accredited lab 2 14 measuring cylinder, 50ml, with calibration certificate from nabl accredited lab 5 15 measuring cylinder, 100ml, with calibration certificate from nabl accredited lab 5 16 glass pipette, 10ml, with calibration certificate from nabl accredited lab 5 17 glass pipette, 25ml, with calibration certificate from nabl accredited lab 5 18 glass pipette, 50ml, with calibration certificate from nabl 5 sr. no. description qty accredited lab 19 glass pipette, fixed, 1ml, with calibration certificate from nabl accredited lab 10 20 glass pipette, fixed 5ml, with calibration certificate from nabl accredited lab 10 21 glass tube with plastic cap, 50ml 100 22 culture tube with plastic cap, 50ml 100 23 centrifuge tube, 20ml 100 24 culture tube with plastic cap, 100ml 100 25 culture tube, with glass buch, 50ml 100 26 platinum loop 4 27 disposable loop 100 28 glass pertriplate, 90 100 mm 500 29 disposable pertriplate, 90 mm 1000 30 slide with slide cover 500 31 slide box 10 32 sterilization indicator strip 20 roles 33 bunsen burner with stand 2 list of glassware for chemical section sr. no. description qty 1 conical flask, 500ml 20 2 conical flask, 250ml 100 3 conical flask, 50ml 100 4 beaker, 1l 10 5 beaker, 500ml 10 6 beaker, 50ml 20 7 beaker, 10ml, with calibration certificate from nabl accredited lab 20 8 volumetric flask, 10ml, with calibration certificate from nabl accredited lab 50 9 volumetric flask, 25ml, with calibration certificate from nabl accredited lab, with calibration certificate from nabl accredited lab 50 10 volumetric flask, 50ml, with calibration certificate from nabl accredited lab 50 11 volumetric flask, 100ml 50 12 volumetric flask, 1l 20 13 measuring cylinder, 10ml, with calibration certificate from nabl accredited lab 2 14 measuring cylinder, 50ml, with calibration certificate from nabl accredited lab 5 15 measuring cylinder, 100ml, with calibration certificate from nabl accredited lab 5 16 glass pipette, 10ml, with calibration certificate from nabl accredited lab 5 17 glass pipette, 25ml, with calibration certificate from nabl accredited lab 5 sr. no. description qty 18 glass pipette, 50ml 5 19 glass pipette, fixed, 1ml, with calibration certificate from nabl accredited lab 10 20 glass pipette, fixed 5ml, with calibration certificate from nabl accredited lab 10 23 centrifuge tube, 20ml 100 24 bunsen burner with stand 4 25 burette, 10ml, with calibration certificate from nabl accredited lab 4 26 burette, 25ml, with calibration certificate from nabl accredited lab 4 27 burette, 50ml, with calibration certificate from nabl accredited lab 4 28 burette stand, plastic, with double clip 10 29 hotplate, rectangular, up to 3500c, 450x00mm 2 30 beaker 250 ml 10 31 volumetric flask 500 ml 5 32 volumetric flask 25 ml 20 33 volumetric flask 50 ml 20 34 volumetric flask 250 ml 5 35 funnels 10 36 iodine flask 500ml 3 37 majineex flask 10 38 do bottle 300 ml 10 39 volumetric flask 10 ml 20 40 volumetric flask 5 ml 10 41 goochers for crude fibre 15 sr. no. description qty 42 burette , 25 ml 03 43 burette, 10 ml 03 44 beaker 50 ml 03 45 separating finnel set ( 125ml , 250 ml, 500 ml ) 46 bulb pipette ( 10ml, 25ml, 20 ml, 50 ml, 05 ml, 02 ml ) 03 each 47 round botton flask ( 1000 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml ) 05 each 48 graduated pipette ( 10ml, 02 ml, 05 ml, 1 ml ) 05 each 49 measuring cylinder ( 100 ml , 500 ml ) 03 each 50 protein tube 10 51 cyanide distillation assembly 01 52 soxhlet assembly with condenser 08 53 alcohol extractor / distillation with condenser 02 54 tlc glass chamber 02 55 vacuum filtration glass assembly 03 56 rm value / p value glassware 03 57 den stack apparatus 01 58 lod bottles 03 set si no name of indicators qty 1 alizarin red s 100 gm 2 2 ( p sulphophenylazo ) 1, 8 dihydroxy naphthalene 3 6 disulforic acid trisodium salt ( 2 ) spadns 5 gm 3 1, 5 diphenyl carbazide 25 gm 4 bromothymol blue ar 10 gm 5 phenol red gr 1 pack 6 1, 10 phenanthrolin monohrdrate ar 25 gm 7 methylene blue 100 gm 8 methyl red ar 25 gm 9 rosolic acid 5 gm 10 eriochrome cyanine 10 gm 11 crystal violet 25 gm 12 fast green fcf 10 gm 13 calmagite indicator ar 1 pack 14 alizarine complexone 100 gm 15 methyl orange 25 gm 16 1 , 10 phenanthroline monohydrate ar 1 pack 17 eosin yellow staining solution / 2% wn ( alcoholic ) 125 ml 18 bromocresol green indicator 25 gm 19 erythrosine b 25 gm 20 tin ( metal ) granular sn 100 gm 21 furfuraldehyde ar 100 ml 22 phenolphthalein 100 gm 23 ] rhodamine bgr 25 gm 24 phenol reagent 100 ml 25 solochrome cyanine r ar 25 gm 26 mercuric oxide red 50 gm 27 patton and reeders reagent 5 gm 28 dithizone ar acs 5 gm 29 hydrox napthol blue 25 gm 30 indigo carmine gf 25 gm 31 eriochrome black t 25 gm 32 bovine albumin fraction v 5 gm 33 quinalizarin ( gr ) 5 gm 34 cresol red indicator 5 gm 35 bromophenol blue powder 5 gm 36 comassie brilliant blueg 5 gm 37 quinine sulphate 25 gm 38 brilliant blue 10 gm 39 indigo carmine ar 10 gm list of chemicals & reagents to be supplied sl no name of solvents / liquid chemicals grade 1 nitric acid ( 1.42 ) ultrapure 2 acetone ar 3 n, n dimethyl formamide ar 4 tetrahydrafuran ar 5 hydrochloric acid ar 6 propane 2, ol ar 7 pyridine ar 8 butane 1 ol ar 9 methane sulphonic acid ar 10 perchloric acid 70% ar 11 sulphuric acid ar 12 benzene hplc hplc 13 n pentane hplc 14 methanol – 4 ltrs hplc 15 phenol crystal ar 16 bromine water ar 17 0 toluidine ar 18 quinoline ar 19 nitro benzene ar 20 butyl digol ( diethylee glycol monobutyl ether ) ar 21 n, n dimethylaniline ar 22 triacetin ar 23 3 amino 1 propanol 99% ar 24 pentane 1 ol ( c5h120h ) ar 25 triethylamine ar 26 dimethyl formamide ar 27 aniline gr ar 28 fehlings solution no.1 ar 29 formaldehyde solution ar 30 sulphur dioxide solution ar ar 31 benzyl alcohol ( c6h5ch2oh ) ar 32 formaldehyde solution 37 41% w / l for synthesis ar 33 1, 1, 2 trichlorotrifluoro ethane lr ar 34 xylene ( sulphur free ) ar 35 lactic acid ar 36 propionic acid ar 37 guaiacol ( liquid ) ( o methoxyphenol ) ar 38 n pentane ar 39 cyclohexanone ar ar 40 dimethyl sulphate ar 41 1 heptamol ( pure for synthesis ) ar 42 phenol crystal ar 43 n propyl alcohol ar 44 ethyl cellusolve ar 45 furfuraldehyde ar 46 sodium hypochlorite solution ar 47 oil ( quality mechanical vaccum pump oil ar 48 n, n dimethyl formamide ar 49 hexamethyl disilazane ar 50 alluminium chloride ar 51 wijs iodine solution ar 52 sodium hypochlorite solution ar 53 triethanol amine ar 54 phenyl hydrazine for synthesis ar 55 3 amino 1 propanol ar 56 n, n, n, n tetramethyl ethylene diamine ar 57 2 mercuptaethanol ar 58 trifluro acetic acid ar 59 phenol red ar 60 1, 1, 2, 2 tetra chloro ethane ar 61 acyl alcohol ( iso ) ar 62 perchloro ethylene ar 63 boron tri fluoride ethyl ether complex lr rm 64 hydrchloric acid 30% u ltrpure 65 dimethyl sulphoxide ar 66 bromoform ( blue cap ) ar 67 nitric acid ( 1 .42 ) ar 68 hydro fluoric acid ar 69 glycerol anhydrous ar 70 potassium thio cyanide ar 71 formic acid 98 100% ar 72 2, 2, 4 tri methyl pentane ar 73 iso acyl acetate ar 74 thio glycolic acid ar 75 phenol crystals ar 76 1, 2 dichloro ethane ar 77 benzaldehyde 99% ar 78 carbon di sulphate ar 79 toluene for hplc and spectroscopy ar 80 propane 2 ol for hplc and spectroscopy ar 81 hydrofluoric acid ar 82 stannous chloride ar 83 n hexane hplc 84 acetonitrile hplc list of the chemical a 4 amino antipyrine antimony ( metal ) lumps ammonium conic nitrate azomethine h monosodium salt hydrate activated charcoal granular antimony ( metal ) powder 4 amino antipyrine lr ammonium metavanadate ammonium molybdate ar ammonium rineckate ar aniline hydrochloride ammonium molybdate tetrahydrate arsenic pentoxide aammonium ceric sulphate amylose ( from potato starch ) ammonium sulphate ammonium di hydrogen of ortho phosphate arsenic trioxide al2o3 aluminiumoxide aktiv l ascorbic acid ar di ammonium hydrogen ortho phosphate ( anhydrous ) extrapure ammonium oxalate acetamide lr acacia powder aluminium sulphate purified lr aluminium potassium sulphate ammonium ferrous sulphate extra pure ammonium ferric sulphate ammonium chloride ammonium oxalate ammoium dichromate asbestos ot lr alizarin red s b barium chloride benzethonium chloride brucine sulphate lr barbituric acid ar butylated hydro anisol boric acid crystals benzoic acid barium sulphate borax barium hydroxide butylated hydroxy toluene boron trifluoride methanol complex brilliant blue benzene c celite acid washed cadmium sulphate calcium d pantothanate chromium ( metal ) powder chromotropic acid disodium salt dihydrate ccoaltous chloride cupric nitrite extra pure ( trihydrate ) caffine cetyl trinnethyl ammonium bromide chloramide t cetrimide lr cupric sulphate cupric acetate ccasein cobalt sulphate chromium trioxide citric acid citric acid ar copper carbanate ( basic ) calcium chloride ( fused ) cadmium suphate carboxymethyl cellulose calcium hydroxide clorisil chromatographic gel chromotropic .acid disodium salt 98% charcoal decolourising powder activated caffine 98% coffein d d dianisidine dowex 50wxs hydrogen from hydrogen form 100 200 mesh 4 dimethyl amino benzaldehyde dodecyl benzene sulphonic acid methyl ester 2, 6 dichlorophenol indophenol sodium salt devardas alloys dodecyl benzene sulphonic acid sodium salt 1, 5 diphenyl carbozide ar 3, 5 dinitro salicylic acid p dimethyl amino benzadehyde diphenylamine dectrose dextrose anhydrous ar e ethylenediamine tetra acetic acid sisodium salt ethylenediamine tetraacitic acid magnesium disodium salt 98.5% edta disodium salt dihydrate f fast green fcf d fructose florosil ferric hydraye nanohydrate 98% ferric sulphate hydrate lr ferrous sulphate sticks ( fused ) fumaric acid ferrous sulphate ferric chloride ( anhydrous ) g d galactose l glutamic acid d glucose anydrous glycine gelatin powder h hexamine pure humic acid p hydroxy biphenyl hydroxylaminehydro chloride hydrazine sulphate hydroxylammonium chloride i iodine resublimed iron fillings lsonicotinic acid l lamthanum nitrate lead acetate trihydrate lead nitrate lanthanum ( iii ) oxide ar lithium lactate lithium chloride lead carbonate lead acetate trihydrate lactose monohydrate lead acetate ar m manganous sulphate tris ( hydroxyrnethyl ) methylamine molybdate acid 2 morpholino ethane sulphonic acid mercuric thiocyanate 3 methyl 1 phenyl 5 pyrazolone magnesium acetate mercuric chloride powder mes menadionc [ vit k3 ] mercuric oxide red maltose monohydrate magnesium nitrate di methionine menthol ( crystal 99% ) magnesium chloride mercuric chloride red d mannitol 99% mercuric bromide magnesium oxide 3 methyl phenyl 2 pyrozoline one magnesium sulphate methylpaben99% manganese ( li ) sulphate ( monohydrate ) 98% mercuric sulphate lr n n 1 napthyl ethylene diamine dihydrochloride ar ninhydrin 99% gr nitroso r salt ar ned alpha naphthol benzein ( ph indicator ) 1 naphthol nicotinic acid mn, n dimethyl p phenylene diamine oxalate o oxalic acid p potassium permanganate lr praffin liquid 1:10 phenanthrol monohydrate potassium ferric cyanite potassium chloroplantinate ar potassium iodide extrapure phosphotungstic acid potassium hydrogen pthalate m phenylene diamine dihydro chloride potassium periodate potassium sulphate potassium dichromae potassium chloride picric acid potassium bromide di potassium hydrogen orthophosphate potassium hydroxide pellets potassium hydrodgen sulphate potassium dihydrogen ortho phosphate potassium ferrocyanide m phosphoric acid potassium chromate potassium nitrate potassium iodate lr potassium thio cyanate potassium bromate white petroleum jelly m phosphoric acid potassium oxalate purified lr propyl paraben extra pure potassium sodium tartarate tetrahydrate 98% potassium ferrocyanide extrapure phosphorous pentoxide lr potssium oxalate potassium ohydrogen carbonate q quinol r resorcinol retinol acetate s sodium carbonate sodium nitroprusside silver sulphate selenium di sodium hydrogen ortho phosphate silver nitrate sodium ascorbate di sodium hydrogen orthophosphate dodecahydrate ( anhydrous sodium borohydride lr di sodium oxalate di sodium tetra borate sodium flouride silica siulphanilic acid sodium chloride sodium metabisulphite sodium sulphite sodium dithionite sodium periodate sodium arsenite sodium nitrite extrapure sodium hydrogen sulphite sodium thiosulphate siuphamic acid sodium hydroxide pellete sodium azide silicic acid precipitated dried sodium acetate ( anhydrous ) sodium thiosulphate pentahydrate sodium acetate silica gel salicylic acid sodium lauryl sulphate sorbic acid puriss sucrose di sodium tartarate dihydrate saccharin, sodium salt hydrate seasand sudan lv stain sodium formate extra pure sulphanilic acid sulphur powder sodium meta silicate ( non hydrate ) sodium ssalicylate purified ( extra pure ) succinic acid sodium bromate sudan hi sodium diethyl dithio carbonate sodium malate l sodium bisulphate monohydrate sodium meta silicate starch sodium borohydride sodium carbonate osodium thiosulphate sodium hydrogen carbonate sodium phosphate dibasic anhydrous sodium sulphate ( anhydrous ) sodium dihydrogen orthophosphate sulphamic acid trisodium citrate sodium sulfide d sorbito; powder sodium propionate extra pure sodium ( meta ) validate sulphanil amide sodium l ascaorbate stannous chloride sodium flouride sodium tungstate hydrated sodium bi sulphite strontium chloride t tartarazine taratrazine gr trichloro acetic acid ( ep ) 2, thiobarbituric acid thioacetamide ( extra pure ) p toluidine l tartaric acid tannic acid toluene u uric acid urea v vladiums chloride vanillin gr vanillin extra pure x d xylose xylene z zinc acetate zinc metal dust zirconium oxychloride zinc chloride zinc sulphate heptahydrate zinc sulphate heptahydrate purified zinc metal granulated...

Department Of Fertilizers - Bihar

43031671 bids are invited for 1 10 phenanthroline ar or higher , 1 amino 2 naphthol 4 sulphonic acid , ammonium acetate ar grade , ammonium hepta molybdate tetrahydrate , sodium metabisulphite er ar grade , cupric sulphate pentahydrate er ar grade , ethanol ar , hydroxylamine hydrochloride ar or higher , oxalic acid er ar grade , p dimethyl amino benzaldehyde , silica gel blue self indicating 5 to 8mesh , sodium sulphite anhydrous er , boric acid er ar or higher grade , universal indicator ph 4 to11 ar grade , edta disodium salt dihydrate ar grade , eriochrome black t , sodium azide ar or sq grade , acetic acid glacial , liq.ammonia solution 0.91 about 25 percent nh3 , ammonium chloride er ar grade , ammonium ferrous sulphate hexa hydrate , ammonium metavanadate ar , ammonium per sulphate , ammonium sulphate er ar grade , benzene 99.5 percent ar ar grade , barium chloride dihydrate er ar grade , biuret, 97 percent ar or higher grade , bromo phenol blue indicator ph 3.0 to 4.6 , carbon tetrachloride 99.5 percent ar , ferric chloride hexahydrate 97 percent , ferrous sulphate heptahydrate 99 percent , formaldehyde solution 37 to 41percent w or v , n hexane 99 percent ar grade , hydrochloric acid er ar grade , iodine resublimed 99.8 percent , iso propyl alcohol propan2ol ar grade , 2 2 4trimethylpentane , manganese ii sulphate monohydrate 99 percent , mercuric thiocyanate 99 percent ar grade , mercuric chloride ar grade , methanol dried ar grade , methyl orange indicator powder ar grade , methyl red indicator powder ar grade , methylene blue staining powder ar grad , nitric acid 69 to 72 percent er ar grade , phenolphthalein indicator powder , potassium chloride er ar grade , potassium dichromate ar grade , potassium dihydrogen ortho phosphate er , potassium hydroxide pellets er ar grade , potassium iodide ar grade , potassium permanganate 99 percent ar or acs , rochelle salt , salicylic acid 99.5percent , sodium carbonate anhydrous ar grade , sodium hydrogen carbonate sodium bicarb , sodium chloride er ar grade , sodium bisulphite ar or acs ar grade , sodium hydroxide pellets er ar grade , sodium metasilicate nonahydrate , sodium sulphate anhydrous , sodium sulfide nonahydrate ar grade , sodium thiosulphate anhydrous 98 percent ar , sodium dihydrogen o phosphate anhydrous , starch soluble er ar or higher grade , sulphuric acid 98 percent ar grade , urea er ar or higher grade , zinc acetate dihydrate 99.5 percent , zinc sulphate heptahydrate er , calcium carbonate precipitated 99 percent , potassium hydrogen phthalate , silver nitrate ar grade , chloroform er ar grade , ortho phosphoric acid 88 to 93 percent er , indicator papers ph 1.0 to 14.0 , potassium sulphate er ar grade , sodium nitrate 99 percent ar or acs ar grade , bromo cresol green indicator ar grade , potassium iodate , potassium ferrocyanide 99 percent ar or acs , acetonitrile hplc grade , acetone , toluene er ar grade , ammonium purpurate murexide ar or sq gr , labolene neutral ph ar or higher grade , methanol for hplc ar or higher grade , water for hplc ar or higher grade , buffer tablets ph 4.0 , buffer tablets ph 7.0 , buffer tablets ph 9.2 , azadirachtin , nimbin cas no 5945 86 8 , salannin cas no 992 20 1 , 6 deacetylnimbin cas no 18609 16 0 , 3 deacetylsalannin cas no 1110 56 1 total quantity : 354719...

Indian Army - Bihar

42250026 bids are invited for inj diclofenac 75 mg per ml 1 ml amp , inj paracetamol 10 mg per ml infusion in 100 ml bottle , inj metoclopramide hcl 5mg per ml 2ml , inj ranitidine hcl 50mg 2ml , inj ciprofloxacin 200mg 100ml , metronidazole inj for iv use containing 500 mg per bott of 100 ml , cefoperazone sodium 1gm and sulbactum sodium 1gm inj , meropenem 1 gm inj , amikacin sulphate 250 mg per ml 2ml inj , vit b 12 500 mcg per ml inj , calcium 9 mg plus calcium gluconate 50 mg inj for iv use 10 ml injection , dextrose 50 percent 25 ml inj , dextrose inj 25 percent 25 ml inj , inj dicyclomine hcl 20mg , inj tranexamic acid 500mg 5ml , inj adrenaline tartrate 1 by 1000 1 ml , inj ketamine hcl 50 mg per ml 2ml , inj immunoglobulin human 500 mg , tab deflazacort 6mg , tab paracetamol 500mg , tabparacetamol 325mg and ibuprofen 400mg , tab levocetrizine 5mg , tab clonazepam 0 point 5mg , tab baclofen 10 mg , tab atorvastatin 20mg , tab fenofibrate 200 mg , tab atenolol 50mg , tab digoxin 0 point 25 mg , tab trypsin with chymotrypsin , tab pioglitazone hydrochloride 15 mg , fexofenadine hydrochloride tab 120 mg , ranolazine 500 mg tab , haloperidol 5mg tab , trop t roche , trimetazidine 35 mg sr , tab acitrom 2mg , levetiracetam 1000mg tab , tab acarbose 25 mg , sacubitril 24 mg plus valsartan 26 mg tab , tab zinc sulphate 20mg , tab vit c with zinc , pad abdominal swab 25 by 25 cm with tape 30 cm , tab alprazolam 0 point 25 mg , tab linagliptin 2 point 5 mg plus metformin 500 mg , diclofenac 1 percent methyl salicylate 10 percent w v linseed oil 3 percent w v menthol 5 percent benzyl alcohol 1 percent w w gel total quantity : 369670...

Indian Army - Bihar

41680262 bids are invited for inj diclofenac 75 mg per ml 1 ml amp , inj paracetamol 10 mg per ml infusion in 100 ml bottle , inj metoclopramide hcl 5mg per ml 2ml , inj ranitidine hcl 50mg 2ml , inj ciprofloxacin 200mg 100ml , metronidazole inj for iv use containing 500 mg per bott of 100 ml , cefoperazone sodium 1gm and sulbactum sodium 1gm inj , meropenem 1 gm inj , amikacin sulphate 250 mg per ml 2ml inj , vit b 12 500 mcg per ml inj , calcium 9 mg plus calcium gluconate 50 mg inj for iv use 10 ml injection , dextrose 50 percent 25 ml inj , dextrose inj 25 percent 25 ml inj , inj dicyclomine hcl 20mg , inj tranexamic acid 500mg 5ml , inj adrenaline tartrate 1 by 1000 1 ml , inj ketamine hcl 50 mg per ml 2ml , inj immunoglobulin human 500 mg , tab deflazacort 6mg , tab paracetamol 500mg , tabparacetamol 325mg and ibuprofen 400mg , tab levocetrizine 5mg , tab clonazepam 0 point 5mg , tab baclofen 10 mg , tab atorvastatin 20mg , tab fenofibrate 200 mg , tab atenolol 50mg , tab digoxin 0 point 25 mg , tab trypsin with chymotrypsin , tab pioglitazone hydrochloride 15 mg , fexofenadine hydrochloride tab 120 mg , ranolazine 500 mg tab , haloperidol 5mg tab , trop t roche , trimetazidine 35 mg sr , tab acitrom 2mg , levetiracetam 1000mg tab , tab acarbose 25 mg , sacubitril 24 mg plus valsartan 26 mg tab , tab zinc sulphate 20mg , tab vit c with zinc , pad abdominal swab 25 by 25 cm with tape 30 cm , tab alprazolam 0 point 25 mg , tab linagliptin 2 point 5 mg plus metformin 500 mg , diclofenac 1 percent methyl salicylate 10 percent w v linseed oil 3 percent w v menthol 5 percent benzyl alcohol 1 percent w w gel mse exemption for turnover yes 1 33 total quantity : 369670...

Department Of Fertilizers - Bihar

41250751 bids are invited for lab chemicals , potassium chloride er ar grade , potassium dichromate ar grade , potassium dihydrogen ortho phosphate er , potassium hydroxide pellets er ar grade , potassium iodide ar grade , potassium permanganate 99 percent ar or acs , rochelle salt , salicylic acid 99.5percent , sodium carbonate anhydrous ar grade , sodium hydrogen carbonate sodium bicarb , sodium chloride er ar grade , sodium bisulphite ar or acs ar grade , sodium hydroxide pellets er ar grade , sodium metasilicate nonahydrate , sodium sulphate anhydrous , sodium sulfide nonahydrate ar grade , sodium thiosulphate anhydrous 98 percent ar , sodium dihydrogen o phosphate anhydrous , starch soluble er ar or higher grade , sulphuric acid 98 percent ar grade , urea er ar or higher grade , zinc acetate dihydrate 99.5 percent , zinc sulphate heptahydrate er , calcium carbonate precipitated 99 percent , potassium hydrogen phthalate , silver nitrate ar grade , chloroform er ar grade , ortho phosphoric acid 88 to 93 percent er , indicator papers ph 1.0 to 14.0 , potassium sulphate er ar grade , sodium nitrate 99 percent ar or acs ar grade , bromo cresol green indicator ar grade , potassium iodate , potassium ferrocyanide 99 percent ar or acs , acetonitrile hplc grade , acetone , toluene er ar grade , ammonium purpurate murexide ar or sq gr , labolene neutral ph ar or higher grade , methanol for hplc ar or higher grade , water for hplc ar or higher grade , buffer tablets ph 4.0 , buffer tablets ph 7.0 , buffer tablets ph 9.2 , azadirachtin , nimbin cas no 5945 86 8 , salannin cas no 992 20 1 , 6 deacetylnimbin cas no 18609 16 0 , 3 deacetylsalannin cas no 1110 56 1 2 71 total quantity : 354719...

All India Institute Of Medical Sciences - Bihar

41243473 rate contract for supply of medicine at aiims patna , abciximab 2mg/ml , abiraterone aceate 250mg , acebrophylline (100 mg) , acebrophylline 200mg , aceclofenac 100 mg + thiocolchicoside 4 mg , aceclofenac 100 mg + thiocolchicoside 8 mg , aceclofenac 200mg , aceclofenac100mg , acelofenac 100mg+ paracetamol 325mg tab , acetazolamide 250mg , acetyl cysteine solution 20%5ml , acitretin 25mg , acomprostate 333mg , acyclovir 200mg , acyclovir 500mg inj , acyclovir 800mg , acyclovir 250 mg inj , adalimumab (depot) 40mg , adapalene gel (0.1%) , adenosine 6mg , ado trastuzumab emtansine 100mg , ado trastuzumab emtansine 160mg , adrenaline preservative free 1000 for opthalmic use inj , adrenaline(1mg/1ml) 1ml inj , afatinib 40mg , albendazole 10ml , alcaftadine 0.25 % w/v eye drop , alcholic hand rub (ethyl alchol,glycerol,hydrogen perioxide) 5ltr , alectinib 150mg cap , alendronate sodium 70mg tab , alfacalcidol 0.5mcg , alfuzosin hcl 10mg (er) , all trans retinoic acid (tretinoin) 10mg soft gelatin capsules , allium cepa 0.1gm + heparin (50iu) + allantoin 0.01gm 20g gel , allopurinol 100mg tab , allopurinol 300mg tablet , aluminium hydroxide (300mg/5ml) + simethicone (40mg/5ml) + magnesium hydroxide (250mg/5ml) + oxetacaine (10mg/5ml) + sorbitol (1000mg/5ml) 200ml oral suspension , aluminium hydroxide+simethicone+magnesium sulphate+magnesium sulphate+magnesium aluminium silicate , alfa calcidol 0.25 mcg , alpha lipoic acid + benfotiamine + calcium carbonate + cholecalciferol (vit d3) + chromium picolinate + folic acid + inositol + mecobalamin (methylcobalamin) + pyridoxine hydrochloride (vit b6) tab , alpha tocotrienol 100% 400mg cap , alprazolam 0.25mg tab , alprazolam 0.50mg tab , alteplase 20 mg , alteplase 50 mg , aluminium hydroxide 300mg + magnesium hydroxide150 + oxetacine 10mg + simethicone 125mg (ancool syp 170ml syp) , amantadine 100mg cap , amantadine 25mg cap , amantadine 50mg cap , ambroxol + guafenesin + terbutaline + menthol 100ml , amikacin 100mg inj , amikacin 250mg/2ml inj , amikacin 500mg inj , amino acid 10% with electrolytes 500ml , amino acid 5% with sorbitol 5% 200ml , amino acid 7% 250ml , amiodarone 100mg tab , amiodarone 150mg/3ml inj , amisulpride 100mg , amisulpride 200mg , amisulpride 50mg , amitriptyline 75mg , amitryptiline 10mg tab , amitryptiline 25mg tab , amlodipine (5mg) + metoprolol succinate (25mg) tab , amlodipine 10mg , amlodipine 2.5mg , amlodipine 2.5mg + atenolol 50mg tab , amlodipine 2.5mg + hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 mg tab , amlodipine 2.5mg + losartan 50mg tab , amlodipine 5mg , amlodipine 5mg + atenolol 50mg , amlodipine 5mg + hydrochlorothiazide 12.5mg tab , amlodipine 5mg + metoprolol 50mg , amlodipine 5mg + olmesartan 20mg , amlodipine 5mg + perindopril 4mg , amlodipine 5mg + telmisartan 40mg , amlodipine+lisinopril (5mg+5mg) , ammonium tetrathiomolybdate 20mg tab , amorolfine 0.25% w/v cream , amorolfine hydrochloride 0.25% cream 15gm , amorolfine lotion 5% nail lacquer , amorphous hydro gel dressing 15gm , amorphous hydrogel wound dressing with colloidal silver 32ppm gel , amorphus hydro gel dressing 15gm , amoxicillin and clavulanate oral suspension 30 ml , amoxicillin and clavulanic acid inj. 600mg , amoxy + clavulanic acid 457 syrup , amoxiciline (125mg/5ml) 30ml syp , amoxiciline (125mg/5ml) 60ml syp , amoxicillin & clavulanic acid injection 300mg , amoxicillin (500mg ) + clavulanic acid (125mg ) tab , amoxicillin 1gm + clavulanic acid 200mg inj , amoxicillin 200mg 15ml+clavulanic acid 28.5mg/5ml syrup , amoxicillin 250mg + clavulanic acid 125mg tab , amoxicilline 250 mg , amphotericin b liposomal iv 10mg , amphotericin b 50mg inj , ampicillin 500mg cap , ampicillin 500mg inj , ampicillin+sulbactum 1.5gm inj , anastrozole 1mg , anti d (rho) immunglobulin monoclonal (300mcg) , anti hemophilic factor viii concentrate inj. dried 250iu , anti rabies immunoglobulin 100iu inj , anti rabies immunoglobulin 5ml inj , anti snake venom polyvalent 10ml inj , anti rabies vaccine 1ml , aprepitant 80mg , aprepitant 120mg , aprepitant cap (125mg 1 unit and 80mg 2 unit) kit , aripiprazole 10mg , aripiprazole 15mg , aripiprazole 5mg tab , arsenic trioxide 10 mg , arteether 150ml/2ml , artemether (80mg) + lumefantrine (480mg) tab , ascorbic acid tab. 500mg (chewable) , aspirin 150mg tab , aspirin 75 mg tab , aspirin gastro resistant 75mg tab , astaxanthin + reduced glutathione 8mg + 500mg , atorvastatin 20mg , atenolol 100mg tab , atenolol 25mg tab , atenolol 50mg , atg 250 mg , atomoxetine 10mg , atomoxetine 18mg , atorvastain 20mg + aspirin 75mg tab , atorvastatin 10mg + aspirin 75mg cap , atorvastatin 10mg tab , atorvastatin 10mg+ fenofibrate 160mg , atorvastatin 10mg+aspirin 150 mg , atorvastatin 20mg tab , atorvastatin 40mg tab , atorvastatin 5 mg , atorvastatin 80mg , atracurium besylate 2.5ml inj , atropine sulfate eye ointment 1% w w 3g , atropine sulfate ophthalmic solution(1.0%) 5ml eye drops , azacitidine 100mg inj , azathioprine 50mg tab , azithromycin (100mg tab) , azithromycin (100mg/15ml) susp , azithromycin (200mg/ml) 15ml syp , azithromycin 1% w v 3ml eye drop , azithromycin 1% w v 5gm eye ointment , azithromycin 100 mg / dt , azithromycin 15ml , azithromycin 250mg , azithromycin 500mg inj , azithromycin 500mg tab , aztreonam 1gm inj , bambuterol 10mg tab , bacitracin 400 iu + neomycin 3400iu + polymyxin b 5000iu ointment , baclofen 10mg tab , balanced nutrition for diabetic , balanced salt solution for ophthalmic irrigation use 500ml , barium sulfate hd 3.5kg , barium sulfate hd 300gm , barium sulfate hd 500gm , barium sulphate oral suspension 1 ltr , basiliximab 20mg , bcg vaccine 40mg/ml inj , beclomethasone 0.25%w/w + neomycin 0.5% w/w 15g cream , benzocaine + chlorbutol + paradichlorobenzene+ turpentine oil 10ml ear drop , benzocaine 20% w w gel 15gm , benzyl peroxide 2.5% gel 20gm , benzydamine chlorhexidine gluconate mouhtwash 300ml , benzydamine hcl + chlorhexidine gluconate (300ml) 7.5mg+6mg , benzyl penicillin sodium 10lac iu inj , bepotastine (1.5% w/v) eye drop , bepotastine besilate ophthalmic solution 1.5%w v eye drop 5ml , betahistine dihydrochloride 16mg tab , betahistine dihydrochloride 3mg tab , betahistine dihydrochloride 8mg tab , betamethasone dipropionate +gentamicin , betamethasone sodium phosphate 4mg/1ml inj , bethanechol cloride 25mg , bevacizumab 100mg inj , bicalutamide 50mg , bimatoprost (0.3mg/ml) + timolol (5mg/ml) eye drop , bimatoprost 0.01% eye drop , biotin + calcium pantothenate + n acetylcysteine + minerals tab , biotin 10mg tab , biotin 5 mg , bisoprolol 10mg tab (concur 10 tablet) , bisoprolol fumarate 2.5mg tab , bisoprolol fumarate 5mg tab , bivalirudin 250 mg , bleomycin sulphate 15mg inj , bortezomib 2mg inj , bosentan 62.5mg tab , bosutinib 400mg tab , botulinum toxin (botox) 50iu vial , botulinum toxin a 200unit , botulinum toxin type a 100 iu inj , brilliant blue g solution 0.05% w v 1ml , brimonidine tartrate 0.1% eye drop 5 ml , brimonidine tartrate 1.5mg + timolol 5mg 5ml eye drop , brinzolamide 1 % with brimonidine 0.2 % with carbomer 970 p andmannitol (bak not more than 0.003%) 5ml , brinzolamide 1.0% w/v ophthalmic suspension 5ml , brivaracetam 10mg / ml (5ml) inj , brivaracetam 50mg tab , buclizine syrup , budesonide (0.5mg) respules , budesonide 100mcg inhaler 200 metered dose , buprenorphine transdermal patch 10mcg , buprenorphine transdermal patch 20mcg , buprenorphine transdermal patch 5mcg , bupivacaine 0.5% 20ml inj , bupivacaine h 0.5% 4ml , buprenorphine 0.2mg tab , buprenorphine 0.5mg + naloxone 8mg tab , buprenorphine 8mg tab , buprenorphine transdermal patch 10mcg/hr , buprenorphine 0.4mg , buprenorphine 2mg , bupropion xl 100mg tab , buspirone 5mg tab , c.papaya leaf extract & t. cordifolia extract veg capsules , cabergoline 0.25mg tab , cabergoline 0.5mg tab , caffeine citrate 60mg/3ml , calcitonin(salmon) 200iu 30 meter dose 3.7ml nasal spray , calcitriol + calcium carbonate + omega 3+ epa+dha+methylcobalamin+ floic acid+ sodium borate softgel cap , calcitriol 0.25mcg +calcium carbonate 200mg + folic acid 500mg +methylcobalamin 1500mcg+ fish oil tab , calcitrol 0.25mcg + calcium carbonate 500mg + zinc 7.5mg cap , calcium + methylcoblamine + folic acid + b6 , calcium 500mg + calcitrol 0.25mg tab , calcium 500mg + cholecalciferol (vit d3) 400 iu chewable tab , calcium acetate 667mg tab , calcium carbonate 500mg with vit d3 250iu tab , calcium carbonate 80 mg + sodium alginate 250 mg + sodium bicarbonate 133.5 mg syrup , calcium carbonate with vit d3,500mg , calcium chloride (10%w/v) 10ml inj , calcium citrate malate 250mg + calcitrol 0.25mcg + zinc sulphate 7.5mg tab , calcium citrate maleate vitamin d3 + folic acid (ccm) , calcium dobesilate 500mg cap , calcium pantothenate tablet , calcium phosphate magnesiun zinc and vit. d3 suspension 200 ml , calcium with vitamin d3 200ml suspension , camellia sinensis oral rinze solution , camphor 25mg + chlorothymol 5mg + eucalyptol 125mg + terpinol 120mg + memthol 55mg soft gelatin capsules , cap miltefosine 50mg , capecitabine 500 mg , carbamazepine 100mg , carbamazepine 200mg tab , carbamezepine retard 200mg , carboplatin 150mg inj , carboplatin 450mg inj , carboplatin 6000mg inj , carboprost inj , carboprost tromethamine 250mcg/ml 1ml inj , carboprost 250mcg/ml , carboxy methyl cellulose 0.5% eye drop 10ml , carboxymethyl cellulose 1% , cardioplegia solution 20ml inj , carvedilol 3.125mg tab , caspofungin acetate 50mg inj , caspofungin acetate 70 mg inj , cefaclor (125mg/5ml) 30ml syp , cefepime 1000mg + sulbactam 500mg inj , cefepime 1gm inj , cefepime 1gm+tazobactam 125 mg , cefepime 500mg+tazobactam 62.5 mg , cefixime (200mg) + ornidazole(500mg) , cefixime 100mg tab , cefixime 200mg , cefixime 200mg + ofloxacin 200mg , cefixime 50mg/5ml , cefixime oral suspension 50mg/5ml , cefixime 100mg syp , cefoperazone 1gm inj , cefoperazone sodium + sulbactam (500mg + 500mg) inj , cefoperazone 1 gm + sulbactam 0.5 gm (500mg) , cefotaxim + sulbactum 375 mg , cefotaxim + sulbactum 750 mg , cefotaxime 125mg , cefotaxime 1gm inj , cefotaxime 250mg inj , cefoxitin 1gm inj , cefpodoxime proxetil 200mg tab , ceftazidime 1gm inj , ceftazidime 250mg inj , ceftriaxone 1gm + sulbactam 500mg inj , ceftriaxone 1gm + tazobactam 125 mg inj , ceftriaxone 1gm inj , ceftriaxone 250mg , ceftriaxone 2gm inj , ceftriaxone + sulbactam + disodium edetate 1.5g , ceftriaxone + sulbactam + disodium edetate 3g , cefuroxime 1.5gm inj , cefuroxime 250 mg , cefuroxime axetil 500mg tab , cefuroxime injections 1.5gm , cefuroxime sod. 1.5gm , cefuroxime sodium 750mg inj , cerebrolysin neuropeptide 5ml ampoule , cerebroprotein 60mg , cerebroprotein hydrolysate (90mg) tab , ceritinib 150mg cap , cetirizine hcl 10 mg tab , cetirizine syp , cetrorelix 0.25mg inj , cetuximab 100mg inj , chlorambucil 2mg tab , chloramphenicol 10mg+ polymyxin b 10000 iu ointment , chlordiazepoxide 25mg tab , chlordiazepoxide 5mg tab , chlordizepoxide 5mg + clidinium bromide 2.5mg tab , chlorhexidine gluconate (0.25% w/w) + metronidazole (10mg) gel , chlorhexidine gluconate and cetrimide solution 100ml , chloroquine 500mg tab , chlorpheniramine 15mg + ferrous fumarate 300mg + folic acid 1.5mg cap , chlorpheniramine maleate (2mg) + paracetamol/acetaminophen (500mg) + phenylephrine (10mg) (solvin tab) , chlorpheniramine maleate (2mg/5ml) + levodropropizine (30mg/5ml) 120ml syp , chlorpheniramine maleate (2mg/5ml) + phenylephrine (5mg/5ml) 60ml syp , chlorpheniramine maleate (4mg) + codeine (10mg) (syp phensedyl) , chlorpheniramine maleate 2mg + paracetamol 500mg + phenylephrine 10mg , chlorpromazine 50mg , chlorpromazine hcl 100mg tab , chlorthalidone + telmisartan , chlorzoxazone 500mg + diclofenac potassium 50mg + paracetamol 325mg tab , cholecalciferol (vit d3) (400iu/ml) oral drops 15ml , cholecalciferol (vit d3) 60000 iu chewable tab , cholecalciferol (vit.d3) 600000 iu inj , cholecalciferol oral drops (vit. d3) 15ml , choline salicylate (8%w/v) + tannic acid( 5% w/v) gel , clopidogrel 75mg tab , cilnidipine 10mg tab , cilnidipine 5mg , cilostazol 100mg tab , cilostazol tab 50mg , cinnarizine 25mg tab , cinnarizine 75mg , ciprofloxacin 250mg , ciprofloxacin 0.2% 100ml iv fluid , ciprofloxacin 0.3% w/v eye drop 5ml , ciprofloxacin 250mg + tinidazole 300 mg tab , ciprofloxacin 500mg + tinidazole 600 mg tab , ciprofloxacin 500mg tab , ciprofloxacin and dexamethasone eye/ear 10ml drops , cisatracurium 10mg inj , cisatracurium 20mg inj , cisplatin 50mg inj , citicoline 500mg tab , cladiribine 10mg , clarithromycin 500mg inj , clarithromycin 50mg tab , clav acid + amoxy (125+250) mg , clav acid + amoxy (125+500) mg tab , clav acid + amoxy (31.25+125) 30ml , clav.acid 125 + amoxicilline 875mg , clindamycin 100mg + clotrimazole 200mg vaginal suppositories , clindamycin 150mg cap , clindamycin 300mg cap , clindamycin 600mg capsule , clindamycin 20gm gel , cilnidipine 10mg tab , clobazam 10mg , clobazam 5mg , clobetasol (0.05% w/w) + salicylic acid (6% w/w) ointment (propysalic nf6) , clobetasol + miconazole + neomycin gel , clobetasol 0.05 % w/w + gentamycin 0.1 % w/w + miconazole 2 % w/w cream , clobetasol 0.05% 30g cream , clobetasol propionate 30gm , clomiphene citrate 25mg tab , clonazepam 0.25mg tab , clonazepam 0.5mg tab , clonazepam 1mg , clonazepam 2mg , clonidine 100mcg tab , clopidogrel 75 mg , clopidogrel 75mg + aspirin 75mg tab , clotrimazole 100mg vaginal tab , clotrimazole lozenges 10mg , clotrimazole mounth paint 25ml , clotrimazole+beclomethasone oint , clozapine 100mg tab , clozapine 200mg , clozapine 25mg , clozapine 50mg tab , co enzyme kaneka q 10 100mg , codeine + promethazine 60ml , coenzyme q10 100mg cap , colistimethate sodium 1000000(1m) iu inj. , colistimethate sodium 2000000(2m) iu inj. , colistimethate sodium 3000000(3m) iu inj , colloidal iron 25mg +lysine 200mg + vitb12 ?g + folic acid 200?g 15ml drop , conjugated estrogen 0.3mg tab , conjugated estrogen 0.625mg tab , conjugated typhoid vaccine , contrast non ionic for ct / angio (ioperamide) 370 mg, 50ml , contrast non ionic for ct / angio (loperamide) 370mg 100ml , contrast non ionic for ct(ioperamide) 300mg/ml,100ml , contrast non ionic for ct(ioperamide) 300mg/ml,50ml , controlled release tablets of tramadol hydrochloride 100mg , crizotinib 200mg cap , crizotinib 250mg cap , curcumin preparation for oral mouthwash , cyanocobalamin 15mg + ferrous fumarate 300mg + folic acid 1.5mg cap , cyclopentolate 0.5% , cyclophospamide 50mg tab , cyclophosphamide 1000mg inj , cyclophosphamide 200mg inj , cyclophosphamide 25mg tab , cyclophosphamide 500mg inj , cyclophosphamide 50mg tab , cyclosporine 100mg cap , cyclosporine 25mg cap , cyclosporine 50mg cap , cyclosporine 50ml syp , cyproterone (2mg) + ethinyl estradiol (0.035mg) tab , cytarabine 500mg , dabigatran etexilate 75mg , dabigatran etexilate mesilate 110mg cap , dabigatran etexilate mesilate 150mg cap , dacarbazine 100mg inj , dacarbazine 200 mg inj , dacarbazine 500mg inj , dactinomycin 0.5mg , dacomitinib 45mg tab , dactinomycin/ actinomycin d 0.5mg inj. , dantabija+haridra+zingiber officinalelozenges , dapagliflozin 10mg + metformin er 500mg tab , dapagliflozin 10mg + sitagliptin 100mg tab , dapagliflozin/metformin hcl (extended release) tablets , daptomycin 350mg inj , darbepoetin 100mcg , darbepoetin 200mcg , darbepoetin 25 mcg , darbepoetin 40mcg , darifenacin 7.5mg tab , dasatinib 100mg tab , dasatinib 50mg tab , dasatinib 70mg tab , daunorubicin hcl 20mg inj , decitabine 50mg/vial , deferasirox 250mg , deferasirox 500mg tab , deflazacort 12mg tab , deflazacort 24mg tab , deflazacort 30mg tab , deflazacort 6mg tab , desloratadine 5mg + montelukast 10mg tab , desogestrel 0.15mg + ethinyl estradiol 0.02mg tab , desonide 0.05% w/w 10gm cream , desvenlafaxine 100mg tab , desvenlafaxine 50mg tab , desvenlafaxine 75mg tab , dexamethasone intravitreal implant (0.7mg) inj , dexamethasone ip 0.5 tablet , dexamethasone ip 2mg tablet , dexamethasone ip 4mg tablet , dexamethasone ip 8mg tablet , dexketoprofen (1.25% w/w) 30gm gel , dexketoprofen 25mg tab , dexketoprofen 50mg/2ml inj , dexmedetomidine hcl 100 mcg/ml, 2 ml , dexmedetomidine hcl 100mcg/ml 1ml , dexraprazole sodium (ec) 10mg + domperidone 30mg cap , dexraprazole sodium 10mg tab , dextran 40 (10%) in 0.9% normal saline 500ml , dextromethorphan hydrobromide + chlorpheniramine maleate 100ml syrup , dextromethorphan hydrobromide + phenylpherine + chlorpheniramine maleate sugar free syp 100ml , dextromethorphan hydrobromide 5mg lozenges , dextromethorphan hydrobromide, chlorphenramine maleate, guaifenesin, ammonium chloride 100ml syrup , dextromethorphan hydrobromide+phenylpherine+ chlorpheniramine maleate sugar free syrup 100ml , dextrose 10% 1000ml , dextrose 10% 1000ml (glass) , dextrose 10% 500 ml , dextrose 5% 500ml , dextrose 50% 100ml , diacerein 50mg cap , diacerein 50mg + glucosamaine sulphate potassium chloride 750mg + methylsulfonylmethane 250mg tab , diazepam 5 mg tab , diazoxide 25mg tab , diclofenac 1%(diclofenac diethyl 1.16%w/w) gel 15g , diclofenac 1.16% w/w + linseed oil 3% w/w + benzyl alcohol 1% w/w + menthol 5% w/w 30gm gel , diclofenac 100mg tab , diclofenac 25mg suppository , diclofenac 50mg + thiocolchiside 8mg cap , diclofenac gel , diclofenac potassium 50mg + paracetamol 325mg + chlorzoxazone 500mg tab , diclofenac sodium sr 75mg tab , diethylcarbamazine 250mg + chlorpheniramine maleate 5mg tab , diethylcarbamazine citrate 100mg tab , digoxin 0.25mg tab , digoxin 0.5mg/2ml inj , dihydrorhodamine 123 , diltiazem 2% ointment 30gm , diltiazem 25mg inj , diltiazem 30mg tab , diltiazem cd 60mg tab , diltiazem cd 90mg tab , diltiazem cd120mg , dimethyl fumarate 120mg delayed release , dimethyl fumarate 240mg delayed release , diosmin 500mg tab , diphenhydramine (14.08mg/5ml) + ammonium chloride (138mg/5ml) + sodium citrate (57.03mg/5ml) syrup , disodium hydrogen citrate (alkalyser) 1.4gm syrup 100ml , disulfiram 250mg , divalproex sodium 1000mg tab , dobutamine(50mg/ml) 5ml inj , docetaxel concentrate 120mg with 3ml solvent , docetaxel concentrate 20mg/0.5ml with solvent , docetaxel concentrate 80mg with solvent , docetaxel nanosomal 80mg inj , domperidone10 mg+omeprazole 20 mg , domperidone 10mg tab , domperidone oral suspension 30ml , donepezil 10mg tab , donepezil 5mg + memantine 5mg tab , donepezil 5mg tab , dopamine hydrochloride 200mg/5ml inj , doripenem 500mg inj , dorzolamide hcl 2% eye drop , doxepin 25mg , doxepin 75mg , doxofylline 400mg tab , doxorubicin 10 mg , doxorubicin 100mg , doxorubicin 50 mg inj , doxorubicin hcl liposomal 50mg , doxorubicin hydrochloride 10 mg inj , doxorubicin liposomal 20mg , doxycycline 100mg cap , doxycycline 100mg inj , doxylamine succinate + pyridoxine hcl (10/10mg) tab , drotaverine 40mg , drotaverine 40mg/2ml inj , drotaverine 80mg , drotaverine 80mg + aceclofenac 100mg , drotaverine 80mg + mefenamic acid 250mg , drotaverine hcl 40mg tab , drotaverine hcl 40mg/2ml inj , duloxetine 20mg tab , duloxetine 30mg , duloxetine hcl 20 mg tab , dutasteride 0.5mg tab , dydrogestrone 10mg tab , each film coated tablet contains olmesartan medoxomil 20mg , each film coated tablet contains olmesartan medoxomil 40mg , each film coated tablet contains omlesrtan medoxomil 20mg + hydrochlorothiazide ip 12.5mg , each transdermal patch of 10 cm2 contains : rivastigimine base 18 mg in vivo release 9.5 mg/ 24 hr , ebastine 10mg tab , ecg jelly 250 ml , efavirenz 600mg tab , eltrombopag olamine 25 mg , eltrombopag olamine 50 mg , empagliflozin 10mg tablet , empagliflozin 25mg tablet , enalapril 1 ml inj , enalapril 5 mg tab , enalapril maleate 10mg + hydrochlorthiazide 25mg tab , enalapril maleate 10mg tab , enalapril maleate 2.5mg tab , entecavir 0.5mg tab , entecavir 1mg tab , enteral nutrition high protein 400g (protein value should not below 42 per 100g powder) , enteral nutrition renal failure patients , enteral tube feed standard 400gm (gluten free, all types and pack sizes) , enzalutamide 160mg tab , enzalutamide 40mg cap , eperisone 150mg tab , ephedrine 30mg 1 ml , epirubicin 100mg inj , epirubicin 10mg inj , epirubicin 150mg inj , epirubicin 50 mg , eplerenone 25mg , eplerenone 50mg , eribuline 1mg inj , erlotinib 100mg tab , erythromycin 500mg tab , erythropoetin 40000iu/1ml pre filled syringe , erythropoetin 10,000 alpha , erythropoetin 40000 thermostable , erythropoetin 6000 alpha , escitalopram oxalate + clonazepam , escitalopram oxalate 10mg tab , escitalopram oxalate 15mg tab , escitalopram oxalate 20mg + clonazepam 0.5mg tab , esmolol 100mg inj , esomeprazole 40mg+domperidone 30mg , esomeprazole+itopride , escitalopram 10mg , estradiol valerarte 2mg tab , estradiol valerate 2 mg , etanercept 25 mg , etanercept , ethinyl estradiol(0.05mg)+ levonorgestrel(0.25mg) tab , ethyl esters of iodized fatty acids of poppy seed oil (lipiodol ultra fluid) 480mg/ml inj , etizolam (0.5mg) + propranolol (20mg) tab , etizolam 0.5mg tab , etofylline / etophylline (231mg) + theophylline (69mg) tab , etofylline and theophylline 2ml inj , etofylline etophylline (115mg) + theophylline (35mg) pr tab , etomidate 10ml inj , etoricoxib 120 mg , etoricoxib 60mg + thiocolchicoside 4mg tab , etoricoxib 60mg tab , etoricoxib 90 mg , euphorbia prostrata extract 100mg , everolimus 0.25 mg , everolimus 0.50 mg , everolimus 10mg tab , everolimus 5mg tab , exemestane 25mg , extractum cepae + heparin sodium + allantoin gel , eye drop atropine 1% , eye drop brimonidine , eye drop bromfenac , eye drop dorzolamide+timolol , eye drop latanoprost 50 mcg , eye drop natamycin , eye drop pilocarpine 2% , eye drop sodium chloride 5% , eye drop timolol 0.5% , eye drop tropicamide 1% , eye drop tropicamide+phenylephrine , eye drops carboxy methyl cellulose , eye drops loteprednol etabonate , eye ointment chloramphenicol ip (10mg/gm) + polymixin – b sulphate bp (10000 unit/gm) + dexamethasone sodium phosphate ip (1mg/gm) , eye ointment chloramphenicol ip (10mg/gm) + polymyxin – b sulphate (10000 unit/gm) , eye sol bimatoprost , ezetimibe 10mg + atorvastatin 10mg tab , ezetimibe 10mg tab , factor viii , factor viii (monoclonal) inj , factor viii 250iu , famotidine 20mg tab , faropenem 200mg , faropenem 300mg tab , febuxostat 40mg tab , febuxostat 80mg tab , femiplex tab. , fenofibrate 145mg tab , fenofibrate 200mg tab , fentanyl 100 mcg/2ml , fentanyl 500mcg/ 10ml inj , fentanyl patches 12 mcg , fentanyl patches 25 mcg , fentanyl patches 50 mcg , fentanyl transdermal patch 25 mcg/hr , fentanyl transdermal patch 50mcg hr , ferrous ascorbate and folic acid 150ml syp , ferrous sulphate tab , fexofenadine 120mg tab , fexofenadine 180mg tab , fexofenadine 30mg/5ml syp , fexofenadine hcl 30mg/5ml 100ml suspension , fibrin sealant solution 2 ml , finasteride 1mg tab , finasteride 5mg tab , fluconazole 150mg tab , fluconazole 200mg tab , fluconazole 50mg tab , fludrocortisone 0.1mg tab , fluid iv dextrose 5% 500ml , fluid iv 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(20mcg) + budesonide (0.5mg) 2ml respules , formeterol (6mcg/spray) + budesonide (400mcg/spray) inhaler 120 metered dose , formeterol 12mcg + budesonide 400mcg rotacap , formeterol 6mcg + budesonide 200mcg rotacap , formeterol budesonide(6/200ug) , formoterol (20mcg) + budesonide (0.5mg) respules 2ml , formoterol (4.8mcg) + glycopyrrolate (9mcg) 120mdi , formoterol (6mcg/spray) + budesonide (400mcg/spray) inhaler 120 metered dose , formula feed preterm,lbw containing per 100ml energy 76cal,proteins 1.9gm,fat 3.9gm, carbohydrate 8.4gm, vit d 6471u , formula feed term containing milk solids, corn oil, minerals, vitamins, soya lecithin, soyabean oil, algal oil , fosaprepitant 150 mg inj , fosaprepitant 50mg , fosfomycin 4gm , framycetin skin cream 30 gm , freeze dried live attenuated hepatitis a vaccine 80 iu , furosemide (10mg / ml) 2ml inj , furosemide (10mg/ml) 4ml inj , fulvestrant 250mg , fulvestrant 250mg/5ml prefilled syringe , fungal diastase + pepsin 200ml , furosemide 40mg tab , fusidic acid cream 15gm , gabapentin 100 mg , gabapentin 100mg + alpha lipoic acid 100mg +methylocobalamine 500mg tab , gabapentin 300mg +mecobalamin500mcg , gabapentin 300mg capsule , gabapentin (400mg) + nortriptyline (10mg) (gabapin cap) , gabapentin 100mg + nortriptyline hydrochloride 10mg tab , gabapentin 300mg + amitriptyline 10mg tab , gabapentin 400mg + nortriptyline hydrochloride 10mg tab , gabapentin 6% w/w + lidocaine 5 % w/w gel , gadobenate 529mg/ml 10ml , gadobenate 529mg/ml 15ml , gadobenate 529mg/ml 20ml , gadobenate 529mg/ml 5ml , gadoteric acid 10 ml , gadoteric acid 20 ml , gadoteridol 279.3mg/ml 10ml , gadoteridol 279.3mg/ml 15ml , gadoteridol 279.3mg/ml 20ml , gadoteridol 279.3mg/ml 5ml , gamma linolenic acid 120mg cap , ganciclovir 250mg inj , gefitinib 250mg tab , gemcitabine 1.4gm inj , gemcitabine 1gm inj , gemcitabine 200mg inj , gemcitabine hcl 1.4gm inj , gemcitabine hcl 1gm inj , gentamycin 80mg 2ml inj , glibenclamide 5mg tab , gliclazide (80mg) + metformin (500mg) tab , gliclazide 40mg , gliclazide 80mg , gliclazide modified release 60mg , gliclazide xr 60mg tab , glimepiride (1mg) + metformin (1000mg) tab , glimepiride 1mg , glimepiride 1mg + metformin sr 500mg + pioglitazone 15mg , glimepiride 2mg , glimepiride 2mg + metformin 500mg (gemer 2) , glimepiride 2mg + metformin 500mg + voglibose 0.3mg tab , glimepiride 2mg + metformin er 1000mg + pioglitazone 15mg tab , glimepiride 2mg + metformin er 500mg + pioglitazone 15mg tab , glimepride 2mg+metformin 1000mg tab , glutamine 600mg , glutaraldehye solution 2.45% 5 ltr , glutathione 600mg , glycerol 100gm syp , glycerol anhydrous 500 ml oral solution , glycerol anhydrous 500ml (specification: assay c3h8o3 = 98% , density (d 20 °/4 °c) 1.255 1.261 , water = 2%) syp , glycine 1.5% 3 ltr , glycopyrrolate 0.2mg / 1ml , glycopyrrolate 1mg tab , glycopyrrolate inhalation solution 25 mcg 1ml , glycopyrrolate 0.2mg / 1ml inj , haemocoagulase 1ml inj , hair removal cream 30gm , halobetasol propionate (0.05% w/w) + salicyclic acid (3.0% w/w) 15gm ointment , halobetasol propionate (0.05%w/w) 30gm cream , halobetasol propionate cream , haloperidol 0.5mg tab , haloperidol 1.5mg tab , haloperidol 10mg tab , haloperidol 2mg tab , haloperidol 5mg inj , haloperidol 5mg tab , haloperidol decanoate 100mg/ml inj , haloperidol decanoate 50mg , halothane 250ml , hemostatic matrix sealent 5ml , heparin 25000iu / 5ml , heparin 5000iu inj , heparin low molecular wt 10000 iu inj , heparin low molecular wt 2500 iu , heparin low molecular wt 40 mg , heparin low molecular wt 5000 iu , heparin low molecular wt 60mg , heparin sodium topical solution 1000 iu / ml , hepatitis b vaccine 1ml inj , hfs cream , high protein high fiber nutrition supplement , high protein supplement: 100% whey protein , highly purified chorionic gonadotropin 10000iu , highly purified chorionic gonadotropin 5000iu , homatropine hydrobromide eye drops ip 5 ml , human albumin injection 20% (50ml bottle) (for sterile iv use) , human chorionic gonadotropin hormone 10000 i.u inj , human growth hormone 12iu , human hepatitis b immunoglobulin ip 100iu/0.5ml inj , human papillomavirus 9 valent vaccine recombinant , human pappiloma virus(quadrivalant) pre filled syringe , hyaluronic acid (8mg/ml) 6ml prefilled syringe , hyaluronic acid 2.5% + lidocaine hydrochloride 0.03 dermal filler , hyaluronidase 1500iu inj , hydralazine 25mg tab , hydrochlorthiazide 12.5mg tab , hydrochlorthiazide 25mg , hydrocortisone 5mg tab , hydrocortisone sodium succinate 100mg inj , hydrogen peroxide solution 6.5% 100ml , hydroquinone 2% + mometasone 0.1% + tretinoin 0.025 % 20gm cream , hydroquinone, tretinoin & mometasone furoate cream , hydroxy urea 500mg , hydroxychloroquine 200mg tab , hydroxychloroquine 400mg tab , hydroxychloroquine sulphate 300mg , hydroxyprogesterone 500mg inj , hydroxypropyl methylcellulose 2% ophthalmic solution pre filled syringe , hydroxypropylmethycellulose 2% eye gel , hydroxyzine 25mg tab , hylan polymer a and b g f 20 8mg/ml pre filled syringe 6ml , hyoscine butylbromide 20mg inj , hyroxyzine 25mg tab , ibandronic acid 6mg , ibuprofen 100mg + paracetamol 162.5mg suspension 60ml , ibuprofen 400mg , ibuprofen 400mg + paracetamol 325mg + chlorzoxazone 250mg tab , ibuprofen 400mg + paracetamol 325mg tab , ibuprofen and paracetamol suspension 60 ml , idarubicin 50mg inj , ifosfamide inj. 2gm with mesna , imatinib 100mg tab , imatinib 400mg , imepenum+cilastatin 250mg , imipenam+cilastatin 500mg , imipenem with closed delivery system , imipenium 250mg + cilastatin 250 mg inj , inactivated influenza vaccine 0.5ml inj , indacaterol + glycopyrronium , indapamide 1.5mg tab , indapamide 2.5mg tab , indomethacin 75mg cap , indomethacin suppository , infliximab 200mg , inosine pranobex ( inosine acedoben dimepranol) 500mg tab , insulin 50/50 r/nph premixed 100u/ml 3ml (pen) , insulin 50/50 r/nph premixed 40u/ml 10ml vail , insulin human 30 70 100iu inj 10 ml vial , insulin lispro (25%) + insulin lispro protamine (75%) inj , insulin syringe 1ml (u 40) , interferon beta 1a , intratrachel pulmonary porcine natural lung surfuctant 1.5 ml inj. , iodixanol 270mg i/ml 100ml inj , iodixanol 270mg i/ml 50ml inj , iodixanol 320mg/ml 50ml inj , iohexol (300mg/ml) 200ml , iohexol (300mg/ml) 500ml , iohexol (350mg/ml) 200ml , iohexol injection 350mg/ml 100ml inj , iomeprol 400mg/ml 100ml , iomeprol 400mg/ml 50ml , iopamidol 370ml/ml 100ml , iopamidol 370ml/ml 50ml , ipratropium bromide 500mcg respules , iron (iii) hydroxide polymaltose complex 100mg + folic acid 550mcg cap , iron sucrose 5ml inj , iron with zinc 200ml syp , isabgol husk 100gm powder , isavuconazole 100mg capsule , isoflurane 100ml , isoflurane 250ml , isoniazid 300mg tab , isophane insulin 40iu inj , isoprenaline 2mginj , isosorbide dinitrate 5mg tab , isosorbide mononitrate 20mg , isotretinoin 20mg tab , isoxsuprine hcl 10mg/2ml , itopride 50 mg , itraconazole 100mg cap , ivermectin 12mg , 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lactulose 60ml , lactulose enema 100ml , lactulose enema 20% 275ml , lactulose enema 20% 300ml , lactulose oral solution 100ml , lactulose with isabgula husk , lamivudine 100mg tab , lamivudine 150mg , lamotrigine 100mg , lamotrigine 25mg , lamotrigine sr 50mg , lanoline ointment 20gm tube , lansoprazole 15mg (dispersible) , lansoprazole 15mg cap , lapatinib ditosylate 250mg tab , l asparaginase 10000iu , l asparaginase 5000iu inj , latanaprost 50mcg + benzalkonium chloride solution ip 0.02% eye drop 2.5ml , latanaprost 50mcg eye drop , latanaprost 50mcg+benzalkonium chloride solution ip 0.02% eye drop 2.5ml , l carnitine 500mg + mecobalamin ip 500mcg + folic acid 1.5mg tab , leucovorin (10mg ml) 5 ml inj , lecovorin 15mg tab , leflunomide 10mg tab , leflunomide 20mg tab , lenalidomide 10mg cap , lenalidomide 25mg , lenalidomide 5mg cap , lenvatinib 4mg cap , letrozole 2.5mg tab , leucovorin (10mg ml) 5ml inj , leucovorin 50 mg 5ml , leuprolide acetate 11.25mg , leuprolide acetate 22.5mg inj , leuprolide acetate 3.75mg inj , leuprolide acetate 45mg inj , leuprolide acetate 7.5mg inj , leuprolide acetate 22.5mg , levetiracetam 1mg , levetiracetam 750mg , levetiracetam (110mg / ml) 5ml inj , levetiracetam 1gm tab , levetiracetam 250mg tab , levetiracetam 750mg tab , levitiracetam 500mg tab , levobupivacaine 20mg/4ml inj , levobupivacaine 25mg/10ml inj , levobupivacaine in dextrose inj (heavy) , levocarnitine 100ml syp , levocarnitine 150mg + vitamin e 200mg tab , levocarnitine 1gm inj , levocarnitine 30ml syp , levocarnitine 500mg tab , levo carnitine( 340 mg) +coenzymesq10( 50mg) +zinc (5mg) + lycopene 2.5 mg + astaxanthin( 8 mg) , levocetirizine 2.5mg/5ml syrup , levocetirizine hydrochloride 2.5mg / ml 60ml syrup , levocetirizine+montelukast syrup , levocetirizine 2.5mg/5ml 30ml syrup , levocetirizine 5mg tab , levocetirizine hydrochloride 2.5mg/ml 60ml syrup , levodopa 100mg + carbidopa 25mg tab , levodopa 100mg+ carbidopa 10mg , levofloxacin 500mg / 100ml inj 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(snakevenom antiserum powder) , magnesium sulphate 50%w/v 2ml inj , magnesium sulphate, urea, sulphacetamide sodium, proflavine 75gm ointment , measles vaccine (live) (1000ccid50) + mumps virus vaccine (5000ccid50) + rubella vaccine (live) (1000ccid50) inj , mebeverine 200mg tab , mebeverine hcl 135mg tab , mecobalamin 1500 mcg+nortripytyline 10mg+pregabalin 75mg , medroxyprogesterone acetate 10mg tab , mefenamic acid 100 mg/5 ml suspension , megestrol acetate 40mg tab , meglumine diatrizoate + sodium diatrizoate (37%) , meglumine diatrizoate + sodium diatrizoate (76%) , memantine 5mg , meningococcal vaccine (group a, c, y & w 135) (16mcg) + diphtheria toxoid (48mcg) inj , menotropin 150 iu inj , mephenteramine (30mg/ml) 10ml inj , mercaptopurine 50mg tab , meropenem 1gm + tazobactam 0.125gm (1:1) inj , meropenem 500mg inj , meropenem + tezobactam (1:1 combination) 1gm+0.125gm , meropenem 1gm inj , meropenem 250mg , meropenem 500mg inj , mesalamine prolonged release 1200mg tab , mesalamine 800mg , mesalamine pallets , mesna (100mg/ml) 2ml inj , mesna 200mg / 2ml for iv inj , metolazone (5mg) , metformin (500mg) + glimepiride (1mg) , metformin 1000mg sr , metformin 500 sr , metformin 500mg + teneligliptin20mg tab , metformin 500mg tab , methotrexate (25mg/ml) 2ml inj , methotrexate 10mg tab , methotrexate 15mg inj , methotrexate 15mg tab , methotrexate 2.5mg tab , methotrexate 500mg inj , methotrexate 5mg tab , methotrexate 7.5mg tab , methoxy polyeyhylene glycol epotien beta 50mcg , methyl prednisolone 16 mg , methyl prednisolone 4mg tab , methyl prednisolone sodium succinate 125mg inj , methyl prednisolone sodium succinate 1gm inj , methyl prednisolone sodium succinate 500mg inj , methylcobalamin (1500mcg) + vitamin b6 (pyridoxine) (5mg) + benfotiamine (50mg) + alpha lipoicacid (200mg) + folic acid (5mg) + biotin (5mg) cap , methylcobalamine (500mcg/ml) 1ml inj , methylcobalamine 1500mcg + l metylfolate 1mg + pyridoxal s phosphate 0.5mg cap , metoclopramide (5mg/ml) 2ml inj , metoclopramide 10mg tab , metolazone 2.5mg , metoprolol 100mg xr tab , metoprolol 12.5 mg er cap , metoprolol 25mg + telmisartan 20mg tab , metoprolol 25mg tab , metoprolol 50mg tab , metoprolol 5mg/ml 5ml inj , metoprolol er 25mg tab , metoprolol er 50mg tab , metoprolol succinate xl/xr 100mg , metoprolol succinate xl/xr 25mg , metoprolol succinate xl/xr 50mg , metronidazole 2% and povidone iodine 10% ointment 15g , metronidazole 2% and povidone iodine 10% ointment 20g , metronidazole 400mg tab , metronidazole 60ml syp , midazolam 5mg/5ml , midodrine 2.5 mg , midodrine 5 mg , mifepristone & misoprostol tab (mifty kit) , milrinone lactate 10mg/10ml inj , miltefosine 50mg cap , minocycline 100mg inj , minoxidil 25mg tab , minoxidil 5% 60ml solution , mirabegron 25 mg + solifenacin 5 mg tab , mirabegron 25mg tab , mirabegron 50mg , mirtazapine 7.5mg tab , misoprostal 200mcg tab , mitomycin 2mg inj , mizolastine modified release 10mg tab , mometasone furoate 0.1% w/w cream 15 gm , mometasone furoate(50mcg/spray) nasal spray 100 metered dose , montelukast 10mg + levocetirizine 5mg tab , montelukast 10mg tab , montelukast+fexofenadine , morphine 1 ml (15 mg/ml) , morphine 10mg tab , morphine 10mg/ml inj , morphine 20mg tab , morphine 30 mg cr tab , morphine 60 mg tab , mouth desolving cough tab , moxifloxacin (0.5% w/v)+loteprednol etabonate (0.5% w/v) eye drop 5ml , moxifloxacin (0.5%) preservative free for intracameral use , moxifloxacin + loteprednol 0.5%w/v (4 quin lot eye drop) , moxifloxacin 0.5 % with dexamethasone 0.1 %, self preserved with drop tainer system. 5ml , moxifloxacin 0.5%w/v eye drop 5ml , moxifloxacin 400mg 100ml inj , moxifloxacin 400mg tab , moxonidine 0.3mg tab , multiple electrolytes injection type 1 balanced salt solution bag 250ml , multi vitamin 10ml inj , multi vitamin syrup 200 ml , multivitamin , multimineral and lycopene tab , multivitamin + biotin tab , multivitamin 100ml syrup , multivitamin 10ml inj (mvi) , multivitamin 200ml syrup , multivitamin drop 15ml , multivitamin with zinc syp , multivitamin and multimineral with dha and inulin powder 200gm , mupirocin ointment ip 15gm , mycophenolate mofetil 250mg tab , mycophenolate mofetil 500mg tab , mycophenolate mofetil 750mg , mycophenolate sodium 180mg , mycophenolate sodium 360mg , n acetyl cystine 600mg , n butyl cyanoacrylate 0.5ml , n(2) l alanyl l glutamine concentrated solution for intravenous infusion 20gm/100ml (dipeptiven) , nab paclitaxel 100mg , nadifloxacin 1% w/w cream , nalbuphine hcl inj. 10mg , nalbuphine hcl inj. 20mg , naloxone (0.4mg/ml) 1ml inj , naloxone 0.5mg + buprenorphine 2mg tab , naloxone 400mcg/1ml inj , naltrexone 50mg tab , nandrolone decanoate 100mg inj , nanoparticle albumin bound paclitaxel 100mg20 ml vial , nasal drop oxymetazoline , natamycin 5% eye drop 5ml , natural micronised progesterone capsules 200mg , natural micronised progesterone capsules 300mg , n butyl 2 cyanoacrylate glue 1ml inj , n butyl cyanoacrylate 0.5ml , nebivolol 2.5mg tab , nebivolol 5mg + hydrochlorothiazide 12.5mg tab , nebivolol 5mg tab , neomycin (0.5%w/v) + beclometasone (0.025% w/v) + clotrimazole (1% w/v) + lidocaine (2% w/v) ear drop , neomycin (3400iu) + polymyxin b (5000iu)+ bacitracin (400iu) powder , neomycin (3400iu) + polymyxin b (5000iu)+ bacitracin (400iu)+ hydrocortisone(10mg) 5gm ointment , neomycin + beclomethasone + clotrimazole + lignocaine 5ml ear drop , neomycin + polymyxin+steroid ear drops , neostigmine methylsulphat inj. 0.5mg/ml (1ml ampoule) (for sc/im/iv use) , neostigmine 0.5mg/ml ampoule , nepafenac 0.1%, 0.3% , nepafenac ophthalmic suspension 01% w/v eye drop , netupitant(300mg) + palonosetron(0.5mg) cap , nevirapine 200mg , nicorandil 10mg , nicorandil 2mg inj , nicorandil 5mg , nicotine gum 2mg , nicotine gum 4mg , nicotine patch 14mg , nicotine patch 7mg , nifedipine 10mg tab , nifedipine 20mg tab , nilotinib 150mg , nilotinib 200mg cap , nimesulide 100mg , nimodipine 30mg tab , nimodipine 50ml inj , nintedanib 100mg cap , nitazoxanide 500mg tab , nitrofurantoin 100mg , nitrofurantoin 50mg sr tab , nitrofurantoin 100mg tab , nitrofurantoin 100sr , nitroglycerine 25mg/5ml inj , nitroglycerine ointment , nitroglycerine/glyceryl trinitrate 2.6mg tab , nivolumab 100mg , nivolumab 40mg , noradrenaline 2mg/2ml ampoule , noradrenaline 2ml inj , noradrenaline 4ml inj , normal saline 100ml , norethindrone 5mg tab , norethindrone acetate 5mg tab , norfloxacin + lactic acid bacillus 400 mg tab , norfloxacin 400mg + tinidazole 600mg tab , norgestrel 0.5 mg + ethinyl estradiol 0.05 mg tab , normal saline (ns) 100ml (glass) , normal saline (ns) 500ml (glass) , normal saline 0.9% 3 ltr , normal saline 100ml , normal saline 100ml coll bag , normal saline 3% 100ml , normal saline 500ml coll bag , norethindrone acetate 5mg tab , nortriptyline 25mg tab , nutrition with whey peptide based for oral & tube feeding and low osmolality (<400mos) lactose free gluten free , nutritive infusion of pure crystalline amino acids 200ml , octreotide 0.1mg inj , octreotide lar 10mg , octreotide lar 20mg , octreotide lar 30mg , oflaxacin 200mg + ornidazole 500mg tab , ofloxacin 0.3% + dexamethasone 0.1% 10ml eye drop , ofloxacin 200mg , ofloxacin 400mg , ofloxacin iv 100ml , olanzapine 10mg , olanzapine 15mg , olanzapine 5mg + fluoxetin 10 mg tab , olanzapine 5mg + fluoxetin 20mg , olanzapine 5mg tab , olanzapine inj. (for im use) , olopatadine eye drop , olmesartan 20 mg , olmesartan 20mg+amlodipine 5mg all strengths , olmesartan 40mg tab , olopatadine (7mg/ml) eye drop , olopatadine hcl ophthalmic solution 0.1% 5ml , omalizumab 150mg inj , omega 3 fatty acid+antioxidants+chromium+vit e and c cap , omeprazole 10mg cap , omeprazole 20mg , omeprazole 40mg cap , olmesartan+hydrochlorthazide 20mg , olmesartan+hydrochlorthazide 40mg , onabotulinum toxin a 50 iu , ondansetron 4mg , ondansetron 4mg tab , ondansetron 4mg/2ml inj , ondensetron 8mg , oral l glutamine with antioxidants , oral sodium diatrizoate 30ml , orlistat 120mg cap , orodispersible probiotic sachets , oseltamivir capsule 75mg , oxaliplatin 100mg inj , oxaliplatin 50 mg , oxetacaine (10mg/5ml) + aluminium hydroxide (0.291gm/5ml) + milk of magnesia (98mg/5ml) anesthetic antacid gel (sugar free) , oxybutynin chloride 2.5 mg tab , paclitaxel (nanopartical albumin bound) 100mg/vial (nab paclitaxel) inj , paclitaxel 100mg inj , paclitaxel 250mg , paclitaxel 260mg inj , paclitaxel 30 mg , paclitaxel 300 mg , paclitaxel 30mg 5ml inj , paclitaxel injection concentrate for nanodispersion 100mg , palbociclib 125mg cap , pancreatin (150mg) , pantoprazole 40+levosulpride 25 mg , pantoprazole 20mg inj , pantoprazole 20mg tab , pantoprazole 40mg tab , pantoprazole 40mg(enteric coated) + levosulpride 75mg(sustained release) cap , pantoprazole 40mg/vial inj , pantoprozole sodium 40mg + domperidon 30mg cap , papaverine 60mg inj , paracetamoli.v. 1gm , paracetamol (100mg/ml) pedicatric oral suspension 15ml drops , paracetamol (125mg/5ml) pediatric oral suspension 60ml , paracetamol + phenylephrine hydrochloride + chlorpheniramine maleate tab , paracetamol 325mg +ibuprofen 400 mg tab , paracetamol 500mg +phenylephrine hydrochloride 10mg +chlorpheniramine maleate 2mg tab , paracetamol 500mg tab , paracetamol 650mg tab , paracetamol ds syrup 250mg/5ml , paracetamol+phenylephrine hydrochloride+chlorpheniramine maleate tab , pazopanib hcl 200 mg , pazopanib hcl 400mg tab , pegfilgrastim 6mg/1ml inj , peglac powder (polyethyline glycol with electrolytes) 140gm powder , pembrolizumab 100mg inj , pemetrexed 100mg inj , pemetrexed 500mg inj , penicillamine 250mg , pentazocine 30mg inj , pentosan polysulphate sodium 100mg tab , pentoxifylline 400mg tab , perfluoro n octane liquid 5ml , perindopril 2mg tab , perindopril 4mg tab , perindopril 8mg tab , peritoneal dialysis solution (1.5%w/v dextrose) 5ltr , peritoneal dialysis solution (2.5%w/v dextrose) 5ltr , peritoneal dialysis solution with icodextrin 7.5% 2ltr , permethrin 5% w/v 60ml lotion , pertuzumab 30mg/ml (420/14ml) , pethidine (50mg/ml) 2ml inj , pheniramine maleate (22.75mg / ml) 2ml inj , phenobarbitone 200mg inj , phenobarbitone 30mg tab , phenobarbitone 60mg tab , phenylephrine 50mcg/ml 10ml inj , phenylephrine hcl 10mg 1ml inj , phenytoin sodium 100mg / 2ml inj , phenytoin sodium 100mg tab , pilocarpine nitrate ophthalmic solution 0.5% w v 1ml inj , piracetam 400 mg , piracetam 800mg tab , placenta extract gel 20gm , pneumococcal polysaccharide conjugate vaccine (23 valent absorbed) 0.5ml inj , pneumococcal 13 valent conjugate vaccine , polidocanol inj , polyethylene glycol (0.4%) + propylene glycol (0.3%) ophthalmic solution , polyethylene glycol with electrolytes for oral solution 137.15gm , polyethylene glycol without electrolyte for oral solution 112.1gm powder , polymyxin b + neomycin + hydrocortisone ear drops , polymyxin b 5000iu/ml + chloramphenicol 4mg/ml e/d , polymyxin b sulphate 500000 iu inj , pomalidomide 2mg cap , pomalidomide 4mg cap , posaconazole 40mg/ml oral suspension , potassium chloride oral solution syp , potassium iodide 500gm tab , povidone iodine 5% 20gm ointment , povidone iodine 5% solution 500ml , povidone iodine scrub 7.5% 500ml , pramipexole 0.25 , pramipexole 0.5 , pramipexole 1.0 , prasugrel 5mg tab , prazosin hydrochloride 1mg tab , prazosin hydrochloride 5mg tab , prazosine , prednisolone 10mg tab , prednisolone 20mg tab , prednisolone 30mg tab , prednisolone 40mg tab , prednisolone 5mg tab , prednisolone acteate opthalmic suspension 10ml eye drop , pregabalin 50mg cap , pregabalin 75mg + methylcobalamin 750mcg cap , pregabalin 75mg + nortriptyline hydrochloride 10mg + methylcobalamin 1500mcg tab , pregabalin 75mg + nortriptyline hydrochloride 10mg tab , pregabalin 75mg cap , pregabalin 75mg and duloxetine 20mg tab , probiotic lactobacilus cap , procarbazine 50mg tab , prochloperazine 5mg tab , prochlorperazine 10mg mouth dissolving tablet , prochlorperazine 5mg mouth dissolving tablet , prochlorperazine mesylate 12.5mg/ml inj , progesterone 8.0% w w gel , promethazine 125 ml , promethazine 25mg tab , promethazine 50mg / 2ml inj , proparacaine hydrochloride 0.5% 5ml eye drop , propranolol 10mg tab , propranolol 20mg tab , propranolol 40mg tab , protamine sulphate 50mg/5ml inj , pyrazinamide 1000mg tab , pyridostigmine 60 mg , pyridoxine 100mg tab , pyridoxine 40mg tab , quetiapine xr 50mg , quetiapine (qutipin sr 400mg tablet) , quetiapine 200mg , quetiapine 25mg tab , quetiapine 400 tab , quetiapine 50mg tab , quinine sulphate 300mg , rabeprazole 20mg + domperidone sr 30mg cap , rabeprazole 20mg tab , rabies immunoglobulin human inj 300iu , racecadotril 100mg caps , ramipiril 5mg , ramipril 1.25 mg , ramipril 10mg , ramipril 2.5 mg , ranibizumab , ranibizumab 10 mg/ml pre filled syringe , ranitidine (25mg/ml) 2ml inj , ranitidine 150mg tab , ranitidine 75mg/5ml 100ml syrup , ranitidine hcl 300mg tab , rasagiline 1 mg tab , razodone 25mg tab , recombinant human erythropoietin alfa/ epoetin alfa 5000iu inj , recombinant human g csf (sargramostim) 500 mcg inj , recombinant insulin glargine injection , regorafenib 40mg tab , remdesivir 100mg inj , remogliflozin etabonate (100mg) tablet , remogliflozin etabonate 100mg tab , risperidone 0.5mg tab , reteplase , ribavirin 200mg cap , ribociclib 200mg tab , riboflavin 10mg tab , riboflavin 5mg tab , rifampicin 300mg cap , rifaximine 550mg tab , rimetazidine 60mg , risedronate sodium 35mg tab , risperidone 0.5mg tab , risperidone 3mg + trihexyphenidyl 2mg tab , rituximab 500mg inj , rivaroxaban 10mg , rivaroxaban 15mg , rivaroxaban 20mg , rocuronium (10mg/ml) 5ml inj , romiplostim 125mcg inj , romiplostim 250mcg inj , ropinirole 0.5mg tab , ropinirole 1mg tab , ropivacaine 0.2% (2mg/ml) 20ml inj , ropivacaine 0.5% (5mg/ml ) 10ml inj , ropivacaine 0.75% (7.5mg/ml) 20ml inj , rosuvastatin 10mg + aspirin 75mg , rosuvastatin 10mg + fenofibrate 160mg , rosuvastatin 20mg , rosuvastatin 20mg + fenofibrate 160mg tab , rosuvastatin 40mg , rosuvastatin 5mg , rotacap tiotropium bromide 18mcg , rucaparib (300mg) tab , ruxolitinib 15mg tab , ruxolitinib 20mg tab , ruxolitinib 5mg , s (+) etodolac 200mg + thiocolchicoside 4mg tab , s (+) etodolac 200mg tab , s (+) etodolac 300mg tab , s( )metoprolol tartrate 50 mg , s(+)etodolac 5%w/w+camphor 4%w/w+menthol 10%w/w+methyl salicylate 5%w/w+linseed oil 3%w/w 30gm gel , saccharomyces sachet 250mg , sacubitiril+valsartan , safelex sachets c polyethylene+activated dimethieox+electrolytes , salbutamol (5mg/ml) respirator solution 15ml , salbutamol / albuterol (2.5mg) respules , salbutamol 100mcg inhaler 200 metered dose , salbutamol 2mg / 5ml syp 100ml , salbutamol 2mg tab , salbutamol 4mg tab , salicyclic acid 17% + lactic 17% + citric 8% + glycolic 15% 50ml , salicylic 20% + mandelic 10% 50ml , salicylic acid (12% w/w) 50gm ointment , salicylic acid (6% w/w) 50gm ointment , saline nasal solution , saliva supplement (mouth spray) 100ml , sunitinib capsules, 12.5g , sunitinib capsules, 25g , sunitinib capsules, 50g , saroglitazar 4 mg tablet , secubitril+valsartan (arni) , secukinumab 150mg inj , serratiopeptidase 10mg + diclofenac pot 50mg , serratiopeptidase 10mg tab , sertaconazole (2% w/w) cream , sertraline 100 mg , sertraline hcl 50mg , sevoflurane wet formulation , sildenafil 10mg/12.5ml inj , silicon oil 1000cs , silicon oil 1000mm3/cst 10ml vial , silicon oil 1500 mm2/s (cst) 10ml vial , silodosin 4mg cap , silver nitrate + hydrogen peroxide solution 5 ltr , simethicon tab 80mg , sitagliptin 50mg + metformin 500mg tab , sitagliptin phosphate 100mg tab , sitagliptin phosphate 500mg tab , sitagliptin phosphate 50mg + metformin 1000mg tab , sitagliptin phosphate 50mg tab , sodalime jar 5 ltr (pink to white) , sodium bicarbonate 1000mg tab , sodium bicarbonate 500mg tab , sodium chloride + sodium bicarbonate sachet kit(nasoclear nasal wash 3g kit) , sodium chloride 0.65% w/vnasal spray 20 ml , sodium chloride 0.9 % 500ml inj , sodium chloride 0.9% w v (isotonic) nasal spray 100ml 100g , sodium hyaluronate (3%) + chondroitin sulphate (4%) viscoelastic for opthalmic use (pre filled syringe) , sodium hyaluronate (0.18% w/v)10ml eye drop , sodium hyaluronate 1.4% w/v 1ml pfs(viscosurgical device) , sodium hyaluronate 1.65%+ 4%chondroitin sulphate 1ml pfs w/v 1ml pfs , sodium hyaluronate 10mg /ml pre filled syringe , sodium hyaluronate ophthalmic solution1.4% w/v 1ml , sodium hyaluronate(1%)10mg/ml ophthalmic viscosurgical device 0.85ml , sodium hyaluronate, pre filled syringe:20mg/2 ml pfs , sodium hyaluronate, pre filled syringe:25mg/2.5 ml pfs , sodium monofluorophosphate detal gel , sodium phosphate enema 100ml , sodium picosulfate (5mg/5ml) 120ml syp , sodium tetradecyl sulphate 30mg/1ml 2ml inj , sodium valporat + valproicacid 200mg , sodium valporate + valporic acid 500mg , sodium valporate oral solution 200ml , sodium valporate+valporic acid 300mg , sofosbuvir+velpatasvir 400+100mg , somatropin(recombinant human growth hormone) (18iu) 6mg cartridge , somatropin(recombinant human growth hormone) 16iu inj , somatropin(recombinant human growth hormone) 36iu inj , sorafenib 200mg tab , sotalol 40mg tab , spironolactone 100mg tab , spironolactone 25mg tab , stanozolol 10mg tab , stanozolol 2mg tab , stavudine 30mg+lamivudine 150mg , stavudine 30mg+lamivudine 150mg+nevirapine 200mg , sterile hemocoagulase solution(0.2cu) 10ml , sterile vancomycin hcl inj. 0.5gm (for slow iv infusion) , streptokinase 15lacks i.u inj , streptomycin 1gm inj , streptomycin 750mg inj , sucralfate + oxetacaine 200ml syp , sucralfate 100ml , sucralfate 200ml suspension , sugammadex 2 ml vial , sugammadex 200mg inj , sugammadex 5 ml vial , sulbactam + cefoperazone 1gm , sulbactam 1gm inj , sulfamethoxazole 800mg + trimethoprim 160mg tab , sulfasalazine 500mg tab , sulfasalazine delayed release 500mg tab , sulfur hexafluoride microsphere 60.7mg 5ml , sumatriptan 25mg , sumatriptan 50mg , surfactant 1.5ml suspension , surfactant bovine minced 8ml (suspension) , surfactant,bovine minced, 4ml , suspension of calcium with vitamin d3 200ml , synacthen 250mcg inj , syrup potassium chloride oral solution , tocotrienol (100% cncentration) 400mg , tacrolimus (0.1% w/w) ointment , tacrolimus 0.5 mg , tacrolimus 1.0 mg , tacrolimus 2 mg , tadalafil 10mg tab , tamsulosin 0.4mg + dutasteride 0.5mg tab , tamsulosin 0.4mg modified release + dutasteride 0.5mg cap , tamsulosin hcl 0.4mg + tolterodine 2mg er tablets , tamsulosin+dutasteride , tazobactam (125mg )+ piperacillin (1000mg) 1.125gm inj , tazobactam (500mg) + piperacillin (4000mg) 4.5gm inj , tazobactam 250mg +piperacillin 2000mginj , tegafur uracil , teicoplanin (antibiotics) , teicoplanin 200mg inj , teicoplanin 400mg inj , telmisartan (80mg)+hydrochlorothiazide (12.5mg)) tab , telmisartan 20mg tab , telmisartan 40mg + amlodipine besilate 5mg tab , telmisartan 40mg + chlorthalidone 6.25mg tab , telmisartan 40mg + hydrochlorthiazide 12.5mg tab , telmisartan 40mg tab , telmisartan 80mg , telmisartan 80mg + chlorthalidone 12.5mg tab , telmisartan40 mg+amlodipine 5mg+hydrochlorthiazide 12.5 mg , telmisartin 40mg + hydrochlorthiazide 12.5mg tab , temozolamide 100mg inj , temozolamide 20mg , temozolamide 250mg , tenecteplase 20mg inj , tenecteplase 40mg inj , tenecteplase 60mg inj , teneligliptin 20mg + metformin 500mg tab , teneligliptin 20mg tab , tenofivir 300mg + lamivudine 300mg + efavirenz 300mg , tenoflvir 300mg + lamivudine 300mg , tenofovir disoproxil 300mg tab , terazocin 1mg , terazocin 2mg , terbinafine 1% w/w 15gm ointment , terbutaline (0.5mg/ml) inj , terbutaline (2.5mg/5ml) + bromhexine (8mg/5ml) 100ml syp , teriparatide 750mcg/3ml inj , terlipressin 1.0mg inj , testosterone enanthate (250mg/ml) 4ml inj , tetanus immunoglobin human 250iu , tetanus immunoglobin human 500iu , tetanus toxoid reduced diphtheria toxoid and acellular pertussis vaccine 0.5ml , tetanus vaccine inj , thiamine 200mg / 2ml inj , thiamine hydrochloride 100mg tab , thiamine hydrochloride 250mg tab , thiocolchicoside 4mg cap , thiocolchicoside 8mg cap , thyroxine 75mcg tab , thyroxine /levothyroxine (50mcg)tab , thyroxine 12.5mg tab , thyroxine 37.5 tab , thyroxine sodium 0.025mg (25mcg) tab , thyroxine sodium 0.1mg , thyroxine sodium 0.5mg tab , thyroxine sodium 100mcg tab , thyroxine sodium 12.5 mg , thyroxine sodium 125mcg tab , thyroxine sodium 75mcg tab , tianeptine 12.5mg , ticagrelor 90mg tab , tigecycline 50mg inj , timolol (5mg ) + travoprost (40mcg) eye drop , tincture benzoin 15ml , tinidazole 500mg tab , tiotropium 9mcg + formeterol 6mcg inhaler 200 metered dose , tiotropium bromide 9 mcginhaler 200 metered dose , tirofiban hcl 5mg/100ml inj , tizanidine hcl 2mg tab , tobramycin 300mg 5ml respules , tobramycin 80mg inj , tocilizumab 80mg inj , tofacitinib (tofe) , tolperisone (450mg)+diclofenac (100mg) tab , tolterodine 1mg tab , tolterodine 2mg tab , tolterodine 4mg tab , tolvaptan 15mg tab , tolvaptan 30mg tab , topiramate 50mg , topiramet 25 mg , torsemide 10mg + spironolactone 50mg tab , torsemide 20mg + spironolactone 50mg tab , torsemide 100mg , torsemide 20mg inj , torsemide 20mg tab , torsemide 40 mg , torsemide 5 mg , tramadol (50mg /ml) 2ml inj , tramadol 100mg sr tab , tramadol 37.5 mg+acetaminophen 325 mg tab , tramadol 50mg/1ml , tranexamic acid (100mg/ml) 5ml inj , tranexamic acid 500mg tablet , tranexamic acid inj , tranexamic acid tab , trazodone 100mg tab , trazodone 25mg tab , tretinon 0.05% w/w 30gm cream , triamcinolone (0.1% w/w) oral paste , triamcinolone 40mg inj , triamcinolone acetonide 40mg inj (preservative free for ocular use) , trientine hydrochloride 250mg cap , trihexyphenidyl 2mg tab , trimetazidine 35mg modified release , triptorelin depot 22.5mg , tropicamide (1%w/v) 5ml eye drop , tropicamide 0.8% + phenylephrine hcl 5% ophthalmic solution 5ml , trypan blue solution 0.06% w/v 1ml vial , trypsin chymotrypsin 100000 au tab , trypsin bromelain and rutoside trihydrate tab , ulinastatin inj. 1,00,000iu , ultravist 370 mg/omnipaque 350mg/ml 100 ml vial , undenatured collagen type 2 + l citrulline+astazanthin+magnesium+l glutamine+vitamin e tab , urea cream , urofollitropin (hfsh), lyophilized powder for injection , urokinase 5 lakhs iu inj , ursodeoxycholic acid oral suspension 125mg /5ml 100ml syp , ursodeoxycholic acid 150mg tab , ursodeoxycholic acid 300mg tab , valethamate bromide 8mg inj , vancomycin 250mg , vancomycin 500mg inj , varicella vaccines live attenuated vaccines , vasopressin 20iu / ml inj , vasopressin 40iu/ml pre filled syringe , venlafaxine 37.5mg prolonged release tab , venlafaxine 75mg prolonged release tab , verapamil inj , verapamile 40mg tab , verpamil 80mg , vildagliptin 50mg + metformin 1000mg tab , vildagliptin 50mg tab , vincristine 1mg inj , vinorelbine 50mg inj , vitamin a cap , vitamin b complex forte with vitamin c and zinc cap , vitamin c (ascorbic acid) 1.5 gm inj , vitamin c tab , vitamin d3 60000 iu tab , vitamin e 400mg cap , voglibose 0.2mg + glimepride 1mg + metformin 500mg sr tab , voglibose 0.2mg + glimepride 2mg + metformin 500mg sr tab , voglibose 0.2mg tab , voglibose 0.3mg + metformin 500mg tab , voglibose 0.3mg tab , voriconazole 200 mg tab , voriconazole 200mg inj , voriconazole 50mg tab , warfarin sodium 2mg tab , warfarin sodium 3mg tab , water for injection 10ml , water for injection 5ml , xylometazoline , xylometazoline 0.5%w/v + bezalkonium chloride 0.022%w/v nasal drops 10 ml , xylometazoline hydrochloride nasal drops 10 ml , zincsyrup 100ml , zinc acetate (20mg/5ml) 100ml syp , zln (zidovudine 300mg+lamivudine 150mg+nevirapine 200mg) , zoledronic 4mg , zoledronic acid 5mg/100ml inj , zuclopenthixol decanoate (200mg/ml) , prostaglandin e1= 500 microgram per 1ml , high protein high calorie for dialysis patients , low protein nutritional supplement for renal patient , acitretin 10mg capsule , esomeprazole 40 mg tab , etoposide 50mg tab , human albumin 20% 50ml inj , iohexol 350mg/ml 50ml inj , neomycin+ polyyxin b sulphates+ bacitracin zinc ophthalmic 5gm ointment , promethazine 5mg/ml syrup , silodosin 8mg+ dutaseride 0.5mg capsule , alprostadil 500mcg inj , flurouracil 500mg inj , megestrol acetate 160mg tab , nebivolol (5mg) + cilnidipine(10mg) tab , oxcarbazepine 150mg tab , oxcarbazepine 450mg tab , telmisartan 80mg+ amlodipine 5mg tab , super oxidized gel for wound care 60gm = 97.60% = 0.003% , super oxidized solution for wound care 100ml = 97.60% = 0.003% , bilastine 20mg , azelaic acid (20% w/w) cream , cyclosporine ophthalmic solution 0.09% w/v , benzoyl peroxide (2.5% w/w) + clindamycin (1% w/w) gel , diphenhydramine 50mg/ml , neostigmine 1mg/ml , nimodipine (30mg) , pralidoxime 500mg , sumatriptan 6mg/0.5ml vial , aminophylline 100 mg , amisulpride 5mg/2ml , boswellia serrata extract + native (undenatured) collagen type ii + mobilee (sodium hyaluronate) + curcuma longa extract capsules , meningococcal vaccine (group a, c, y & w 135) 0.5ml inj , haemophilus type b conjugate vaccine 0.5ml inj , ceftazidime (2000mg) + avibactam (500mg) , amphotericin b (liposomal) in saline 50mg , albendazole 400mg tab , amino acid 5% with sorbitol 5% 500ml , cephalexin 250mg cap , ivig 10gm , vericonazole 200 mg tab , amoxycillin 125mg + clavulanic acid 25mg inj , amoxycillin 250mg + clavulanic acid 50mg inj , ceftriaxone 500mg +tazobactum 62.50mg inj , fluconazole 100ml/200mg inj , ipratropium bromide 250mcg/ml respules , levosalbutamol 0.31mg respules , levosalbutamol 0.63mg respules , montelukast 4mg + levocetrizine 2.5mg tab , netilmicin 25mg/ml 1ml inj , netilmicin 50mg/ml 1ml inj , salbutamol/albuterol (2.5mg) respules , salmeterol (25mcg/spray) + fluticasone (125mcg/spray) inhaler 120 metered dose , sildenafil citrate 20mg tab , valganciclovir 450mg tab...

Indian Army - Bihar

40595100 bids are invited for urine collecting bag with volume meter , syp dicyclomine drops of 15 ml , disposable lancet for finger prick pkt of 100 , tab zinc sulphate 20mg , tab primosa evening primrose oil 1000 mg mse exemption for turnover yes startup total quantity : 4210...

Department Of Education - Bihar

40399051 bids are invited for wooden frame quadrat 100cm x100cm , ph meter , tds and conductivity meter , simple photometer , wilmotts bubbler , permanent slide , boerhavia , bignonia , amoaranthus , tinosp , dracena , hydrilla t.s of stem , vandda t.s of stem , nerium t.s of stem , life cycle chart volvox , life cycle chart oedogonium , life cycle chart coleochaete , life cycle chart vaucheria , life cycle chart ectocarpus , life cycle chart saragassum , life cycle chart polysiphonia , life cycle chart nostoc , life cycle chart mucor , life cycle chart saccharomyces , life cycle chart rivularia , life cycle chart pythium , life cycle chart phytophthora , life cycle chart eurotium , life cycle chart peziza , life cycle chart puccinia , life cycle chart agaricus , life cycle chart alternaria , life cycle chart colletotrichum , life cycle chart marchantia , life cycle chart penia , life cycle chart anthoceros , life cycle chart sphagnum , life cycle chart funaria , mitosis prophase , mitosis metaphase , mitosis anaphase , mitosis telophase , meiosis leptotene , meiosis zygotene , meiosis pachytene , meiosis diplotene , chromatographic paper , buchner funnel , jet suction pump , watman filter paper , acetone , formaldehyde , petroleum ether , sodium bicarbonate , fehling solution , benedicts solution , biuret reagent , pipette , slide plain glass , filter paper , tissue paper , glass moter and pestle , measuring cylinder , ph paper , dissecting box , cover slip , enamel tray , hand lance big size , polythene bag big size , polythene bag small size , polythene bag middle size , glass jar , phytoplankton net 45m , ferric chloride , phenolphthalein , oxalic acid , ferrous sulphate , sodium thiosulfate, potassium permanganate, sodium carbonate, sodium hydroxide, sodium nitrite and ethyl acetate , acetic acid glacial , benzene , sulphuric acid and hydrochloric acid , ammonium ferrous sulphate , aniline , acetone , barium chloride , ammonium acetate , magnesium chloride , ammonim chloride , silver nitrate , copper sulphate , zinc carbonate , ammonium carbonate , potassium carbonate , zinc chloride , zinc sulphate , lead acetate , magnesium sulphate , zinc nitrate , ostwald viscometer , pyknometer , analytical balance , kipps apparatus , cork borer set , wire gauze , asbestos pad , tongs , separating funnel , burette 50ml , burette stand with clamp , victor mayer apparatus , test tube holder , test tube stand , blow pipe , cork , crucible with lid , kjelda flask , water condenser , digital ph meter with electrode complete set , round bottom flask , conical flask 250ml , reagent bottle , beaker , filter paper size , iron retort stand , tripod stand , clay pipe , coefficient of viscosity of liquid measurement by stokes method , carey foster bridge , optical bench , travelling microscope , telescope , bpn and npn junction transistor , logic gates , newtons law of colling , stop watch , meter rod , clamp stand , cork pad , meter scale , vernier calliper , slotted weight in multiples of 100g, 500g , laboratory stand , spirit level , digital balance , steel balls of different diameter , sonometer , tuning forks of known frequency , rubber pad , ac mill ammeter , ac voltmeter , galvanometer , hydrochloric acid , hayems solution , ringer solution , neutral red solution , janus green solution , sulfuric acid , potassium iodide , manganese sulphate , potassium hydroxide , blotting paper , chromatography paper , slides , coverslip , burette , pipette 0.5ml , pipette 1ml , pipette 2ml , pipette 5ml , measuring cylinder 100ml , eosin y , borax , carmine , formaldehyde , chloroform , sodium chloride , heamometer , hemocytometer , westergrens tube , kymograph , kymograph paper , centrifuge machine , compound microscope , dissecting microscope , top pan balance , mono pan balance , chromatography chamber , capillary tube , digital ph meter , stand with clamp total quantity : 23209...

Indian Army - Bihar

40206117 bids are invited for tab carbamezapine 200mg , tab allopurinol 300 mg , chloramphenicol 5 percent w vclotrimazole 1 percent w v betamethasone 0 point 25 percent w v lignocaine hcl 2 percent w v in bott of 5 ml , inj paracetamol 500 mg ml 100 ml iv , oral gel containing choline salicylate and benzalkonium chloride solution , bisoprolol 2 piont 5 mg tab , cotton wool absorbent pkt of 500 gm , micropipette 50 to 200 micro litre , kit for estimation of bilirubin , semi auto analyser wash solution for , nitrofurantoin 100 mg , tab escitalopram 5 mg , diclofenac gel 1 percent tube of 30 gm , sodium valproate cr 500 mg , kits for estimation of glucose , tab alprazolam 0 point 5mg , rotacap formeterol 6 mcg plus budesonide 200 foracort rotacap per pack of 30 , tab oxcarbazepine xr 600 mg , cannula iv with injection port and wings size 18 g , tab sertaline 50mg , antispasmodic tab containing mefenamic acid 250 mg and dicyclomine hcl 10 mg , cap gabapentin 100mg , cream luliconazole 1 percent tube of 15 gm , inj neurobion vit b1 b6 and b12 , premixed biphasic human insulin inj 50 percent human neutral 50 percent human isophane insulin strength 40iu per ml , syringe disposable plastic sterile 5 ml with needle , hand gloves size 6 point 5 pair of sterile gloves , hand gloves size 7 pair of sterile gloves , hand gloves size 7 point 5 pair of sterile , cap vit b complex multivitamin , glucose strips performa bott of 100 strips accucheck , tab nano curcumine extract 250 mg plus glucosamine 500 mg plus chondratin 400 mg , syringe disposable plastic sterile 2 ml with needle , syp oxcarbazepine 100 ml , salmetrol plus fluticasone 250mcg inhaler salmeterol 50 mcg plus fluticasone 250 mcg multi dose dry powder inhaler of 60 doses , dvt compressen stocking xxl , tab etizolam 0 point 5mg , inj romy 250 mg , tab serratiopeptidase 10 mg , tab cissus quadrangularis linn 500 mg coral calcium 250 mg vitamin k27 50 mg cynocobalamine 1 mg l methyl folate 800 mcg and zinc sulphate 7 point 5 mg , ethinyl estradiol plus desogestrol tab , inj ryzodec 70 and 30 , tab l carnitine 600 mg , bandage triangular , phenytoin sodium 300 mg tab , kit for ldl cholesterol by direct estimation , tab vit c with zinc , tafluprost opthalmic solution 0 point 0015 percent w v in 2 point 5ml dimple bottle , knee cap xxl total quantity : 498546...

Indian Army - Bihar

40198004 bids are invited for urine collecting bag with volume meter , syp dicyclomine drops of 15 ml , disposable lancet for finger prick pkt of 100 , tab zinc sulphate 20mg , tab primosa evening primrose oil 1000 mg mse exemption for turnover yes startup total quantity : 4210...

Scheduled Caste And Scheduled Tribe Welfare Department - Bihar

40077645 bids are invited for school lab equipments and chemicals demo model ac dc dyanamo type , momentum conservation working model , electric bell model on wooden stand supperior , electric motor 6v dc 3 amp , battery eleminator 2 12v 3 amp , hydro power model , water turbine working model , windmill , inclined plane friction board glass top , hollow glass prism 38 mm , joules caloriemeter teackwood , keleidoscope big , lachlanchee cell , reflection of light apparatus , sonometer reack wood brass fittings , electromagnet for sonometer , power supply for sonometer step down , wave motion machine 24 pulley , bar pendulum with wall bracket , advanced circuit board , copper voltmeter with jar , travelling microscope , fourtins barometer , mercury metal 500g , newtons law of cooling apparatus , stop watch racer digital , capillary tube apparatus , quinks surface tension apparatus , youngs modulus apparatus , parallelogram law of forces apparatus , stop clock esal , tesla coil , light and optics kit , vernier calliper mitutoyo 111 215 , screw gauge mitutoyo 530 312 , meter bridge , nichrome wire , water distillation apparatus , conical flask 500ml , volumetric flask 250ml , seperating funnel 250ml , stand for seperating funnel , burette clamp poly fisher type , magnenetic stirrer with hot plate , heating metal capacity 500ml , burette 50ml , pipette 5 10 20 ml , pipette stand vertical , thistle funnel , wash bottle 500ml , asbestos pad , china dish , mortal and pestle , corck borrer , centrifuge machine hand operated , test tube brush , spatulla , atomic model set big euro design , chemical balance teack wood box , physical balance teack wood box , weight box analytical brass , digital thermometer , oxalic acid , ferrous ammonium sulphate gm , sodium hydroxide gm , potassium dichromate gm , sodium sulphate gm , zinc sulphate gm , calcium hydroxide gm , calcium oxide gm , sodium hydrogen carbonate gm , sodium carbonate gm , bleacing powder 500g , plaster of paris 500g , ammonium hydroxide 500g , formic acid 500g , carbolic acid 500g , phosphoric acid 500ml , potash alum 500g , ethanol 500ml , methanol 500ml , formaldehyde 500ml , acetaldehyde , benzene , binocular microscope with eyepiece 10x wf objective 10x 45x 100x oil isi with machenical stage microscope with inbuilt led illumination , methylene blue 125ml , canada balsam 100g , acetocarmine solution 125ml , parafin wax hard , dpx mountant 100g , xylene 500ml , acetone 500ml , slides plane , cover slip , forceps , brush o no , water bath electrically operated , round bottom flask 250ml , model jumbo heart , model human skelton , model human teeth , plant cell model , animal cell model , mitosis cell division model , chick embryo model , human digestive system model , human resiratory system model , human circulatory system model , human nervous system model , dna model size 40 cm , appron total quantity : 4799...

Department of Agricultural Research and Education - Bihar

40047000 bids are invited for chemical fertilizers di ammonium phosphate dap , muriate of potash mop , n p k 12 32 16 , sodium borate 20 percent , zinc sulphate monohydrate agricultural grade , iron ferrous sulphate agricultural grade total quantity : 15160...

Indian Army - Bihar

39767869 bids are invited for 40iu per ml , syringe disposable plastic sterile 5 ml with needle , hand gloves size 6 point 5 pair of sterile gloves , hand gloves size 7 pair of sterile gloves , hand gloves size 7 point 5 pair of sterile , cap vit b complex multivitamin , glucose strips performa bott of 100 strips accucheck , tab nano curcumine extract 250 mg plus glucosamine 500 mg plus chondratin 400 mg , syringe disposable plastic sterile 2 ml with needle , syp oxcarbazepine 100 ml , salmetrol plus fluticasone 250mcg inhaler salmeterol 50 mcg plus fluticasone 250 mcg multi dose dry powder inhaler of 60 doses , dvt compressen stocking xxl , tab etizolam 0 point 5mg , inj romy 250 mg , tab serratiopeptidase 10 mg , tab cissus quadrangularis linn 500 mg coral calcium 250 mg vitamin k27 50 mg cynocobalamine 1 mg l methyl folate 800 mcg and zinc sulphate 7 point 5 mg , ethinyl estradiol plus desogestrol tab , inj ryzodec 70 and 30 , tab l carnitine 600 mg , bandage triangular , phenytoin sodium 300 mg tab , kit for ldl cholesterol by direct estimation , tab vit c with zinc , tafluprost opthalmic solution 0 point 0015 percent w v in 2 point 5ml dimple bottle , knee cap xxl mse exemption for turnover yes startup total quantity : 498546...

Department of Agricultural Research and Education - Bihar

39686918 bids are invited for laboratory chemicals filter paper no. 42 46 x 57 cm , sulphuric acid , boric acid , ammonium ferrous sulphate , barium choloride , potassium choloride , potassium sulphate , phenol , salcylic acid , zinc sulphate , manganese sulphate , activated charcoal , oxalic acid , ascorbic acid , azomethane h , calcium chloride fused , triethanolamine , p nitrophenol , cupric sulphate , sodium bicarbonate , antimony potassium tartarate , ammonium molybdate , methanol , ethane ol , ammonium acetate , carmine , sulphuric acid emplura total quantity : 76...

Department of Agricultural Research and Education - Bihar

39641225 bids are invited for plant protection chemicals thiacloprid 21.7 percent , lamdacyhalothrin 5 percent ec , novaluron 10 percent ec , emamectin benzoate 5 percent sg , chlorpyriphos 20 percent ec , fipronil 5 percent sc , profenphos 50 percent ec , chlorfenapyr 24 percent sc , spinosad 480 sc 45 percent ec , thiophanate methyl 70 percent wp , difenoconazole 25 percent ec , azoxystrobin 23 percent sc , azoxystrobin 18.2 percent plus difenoconazole 11.4 percent sc , copper oxychloride 50 percent wp , carbendazim 12 percent plus 63 percent wp mancozeb , carbendazim 50 percent wp , glyphosate 41 percent sl , azadirachtin neem oil 5 percent ec , zinc sulphate monohydrate micronutrient , wetting agent adjuvants , alpha naphthyl acetic acid 4.5 percent sl , neela thotha copper sulphate , calcium hydroxide slaked lime total quantity : 731...

Department of Higher Education - Bihar

39222371 bids are invited for 1 phosphate buffer saline ( pbs ) ph 7.4 500ml 1 2 fetal bovine serum 100ml 1 3 trypsin edta solution 1x 500ml 1 4 trypsin nuteralizing solution 1x 100ml 1 5 penicillin sreptomycin amphotericin b solution 20ml 1 6 non essential amino acids 100ml 1 7 trypan blue 100 ml 1 8 dmem f12 with gluta max 500ml 1 9 polyspecific antihuman globuline reagent 10 ml 1 10 methanol 2.5 litres hplc grade 2500 ml 1 12 lithium chloride mol biol grade 500 g 500g 1 13 phenol 500g 500g 1 14 acetone 1 litre 1000 ml 1 15 sodium carbonate 500g 500g 1 16 ferric chloride 500g 500g 1 17 gallic acid 200g 200g 1 18 aluminium chloride 100g 1 19 0.2 ml pcr tubes 1000 1 20 microtips 20 200 microlitres ( pack of 1000 ) 1000 4 21 microtips 200 1000 microlitres ( pack of 500 ) 500 4 22 microfuge tubes 1.5 ml pp ( pack of 500 ) 500 4 23 microfuge tube stands pp 20 places 4 1 24 cryobox pp 81 places for 1.8ml tubes 4 1 25 dh5alpha culture 1 vial 1 26 bl21 ( de3 ) plyse s culture 1 vial 1 27 micropipette adjustable volume autoclavable 100 1000 microlitre with tip ejector 1 2 28 micropipette adjustable volume autoclavable 10 100 microlitre with tip ejector 1 2 29 micropipette adjustable volume autoclavable 1 10 microlitre with tip ejector 1 2 30 micropipette adjustable volume autoclavable 20 200 microlitre with tip ejector 1 2 31 cobalt sulphate 500gm 1 32 managnese sulphate 100 gm 1 33 methanol 100 ml 1 34 zinc sulphate 100 gm 1 35 hydochloric acid 1 lt 1 36 dpph 250 mg 1 37 chromium sulphate 100 gm 1 ( q3 ) total quantity : 1...

Department of Agricultural Research and Education - Bihar

39201506 bids are invited for plant protection chemicals thiacloprid 21.7 percent , lamdacyhalothrin 5 percent ec , novaluron 10 percent ec , emamectin benzoate 5 percent sg , chlorpyriphos 20 percent ec , fipronil 5 percent sc , profenphos 50 percent ec , chlorfenapyr 24 percent sc , spinosad 480 sc 45 percent ec , thiophanate methyl 70 percent wp , difenoconazole 25 percent ec , azoxystrobin 23 percent sc , azoxystrobin 18.2 percent plus difenoconazole 11.4 percent sc , copper oxychloride 50 percent wp , carbendazim 12 percent plus 63 percent wp mancozeb , carbendazim 50 percent wp , glyphosate 41 percent sl , azadirachtin neem oil 5 percent ec , zinc sulphate monohydrate micronutrient , wetting agent adjuvants , alpha naphthyl acetic acid 4.5 percent sl , neela thotha copper sulphate , calcium hydroxide slaked lime total quantity : 731...

Hindustan Urvarak and Rasayan Limited - Bihar

38820558 tender for procurement of laboratory chemicals for hurl barauni lab. 1 1, 10 phenanthroline , ar or higher 2 1 amino 2 naphthol 4 sulphonic acid 3 ammonium acetate , ar grade 4 ammonium hepta molybdate tetrahydrate 5 sodium metabisulphite er, ar grade 6 cupric sulphate pentahydrate er ar grade 7 ethanol ar, 8 hydroxylamine hydrochloride ar or higher 9 oxalic acid er , ar grade 10 p dimethyl amino benzaldehyde 11 silica gel blue self indicating , 5 8mesh 12 sodium sulphite anhydrous er 13 boric acid er , ar or higher grade 14 universal indicator ( ph 4 11 ) , ar grade 15 edta disodium salt dihydratear grade 16 eriochrome black t 17 sodium azide , ar / sq grade 18 acetic acid glacial 19 liq.ammonia solution 0.91 ( about 25% nh3 ) 20 ammonium chloride er , ar grade 21 ammonium ferrous sulphate hexa hydrate 22 ammonium metavanadate , ar 23 ammonium per sulphate 24 ammonium sulphate er , ar grade 25 benzene 99.5% ar, ar grade , 26 barium chloride dihydrate er , ar grade 27 biuret, 97%, ar or higher grade 28 bromo phenol blue indicatorph 3.0 4.6 29 carbon tetrachloride 99.5% ar 30 ferric chloride hexahydrate 97% 31 ferrous sulphate heptahydrate 99% 32 formaldehyde solution 37 41% w / v 33 n hexane, 99%, ar grade 34 hydrochloric acid er , ar grade 35 iodine ( resublimed ) 99.8% 36 iso propyl alcohol ( propan 2 ol ) ar grade 37 2, 2, 4 trimethylpentane 38 manganese ( ii ) sulphate monohydrate 99% 39 mercuric thiocyanate 99% , ar grade 40 mercuric chloride, ar grade 41 methanol dried, ar grade 42 methyl orange indicator powder, ar grade 43 methyl red indicator powder , ar grade 44 methylene blue staining powder , ar grad 45 nitric acid ( 69 72% ) er , ar grade 46 phenolphthalein indicator powder 47 potassium chloride er , ar grade 48 potassium dichromate , ar grade 49 potassium dihydrogen ortho phosphate er 50 potassium hydroxide pellets er , ar grade 51 potassium iodide, ar grade 52 potassium permanganate 99% ar / acs 53 rochelle salt 54 salicylic acid 99.5% 55 sodium carbonate anhydrous ar grade 56 sodium hydrogen carbonate ( sodium bicarb 57 sodium chloride er , ar grade 58 sodium bisulphite ar / acs , ar grade 59 sodium hydroxide pellets er , ar grade 60 sodium metasilicate nonahydrate 61 sodium sulphate anhydrous 62 sodium sulfide nonahydrate, ar grade 63 sodium thiosulphate anhydrous 98% ar 64 sodium dihydrogen o phosphate anhydrous 65 starch soluble er , ar or higher grade 66 sulphuric acid 98 %, ar grade 67 urea er, ar or higher grade 68 zinc acetate dihydrate 99.5% 69 zinc sulphate heptahydrate er 70 calcium carbonate precipitated 99% 71 potassium hydrogen phthalate 72 silver nitrate , ar grade 73 chloroform er , ar grade 74 ortho phosphoric acid 88 93% er 75 indicator papers ( ph 1.0 to 14.0 ) 76 potassium sulphate er , ar grade 77 sodium nitrate 99% ar / acs , ar grade 78 bromo cresol green indicator ar grade 79 potassium iodate 80 potassium ferrocyanide 99% ar / acs 81 acetonitrile hplc grade 82 acetone 83 toluene er , ar grade 84 ammonium purpurate ( murexide ) , ar / sq gr 85 labolene neutral ph , ar or higher grade 86 methanol for hplc, ar or higher grade 87 water for hplc, ar or higher grade 88 buffer tablets ph 4.0 89 buffer tablets ph 7.0 90 buffer tablets ph 9.2 91 azadirachtin 92 nimbin ( cas no 5945 86 8 ) 93 salannin ( cas no:992 20 1 ) 94 6 deacetylnimbin ( cas no 18609 16 0 ) 95 3 deacetylsalannin ( cas no 1110 56 1 ) ...

Indian Army - Bihar

38457646 bids are invited for med store 1 calcium sodium alginate wound dressing 2 cavonil spray 3 macconkey agar plate ready to use 4 povidone iodine 5% ointment 250 gm jar 5 2 ply face mask 0, 01, 2, 3, 4 6 26 gauze needle ( ½ inch ) 7 60% v / v ethyl alcohol with benzalkonium chloride, glycerine, dimethicone cyclopentasiloxane, c12 15 alkyl lactate, propylene glycol, methylparaben, phenoxyethanol, stearyl alcohol, aminomethyl propanol, diazolidinyl urea with moisturizer, 1 ltr bott with dispenser 8 abdominal drain bag 9 abdominal drain set 28 10 abdominal drain set 32 11 abdominal binder size l, xl, xxl 12 abst betadine ( povidone iodine ) 13 abst cefotaxime 14 abst doxycycline 15 abst metronidazole 16 abst mupirocine 17 acetone commercial 18 acetone ( 1x500ml ) 19 acid hydrochloric ( 1x500ml ) 20 acyclovir 200mg tab 21 acyclovir cream 5% tube of 5g 22 acyclovir syp 400 mg / 5 ml 23 adhesiv incise drape 25x30 cm 24 adhesiv incise drape 50x45 cm 25 adhesiv incise drape 5x15 cm 26 adhesive plaster tape, 3 inches, box of 4, microfoam 27 adhesive plaster, micro porous tape, 1 inch, box of 12 28 adhesive plaster, micro porous tape, 2 inches, box of 6 29 adhesive plaster, micro porous tape, 3 inches, box of 4 30 adhesive plaster, zinc oxide, 2.5 cm x 1mtr 31 adult diapers m , l , xl , xxl 32 aero mask nebulizer ( pead ) 33 airway guedel all rubber / pvc , all size ( adult ) 34 airway guedel all rubber / pvc , all size ( infant ) 35 airway guedel all rubber / pvc , all size ( peadiatric ) 36 alcohol methyl 37 amoxicillin 750 mg +omeprazole 20 mg+ ornidazole 500 mg ( hp ) tab 38 amoxycillin 250mg cap 39 amoxycillin 875 mg + clavulanic acid 125 mg tab 40 amyl alcohol 41 anaesthesia face mask size 3 transparent, cushioned 42 anaesthesia face mask size 4 transparent, cushioned 43 anaesthesia face mask size 5 transparent, cushioned 44 anticaries fluoride rinse mouth wash with sodium fluoride acidulated phosphate bott of 300 500 ml 45 antimicrobial hand gel containing ethyl alcohol 60% + cyclomethicone c12 15 alkyl lactate + cetyl lactate + phenoxyethanol + stearyl alcohol with moisturizer 46 antiseptic mouth wash containing sodium fluoride & triclosan bott of 100 150ml 47 apparatus anaesthetic face mask ( anitistatic ) with air cushion ( transparent ) , size 2, medium and large 48 apparatus oxygen inhalation portable facemask disposable for 49 appendrofs tube ( 1x1000 ) 50 aquacel ag burn dressing 10 x10 cm 51 aquacel ag burn dressing 15x15 cm 52 aquacel ag burn dressing 23x30cm 53 aquacel ag burn gloves size 3 54 aquacel ag burn gloves size 4 55 aquacel ag burn gloves size 5 56 aquamin+ vitamin k2 + vitamin d3 tab 57 arm sling 58 aso titrate test kit rapid ( 1x25 test ) 59 baby identification tags ( pink and blue ) 60 bain circuit 61 bakri postportum balloon 62 bandage crepe 10 cm 63 bandage open wove uncompressed 10 cm x 6 mtr 64 bandage open woven for plaster of paris 10cmx5m 65 bandage, open woven compressed 2.5 cm x 4 mtr 66 bandage, plaster of paris 10 cm x 3 mtr 67 bandage, plaster of paris 15 cm x 3 mtr 68 barium sulphate suspension palatable non flocculating high density ( 200% w / v ) 69 beclomethasone dipropionate 200 mcg metered dose aerosol, containing 200 metered doses 70 beclomethasone dipropionate 50 mcg and levosalbutamol 50 mcg per metred dose in cfc free mdi 71 benzoyl peroxide ( 5.0%w / w ) tube of 20 gm gel 72 betamethasone dipropionate usp 0.05mg and gentamycin sulphate 1mg / gm, tube of 5gm 73 betaxolol eye drops 0.25 % 0.5% 5 ml 74 bimatoprost 0.03% bott of 3ml eye drop 75 bio chemical reaction ( sugar set ) ready to use 76 biofix / cytofix spray ( 1x125ml ) 77 bioscrub antiseptic solution for scrubing 78 biotin 5 mg tab 79 biotin with calcium pantothenate tab 80 bladder rectractor 81 blade for humby skin grafting ( knife & blade 82 blood agar plate ( ready to use ) 83 blood culture plates ( rtu ) 84 blood glucose test strip with name compan ( dr morpen gluco one ) 85 bp handle 86 brimonidine 0.02%+ timolol 0.5% eye drops bott of 5 ml 87 brimonidine tartrate 0.15% eye drops bott of 5 ml 88 bromhexine syp 5 ml containing 4 mg of bromhexine hcl, bottle of 100 ml 89 bromofenac 0.09% eye drops bott of 5 ml 90 c reactive protein ( kit for 50 tests ) 91 calamine powder 92 calcium ( 9 mg ) + calcium gluconate ( 50 mg ) inj for iv use, 10 ml injection 93 calcium chloride 0.025 ml for pitk 94 cannula iv with injection port and wings size 16g 95 cannula iv with injection port and wings size 18 g 96 cannula iv with injection port and wings size 20g 97 cannula iv with injection port and wings size 22g 98 cannula iv with injection port and wings size 24g 99 cap addyzoa 100 cap hydroxyurea 500mg 101 cap isotretinoin 20mg 102 cap itraconazole 100mg 103 cap lactare 1 mg 104 cap pancreatin microspheres 150mg and above, 105 cap pantaprazole40 mg+domperidone 10 mg ir+domperidone 20 sr 106 cap rabiprazole 20 mg+domperidone 10 mg ir+domperidone 20 sr 107 cap rifampicin 150mg 108 cap vit a 50000iu 109 cap / tab rifampicin 450 mg + isoniazid 300 mg com bination 110 cap / tab tramadol hcl 50 mg 111 cartridge for urine albumin ( sd biosensor ) 112 cartridge for b hcg 113 cartridge for hs crp ( sd biosensor 114 cartridge for ck mb ( sd biosensor ) 115 cartridge for d dimer ( sd biosensor ) 116 cartridge for hba1c ( sd biosensor ) 117 cartridge for hs crp ( sd biosensor ) 118 cartridge for pct ( sd biosensor ) 119 cartridge for t3 ( sd biosensor ) 120 cartridge for t4 ( sd biosensor ) 121 cartridge for tsh ( sd biosensor ) 122 cartridge for vitamin d ( sd biosensor ) 123 catheter foleys silicon 2 way size 10 fg 5 ml retention balloon 124 catheter foleys silicon 2 way size 12 fg 5 ml retention balloon 125 catheter foleys silicon 2 way size 20 fg 5 ml retention balloon 126 catheter foleys silicon 2 way size 22 fg 20 30 ml retention balloon 127 catheter mount 128 catheter suction endobronchial with terminal transparent non toxic pvc tubing, size fg 10, length 50 cm 129 catheter suction endobronchial with terminal transparent non toxic pvc tubing, size fg 12, length 50 cm 130 cefuroxime susp 125 mg / 5 ml bott of 30 ml 131 cell clean 132 cell pack ( sysmex pack of 20 ltr ) 133 cervical collar l 134 cervical collar m ( hard pheladelphiya ) 135 cervical collar xl 136 chest tube 137 chlordiazepoxide 5 mg + clidinium bromide 2.5 mg tabs 138 chlorhexidine mouth wash with 0.12% sugar, alcohol free, bottle of 450 500 ml in amber coloured bottle 139 chloroform ar ( 1x2.5l ) 140 chloroxylenol solution, potassium hydroxide 13.6g, chloroxylenol solution 50.5g, oleic acid 7.5ml, castor oil 63.0g, terpineal 100ml, ethanol ( 96% ) 200ml, purified water freshly boiled & cooled to produce 1000ml ( nomextn ( also acceptable ) chloroxylenol 4.5 to 5.5%, teripineal 2 to 10%, alcohol 13 to 20%, rwc not less than 3 ) 141 chloroxylenol solution, potassium hydroxide 13.6g, chloroxylenol solution 50.5g, oleic acid 7.5ml, castor oil 63.0g, terpineal 100ml, ethanol ( 96% ) 200ml, purified water freshly boiled & cooled to produce 1000ml ( nomextn ( also acceptable ) chloroxylenol 4.5 to 5.5%, teripineal 2 to 10%, alcohol 13 to 20%, rwc not less than 3 ) 142 chlorpromazine 25mg tab 143 chromic catgut size 1 / 0 rb 3 / 8 circle needle 144 cissus quadrangularis cyanocobalamin calcitrol calcium carbonate vitamin k27 methyl folate &zinc sulphate tablets 145 clavical brace 146 cled agar plate ready to use 147 clomipramine hcl 25mg tab 148 closed suction device 149 clotrimazole +clindamycin vaginal pessary 150 colostomy bag with skin barrier 151 compression elastic bandage for dvt, medium 152 cough sedative syp, each 5 ml containing chlorpheniramine maleate 2.5mg, guaiphenesin 100mg, noscapine 15mg, sodium citrate 60mg in flavoured base, bott of 100 m 153 cover glass ( 22x40 mm 154 covid rapid antigen igg&igm ( 1 x 25 ) 155 cream luliconazole 1 % tube of 15 gm 156 cream obstetric antiseptic containing dichloroxylenol 1%, terpineol 1%, phenol 0.25% in lubricant base 157 cvc tripple lumen 158 derifenacin 15 mg tab 159 derifenacin 7.5 mg tab 160 desensitising paste ( stannous fluoride / potassium nitrate / sodium monoflurophosphate ) tube of 40 55 ml or gm 161 developerfor x ray film to make 09 ltr 162 dextrose monohydrate for oral use in pack of 100 gm with or without vitamins and minerals 163 diclofenac diethylamine, menthyl salicylate , menthol and absolute alcohol topical solution ( non aqueous ) dynapar qps plus 164 diclofenac spray 165 diethyl ether solvent bott of 500 ml 166 dinoprostone gel 0.5mg ( in 3gm / 2.5ml gel ) / syringe 167 dipsposable appron 168 disecting forceps mcindoe 6 inc plain 169 dispo needle 24 g ( pack of 100 ) 170 disposable bed pan 171 disposable close circuit 172 disposable gown ( sterile ) 173 disposable karman cannula, size 10 mm 174 disposable karman cannula, size 4 mm 175 disposable karman cannula, size 5 mm 176 disposable karman cannula, size 6 mm 177 disposable karman cannula, size 7 mm 178 disposable karman cannula, size 8 mm 179 disposable karman cannula, size 9 mm 180 disposable lancet for finger prick, pkt of 100 181 disposable plastic endometrial biopsy pipelle 182 disposable plastic infusion set for plasma / blood ( presterilised, pyrogen free ) complete with airl ine and nylon filter alongwith air vent 183 disposable port 5 mm 184 disposable port 12 mm 185 disposable shoe cover 186 disposable swabstick 187 dissecting mat for tissue grossing 188 dolopar tab ( pcm+caffeine ) 189 dorzolamide 2% w / v + timolol 0.5% w / v eye drops, bott of 5ml dimple bottle 190 doxyfylline 400 tab 191 drabkins solution ( diluting solution for haemoglobin estimation by cyanmet haemoglobin method ) 192 dressing , first aid, unmedicated sterile pack 193 dressing medicated gauze paraffin, 10 cm x 10 cm, tin of 24 194 drotaverine hcl 1%, 20 mg / ml, 2 ml inj 195 ear drop beclomethasone + neomycin 196 ear drop para dichlorobenzene 2% w / v, benzocaine 2.7% w / v, chlorbutol 5%, turpentine oil 15% w / v, bott of 10 ml 197 ecg electrodes ( disposable ) 198 ecg paper 6018 t 199 elastic knee support 200 elbow support total quantity : 200...

Ministry Of Power - Bihar

38050322 bids are invited for zinc sulphate (znso4 7h2o) (tech. grade) is 1880: 1977 (q3) total quantity : 10...

Bihar Medical Service And Infrastructure Corporation Ltd - Bihar

37781262 tender for supply of following drugs 1 amlodipine tablet 2.5mg tablet 10 x 10 7000000 2 artemether (a) + lumefantrin (b) tablet 80 mg (a) + 480 mg (b) tablet 10 x 6 80000 3 atenolol tablet 25mg tablet 10 x 10 5000000 4 atenolol tablet 50 mg tablet 10 x 10 8000000 5 azithromycin tablet 250mg tablet 10 x 10 40000000 6 azithromycin tablet 500mg tablet 10 x 10 80000000 7 azithromycin oral liquid 200 mg/ 5 ml oral liquid palatable with measuring cap and plastic container/ glass bottle 15ml bottle 6000000 8 benzathine benzylpenicilli n injection 12 lakh unit powder for injection vial 12000 9 calcium gluconate injection 100mg/ml injection 10 ml vial 2200000 10 calcium carbonate + vitamin d3 tablet 500mg elemental calcium + vitamin d3 250 iu tablet 10 x 10 500000000 11 carbamazepine tablets 200mg tablet 10 x 10 1000000 12 carboxy methyl cellulose eye 0.5%w/v eye drop 10ml bottle 400000 bid drug s tender 27 drop 13 cefixime tablet 50mg (dt) dispersible tablet 10 x 10 20000000 14 chlorpheniram ine tablet 4mg tablet 10 x 10 3000000 15 clonazepam tablet 0.5mg dt dispersible tablet 10 x 10 1600000 16 clopidogrel tablet 75mg t ablet 10 x 10 200000 17 clotrimazole ear drop 1%w/v ear drop 5ml 1200000 18 deferasirox dispersible tablet 100mg dt tablet 10 x 10 50000 19 deferasirox dispersible tablet 400mg dt tablet 10 x 10 100000 20 diazepam tablet 5mg tablet 10 x 10 150000 0 21 diclofenac sodium gel 1 %w/w gel 30gm tube 15000000 22 dicyclomine hcl . tablet 10 mg tablet 10 x 10 20000000 23 dobutamine injection 50mg/ml injection ampoule 50000 24 domperidone tablet 10 mg tablet 10 x 10 15000000 25 doxycycline capsule s 100mg capsule 10 x 10 10000000 26 entecavir tablet 0.5mg tablet 10 x 10 50000 27 febuxostat tablet 40 mg tablet 10 x 10 1000000 28 fluconazole tablets 150 mg tablet 10 x 10 30000000 29 fluoxetine tablet 20mg tablet 10 x 10 1000000 30 gentamicin injectio n 40mg/ml injection 2 ml vial 1000000 31 gentamicin sulphate injection 10mg/ml injection 2 ml vial 300000 32 gliclazide tablet 40mg tablet 10 x 10 1000000 33 gliclazide tablet 80mg tablet 10 x 10 1200000 34 glimepiride tablet 1m g tablet 10 x 10 15000000 bid drug s tender 28 35 glimepiride tablet 2mg tablet 10 x 10 1 6000000 36 hydrochlorothi azide tablet 12.5mg tablet 10 x 10 300000 37 hydroxychloro quine tablet 200mg tablet 10 x 10 10000000 38 isosorbide mononitrate tablet 10 mg tablet 10 x 10 400000 39 labetalol injections 5mg/ml injection 4ml vial/ampoul e 100000 40 levocetirizine dihydrochlorid e tablet 5mg tablet 10 x 10 100000000 41 levofloxacin tablet 750 mg tablet 10 x 10 15000000 42 lignocaine 2% jelly 2% jelly 30 gm tube 600000 43 loperamide tablet 2mg tablet 10 x 10 800000 44 metronidazole oral liquid 20 0mg/ 5ml oral liqui d 60 ml bottle 4000000 45 metronidazole tablet 200mg tablet 10 x 10 20000000 46 metronidazole tablets 400mg tablet 10 x 10 60000000 47 miconazole nitrate cream 2 % w/w cream 15 gm tube 10000000 48 midazolam injection 1mg/ml injection vial 10000 0 49 ofloxacin tablet 200mg tablet 10 x 10 50000000 50 paracetamol infusion 10mg/ml infusion 100 ml bottle 300000 51 paracetamol paediatric oral suspension (drop) 100 mg/ml oral suspension (drop) 15ml bottle 4000000 52 paracetamol tablet 500mg tablet 10 x 10 200000000 53 piperacillin sodium + tazobactum 4000 mg + 500 mg (4500 mg) (injection) 4000 mg + 500 mg (4500 mg) injection vial 1000000 54 promethazine syrup 5mg/5ml syrup 60 ml bottle 500000 55 propranolol tablet 10mg tablet 10 x 10 500000 bid drugs tender 29 56 propranolol tablet 40mg tablet 10 x 10 500000 57 recombinant factor viii injection 250iu injection vial 12000 58 recombinant factor viii injection 500iu injection vial 30000 59 streptokinase injection 1500000 iu injection vial 1500 60 sodium valproate tablet 200mg tablet 10 x 10 1000000 61 sulfasalazine tablet 500mg tablet 10 x 10 20000 62 surfactant suspension for intratracheal instillation per mg of phospholipid s in the pack. suspension for intratracheal instillation (as licensed). notebidder has to quote the price for each mg of phospholipids as licensed 1500 63 tranexamic acid tablet 500mg tablet 10 x 10 4000000 64 cholecalciferol powder 60000 iu powder sachet 4000000 65 xylometazolin e nasal drops 0.1% w/v nasal drop 10 ml bottle 1000000 66 zinc sulphate oral solution 20mg/5ml oral solution 100 ml bottle 3000000...

Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College - Bihar

37780209 tender for supply of drugs/ medicine equipment and miscellaneous items etc during the year 2023 25 acramine 0.1 mg tab albendazole tab amitriptyline hcl tab 10mg amitriptyline hcl tab 25mg amlodipine tab 25mg/5mg amoxycillin potassium clavulante svp 125mg 31.25mg/5ml amoxycillin potassium clavulante tab 625mg amoxycilline 500mg cap amoxycilline cloxacillin syp 30ml antacid 550mg tab aspirin tab atenolol 25mg tab azithromycin tab 250mg/500mg azithromycin susp 200mg/5ml betamethasone cream 15gm tube budesonide inhaler 200mg calcium carbonate vit ds tab 500mg+250 iu carboxyl methylcellulose eve/eardrop. cefexime 200mg tab cefpodoxime clavulanic tab 200mg+125mg chlorhexadine mouth wash 0.2% ciprofloxacine eye/ear drop clonazepam 0.5mg tabl clopodogrel 75mg tab clotrimazole pesseries 100mg clotrimazole pesseries cream 15 gm tube co trimexazole trimethaporem sulphamethazole bomg, 400mg cotrimoxazole trimethrin 160mg tab cough expectorant syp 100ml defersasirox tab 100mg/400mg diazepam smg. tab diclofenac sodium somg tab diclofenac sodium gel 1% 30gm tube dicyclomin hydrochloride 10mg tab diethylcarbamazine tab. 50mg/100mg domperidone 10mg tab domperidone syrup. 30ml bott doxycycline 100mg tab drotaverne hydrochloride 40mg tab favipiravir 200mg tablet fluconazole 150mg tab fluoxetine tydrochloride 20mg tab flur eye drop formetrol/budesonide repsules 20mg./0.5mg fusidic acid 2% cream 10cm tube glimipride tab 1mg./2mg gentamycine eye drop haloperidol tab 1.5mg/smg irrupofen tab 200mg/400mg ibrupofen syp. intracath cr 450mg. tab. (intalithcr 450mg) iron folic acid tar 60mg + 500mg iron folic acid syrup. 100ml bott. isosorbide tab 10mg/20mg ivermetrin 6mg. tab. lactulose solution susp 200ml bott levo salbutamol 2mg. tab. levo salbutamol syrup 60ml bottle levocetrizine dihydrochloride smg. tab. levocetrizine dihydrochloride syrup. 30ml bott levofloxacine tab 250mg/500mg./750mg. librium 10mg tab linazolid 600mg tab. liquid parafin milk & magnesia susp 100ml lobetalol 100mg tab loperamide 2mg. tab. lorazepam tail img./zmg mefenamic acid 500mg tab metformin huydrochloride 500mg tab metoprolol sr tab somg. metronidazole 400mg tab metronidazole supension 60ml bott. miconazole nitrate cream 2% 15gm tube misoprostal 200mg. tab. moxyfloxacine eye drop multivitamin tab/cap ofloxacine 200mg. tab. ofloxacine+ornidazole tab. 200mg+500mg olanazepine tab smg/10mg ondasatron 4mg. tab ondasatron syp 30ml/60ml oral rehydration salt (ors) pantoprazole 40mg tab paracane eye drop paracetamole tab. 500mg paracetamole syrup. 60ml bott permethrin cream 5% 60gm tube phenobarbiton 30mg. tail phenytoin sodium 100mg. tab. prednisolone tab smg/10mg promethazine syp 60ml bott rabeprazole dsr tab. rabeprazole sodium 20mg, tab rabies vaccine (human) 2.5iu in ramipril tab. 2.5mg/smg salbutamol inhelar 100 mcg/dose skizoril somg. tab. sodium valporate tab 200mg/500mg sodium valporate syrup. 100ml bott. sulfasalzine 500mg tab acyclovir tab 400mg telmisartan tab 40mg thyroxine sodium somg. tab. timolol maleate eye drop. 0.5% tramadol maleate eye drop. 0.5% tramadol hydrochlorides tab tranexamic acid 500mg tab trihexyphnidyl hydrochloride 2mg. tab. tropicacyl plus eye drop vitamin b complex syrup 100ml bott vitamin b complex tabl vitamin c tab. 500 mg. vitamin d sachet voglibase 0.2mg./0.3 mg. tab. wax solvant ear drop. xylometazoline nasal drop 10ml. vial zinc sulphate tab zinc sulphate syrup...

Department of Agricultural Research and Education - Bihar

35631114 bids are invited for procurement of plant protection chemicals thiacloprid 21.7 percent sc , azadirachtin or neem oil 5.0 percent ec , lamdacyhalothrin 5 percent ec , carbendazim 12 percent and mancozeb 63 percent wp , di sodium borate tetra hydrate or boron 20 percent micronutrient , glyphosate 41 percent sl , thiophanate methyl 70 percent wp , wetting agent , novaluron 10 percent ec , emamectin benzoate 5 percent sg , zinc sulphate monohydrate, micronutrient , 4.5 percent alpha naphthyl acetic acid aqeous solution , copper oxychloride 50 percent wp , stigmasterol campesterol 0.01 percent plant bio stimulant , spinosad 480 sc 45 percent ec , flubendiamide 480 sc 39.35 percent , azoxytrobin 18.2 percent and difenoconazol 11.4 percent sc , difenoconazole 25 percent , profenophos 50 percent ec , imidacloprid 17.8 percent sl , carbendazim 50 percent wp total quantity : 2700...

Department Of Science And Technology - Bihar

33926436 bids are invited for chemistry lab items 01 platinum wire (with glass tube) 10 borosil 02 measuring cylinder (10 ml) borosil 05 borosil 03 measuring cylinder (50 ml)borosil 05 borosil 04 measuring cylinder (100 ml)borosil 05 borosil 05 measuring cylinder (500 ml) borosil 05 borosil 06 beaker (250 ml) borosil 10 borosil 07 beaker (500 ml) borosil 10 borosil 08 conical flask (250 borosil 10 borosil 09 volumetric measuring flask ( 250 ml) borosil 10 borosil 10 measuring cylinder (1000ml) borosil 05 borosil 11 burette (50 ml) borosil 10 borosil 12 pipette grad. (10 ml) borosil 05 borosil 13 pipette grad. (25 ml) borosil 05 borosil 14 pipette grad. (5 ml) borosil 05 borosil 15 stand with clamp and boss head heavy polylab 10 polylab 16 specific gravity bottle ( borosil glass (50 ml) 10 borosil 17 funnels 25 18 reagent bottle 60ml borosil 10 borosil 19 reagent bottle 125ml borosil 20 borosil 20 reagent bottle 250ml borosil 20 borosil 21 reagent bottle 500ml borosil 20 borosil 22 wash bottle 25 23 flask conical (100 ml) borosil 10 borosil 24 laboratory thermometer (0 to 360c) 01 25 sprit lamp ss 10 26 glass tube 05 27 glass rod 10 28 cork wooden 50 29 electronic balance 10mg to 600gm 01 30 china dish 3 10 31 watch glass 3” borosil 10 borosil 32 volumetric measuring flask (100 ml) 05 33 volumetric measuring flask (1000 ml) borosil 05 borosil 34 volumetric measuring flask (500 ml) borosil 05 borosil 35 round bottom flask 100ml 10 borosil 36 round bottom flask 50ml 10 37 round bottom flask 250ml 10 38 separating funnel 250ml 01 39 wire gauge with asbestus 10 40 tripod stand 6” 10 41 test tube stand polylab 10 polylab 42 test tube holder brass 10 43 clay pipe triangle 10 44 filter paper 12.5cm 10 45 sprit lamp ss 10 46 flat bottom flask 250 borosil 10 borosil 47 hot air oven 14”x14”x14” 01 48 hot plate 8” dia 01 49 water bath with 6 whole 01 50 mortal & pestal 3” 05 51 digital ph meter table top 04 52 digital tds meter table top 04 53 blow pipe 10 54 kipp;s apparatus 1000ml polylab 01 polylab 55 magnetic stirrer 01 56 hot cum stirring plate 01 57 distillation plant 01 58 melting point 01 59 chemical balance 01 60 heating mantle 01 61 ostwald’s viscometer 02 62 benzene 01 litre 63 ethyl acetate 05 litre 64 salicylic acid 02 100g 65 sulphuric acid 02 500 ml 66 hydrochloric acid 01 litre 67 nitric acid 02 500 ml 68 potassium chromate (k2cro4) 02 500g 69 phenol 02 100ml 70 formaldhyde 01 litre 71 ferrus sulphate 02 250g 72 copper sulphate pentahydrate 02 250g 73 zinc sulphate heptahydrate 02 500g 74 potassium nitrate (kno3) 02 500g 75 iodine 02 100g 76 carbon tetra chloride 01 litre 77 ammonium chloride 02 250g 78 potassium chloride 01 500g 79 agar agar 02 100g 80 sodium carbonate 01 1kg 81 barium chloride 02 100g 82 ammonium hydroxide 02 500ml 83 magnese dioxide 02 100g 84 sodium hydroxide 01 1kg 85 n butanol 02 litre 86 1 propanol 01 litre 87 ninhydrin reagent 02 25g 88 edta disodium salt 04 250g 89 erichrome black tea( ebt) 02 100g 90 phenolphthalein (indicator) 01 500g 91 potassium hydroxide 01 1kg 92 sodium thiosulphate 01 250g 93 methyl orange indicator 02 100g 94 mohrs salt(ammn. ferrous sulphate) 02 100g 95 potassium iodide 02 100g 96 potassium dichromate (k2cr2o7) 01 500g 97 potassium permanganate 01 500g 98 starch 01 250g 99 calcium carbonate 02 100g 100 ammonium chloride ammonium hydroxide buffer 01 500ml 101 hexane 02 litre 102 silver nitrate 02 25g 103 hexamethylene diamine 01 500g 104 adipoyl chloride 02 25g 105 cyclohexane 01 litre 106 ethyl alcohol 01 litre 107 succinic acid 01 500g 108 acetic acid 01 litre 109 silica gel g 13% caso4 binder 05 500g 110 1 naphthol 02 100g 111 salicyaldehyde 02 250g 112 acetphenone 01 500g 113 aniline 01 500g 114 ceric ammonium nitrate 02 100g 115 sodium nitropruside 02 100g 116 sodium nitrite 01 500g 117 ferric chloride 01 500g 118 activated charcol 02 500g ( q3 ) total quantity : 1...

Department Of Education - Bihar

33838175 bids are invited for lab equipments 1 bar magnet 1, 0.5 25 2 iron filling 500g 1 3 forceps ( stainless steel ) 5 25 4 watch glass dia 4 50 5 bunsen burner with stop 25 6 burette brush ( nylon ) 25 7 china dish ( porcelain ) dia 3 25 8 crucible tong ( stainless steels ) 8 25 9 filter paper pkt. doctor watt make dia12.5cm 25 10 funnel stand ( wooden ) 25 11 glass stirrer 8 25 12 spatula s.s ( spoon type ) 25 13 spirit lamp ( 100ml ) brass 20 14 test tube ( borosilicate glass ) hand glass pack of 100 5 15 test tube brush ( nylon ) 25 16 test tube holder ( wooden handel ) 25 17 tripod stand 8 25 18 water bath ( copper ) dia 4 25 19 wire gauge with frome & asbestos center 25 20 beaker 100ml 25 21 beaker 250ml 25 22 beaker 500ml 25 23 beaker 1000ml 25 24 beaker 50ml 25 25 burette 25 26 conical flask 50ml 25 27 conical flask 100ml 25 28 conical flask 250ml 25 29 conical flask 500ml 20 30 funnel 75mm 25 31 measuring cylinder 25ml 25 32 measuring cylinder 50ml 25 33 measuring cylinder 100ml 25 34 pipette graduated 5ml 25 35 pipette graduated 25ml 25 36 reagent bottle ( narrow mouth ) 125ml 25 37 reagent bottle ( narrow mouth ) 250ml 25 38 separating funnel 250ml 25 39 volumetric flask 50ml 25 40 volumetric flask 100ml 25 41 volumetric flask 250ml 25 42 pipette stand horizontal for 12 pipettes 25 43 pipette stand vertical for 28 pipettes 25 44 slide box 100slide 25 45 wash bottle 250ml 25 46 rubber cork 25 47 flask tong 12 25 48 delivery tube u 25 49 digital balance 5 50 cork borer 25 51 iron stand 25 52 thermometer 10to110 degree celsius 25 53 dropper glass 25 54 cotton thread ( roll ) 25 55 periodic table chart modern periodic table 25 56 educational rexine chart – general laboratory safety measures 25 57 quartz water distillation double distillation 1 58 melting point apparatus 2 59 multi magnetic stirrer with the hot plate 2 60 electronic sensitive balance 2 61 hot plate 10 62 oven 1 63 dishwash liquid 20 64 gloves ( hand ) 25 65 kipps apparatus 2 66 viscometer 25 67 stalagmometer 25 68 distilled water 25 69 buchner funnel 25 70 reagent rack 10 25 71 desiccator 5 chemical 1 litmus blue indicator paper 20 2 litmus red indicator paper 20 3 indicator paper ph 1 14 ( full range ) 20 4 magnesium ribbon 20 5 cu metal turnings 2 6 zinc granules 2 7 potassium alum 2 8 al2 ( so4 ) 3 aluminum sulfate 2 9 ammonium chloride 2 10 barium chloride 2 11 calcium chloride 2 12 calcium hydroxide 2 13 cupric sulphate 2 14 calcium oxide powder 2 15 ferrous sulphate 2 16 sodium bicarbonate 2 17 sodium carbonate anhydrous 2 18 naoh sodium hydroxides 2 19 sodium sulphate anhydrous 2 20 zinc sulphate 2 21 acetic acid glacial 10lit. 1 22 carbon disulfide 1 23 sodium metal 1 24 sulphuric acid concentrated 10lit. 1 25 sulphuric acid dilutes 1 26 hydrochloric acid concentrated 1 27 hydrochloric acid dilutes 1 28 nitric acid concentrated 1 29 nitric acid dilutes 1 30 benzene 1 31 toluene 1 32 benzaldehyde 1 33 nitrobenzene 1 34 aniline 1 35 hexane 2 36 phenolphthalein indicator 2 37 oxalic acid 2 38 potassium permanganate 2 39 ferric chloride 2 40 chlorobenzene 2 41 chloroform 2 42 bromine water 2 43 bromobenzene 2 44 sodium chloride 2 total quantity : 1...

Department Of Science And Technology - Bihar

33709617 bids are invited for applied chemistry lab instruments and chemical 01. watch glass ( round 50mm ) 50 02. beaker – 250ml 50 03. beaker 500ml 50 04. glass funnel – 15cm 48 05. glass funnel – 06cm 48 06. conical flask ( 250ml ) 48 07. measuring cylinder 100ml 48 08. measuring cylinder – 500ml 48 09. measuring cylinder – 1000ml 48 10. glass rod 05 kg 11. kipps apparatus 20 12. burrete with stop corks 24 13. burrete stand 24 14. pipette – 20ml 48 15. pipette 10ml 24 16. test tube 72 17. ph. meter ( set ) 10 18. wash bottle plastic 48 19. reagent bottle n / m 500ml 48 20. reagent bottle n / 10 250ml 48 21. reagent bottle w / m – 500ml 48 22. filter paper sheet 72 23. claying triangles 20 24. stopper conical flask 48 25. stop watch digital 04 26. ostwald viscometer ( flask rate 10 20ml ) 20 27. dopper 24 28. blue glass 24 29. blow pipe 24 30. cork pressure 10 31. desiccators 48 32. hot plate round 4 33. magnetic stirrer 4 34. measuring cylinder 50ml 24 35. cork burner 24 36. tripod stand 7” 24 37. test tube stand 24 38. digital balance 2 39. gas & water line connection for chemistry lab room: gas line for the room of 66 sq. meter for 6 experimental tables and 6 outlet gas line with regulator valve. the following equipment’s should be used in lab for gas line connections. ms pipe, including ms –l, t, coupling joint and labor, separate gas cock, ball valve, gas regulator, flexi gas tube, manifold with manifold valve, nrv, regulator, pipe, ball nose set, terminal, on off valve, rubber pipe, clip, adaptor etc., if required hole on granite table, water connection for the room of 66 square meters for 6 experimental tables, 6 no of water outlet on water basin with water tap. 01. sodium hydroxide 3 x ½ kg 02. sodium thiosulphate penta hydrated 3 x ½ kg 03. sodium citrate 2 x ½ kg 04. potassium paramagnet 2 x ½ kg 05. oxalic acid dehydrate 3 x ½ kg 06. sodium carbonate 3 x ½ kg 07. methyl orange 3 x 25gm 08. phenolphthalein indicator 3x100 gm 09. hydrochloric acid 4 x 2.5 liter. 10. sulphuric acid 4 x 2.5 liter. 11. cons. nitric acid 4 x 2.5 liter. 12. zinc sulphate ( hi pure ) 2 x ½ kg 13. barium sulphate 2 x ½ kg 14. sodium sulphate 2 x ½ kg 15. spirit absolute 2 x 500ml 16. acetic acid glacial ½ ltr. 17. liquid ammonia solution 500gm 18. ammonium carbonate 500gm 19. barium chloride 2 x ½ kg 20. silver nitrate 25gm 21. ferrous sulphate 500gm 22. aluminum nitrate 1 x 500gm 23. lead acetate 2 x 500gm 24. ammonium sulphate 1 x 500gm 25. ph paper 05 pkt. 26. ph capsule ( ph = 4, 7, 10 ) each 2 pcs 27. ph buffer ( ph = 4, 7, 10 ) each 2 pcs 28. ammonium hydroxide ( ammonia 2 x ½ kg 29. na. k h phosphate potassium hydrogen phosphate 2 x ½ kg 30. strontium carbonate 4 x 250gm 31. otho phosporic acid 2 x ½ kg 32. magnese sulphate ½ kg 33. aluminum carbonate 2 x ½ kg 34. nickel sulphate 2 x ½ kg 35. nickel chloride 2 x ½ kg 36. strontium chloride 2 x ½ kg 37. phenol 2 x ½ kg 38. formaldehyde 2 x 500ml 39 blue glass 10 pcs 40. edta solution n / 50 ½ ltr. 41. ammonium buffer solution ½ ltr. 42. erichrome black 25gm 43. potassium dichromate ½ kg 44. lead oxide ½ kg 45. zinc cabonate 2 x ½ kg ( q3 ) total quantity : 1...

Department Of Science And Technology - Bihar

32485123 bids are invited for 1. lpg gas cylinder 2. ostwald viscometer 3. kipps apparatus 4. benzene 5. ethyl acetate 6. conc. sulphuric acid 7. conc. hydrochloric acid 8. conc. nitric acid 9. potassium chromate ( k2cro4 ) 10. phenol 11. formaldhyde 12. ferrous sulphate 13. copper sulphate pentahydrate 14. zinc sulphate heptahydrate 15. potassium nitrate ( kno3 ) 16. iodine 17. carbon tetrachloride 18. ammonium chloride 19. potassium chloride 20. sodium carbonate 21. barium chloride 22. ammonium hydroxide 23. manganese dioxide 24. sodium hydroxide 25. n butanol 26. 1 propanol 27. ninhydrin reagent 28. edta disodium salt 29. eriochrome black t ( ebt ) 30. phenolphthalein ( indicator ) 31. potassium hydroxide 32. methyl orange indicator 33. mohrs salt ( amm. ferrous sulphate ) 34. potassium iodide 35. potassium dichromate ( k2cr2o7 ) 36. potassium permanganate 37. starch 38. calcium carbonate 39. ammonium chloride ammonium hydroxide 40. silver nitrate 41. hexamethylene diamine 42. cyclohexane 43. ethyl alcohol 44. succinic acid 45. acetic acid 46. silica gel g 13% caso4 binder 47. salicyaldehyde 48. acetophenone 49. aniline 50. sodium nitropruside 51. sodium nitrite 52. ferric chloride 53. activated charcoal 54. k4fe ( cn ) 6 55. dmg 56. blue litmus 57. red litmus 58. ph paper 59. ammonium sulphate 60. ammonium oxalate 61. nesslers reagent 62. ferrous sulphate 63. lead acetate 64. calcium hydroxide 65. oxalic acid 66. sodium sulphate 67. electrode setupb ( anode and cathode ) 68. rheostat 69. key 70. ammeter 71. sodium 72. burette 73. pippette 10 ml 74. pippete 25 ml 75. conical flask 76. volumetric flask 250 ml 77. volumetric flask 500 ml 78. funnel small 79. dropper 80. cork borrer 81. cork small size 82. reagent bottle 83. wash bottle 84. platinum wire 85. gloves 86. sodium hydroxide 87. ethyl glocol 88. zinc nitrate ( zn ( no3 ) 2.4h2o ) 89. nickel nitrate hexahytrate 90. iso propylalcohol 91. vanadium pento oxide 92. sodium thiosulphate 93. alkaline postassium iodine 94. magneous sulphate 95. starch indicator 96. potasium hydroxide 97. magnesium bicarbonate 98. calcium bi carbonate 99. magnesedioxide 100. methyle benzene 101. methyle acetate 102. stop watch 103. lead chloride 104. copper sulphide 105. zinc nitrate hexahydrate ( zn ( no3 ) 2.6h2o ) 106. ni ( no3 ) 2.6h2o 107. poly ethylnol glycol 108. secrinr...

Ministry Of Power - Bihar

32459633 bids are invited for supply of pbtc zinc sulphate bio dispersant and others 1 m1020635245 pbtc 2 m1011065201 polyacrylamide dispersant 3 m1011065100 bio dispersant 4 m1010965040 zinc sul....

All India Institute Of Medical Sciences - Bihar

32403479 supply of medicines at aiims patna rate contract for supply of medicine at aiims patna , aceclofenac 100 mg+paracetamol 325mg+serratiopeptidase 15mg , adapalene 0.1% + clindamycin 1% gel 15g , adrenaline preservative free 1000 for opthalmic use inj , adrenaline ( 1mg / 1ml ) 1ml inj ( 1:1000 ) , albendazole 10ml susp , amorphous hydrogel wound dressing with colloidal silver 32ppm , apixaban 2.5mg tab , apixaban 5mg tab , aspirin 75 mg tab , aspirin 150 mg tab , aspirin gastro resistant 75mg tab , atorvastain 20mg + aspirin 75mg tab , atorvastatin 10mg + clopidrogel 75mg cap , atropine sulphate ( 0.6mg / ml ) 1ml inj , benzydamine chlorhexidine gluconate mouthwash 300ml , betamethasone sodium phosphate 4mg / 1ml inj , bevacizumab 400mg / 16ml inj , bisacodyl 10mg suppository , bisacodyle ip 5 mg tablet , bosutinib 400mg tab , bupivacaine 0.25% 20ml inj , cabazitaxel 60mg inj , cabergoline 0.25mg tab , calcitriol+calcium carbonate+omega 3+ epa+dha+metylcobalamin+folic acid+sodium borate softgel cap , calcium gluconate ( 50mg / ml ) and calcium lactobionate ( 87.5mg / ml ) 10ml inj , calcium phosphate magnesiun zinc and vit. d3 suspension 200 ml , camphor 25mg+chlorothymol 5mg+eucalyptol 125mg+terpinol 120mg+ menthol 55mg soft gelatin capsules , carboprost tromethamine 1ml inj , cefepime 1000mg + sulbactam 500mg inj , cefoparazone 1gm inj , ceftriaxone 500mg 1g inj , celecoxib 200mg cap , ceritinib 150mg cap , cetrorelix 0.25mg inj , cetuximab ( 5mg / ml ) 20ml inj , chlorhexidine mouthwash 100ml , chlorthalidone 6.25mg tab , cholecalciferol 60000iu schet , clarithromycin 500mg tab , clindamycin 600mg capsule , clindamycin 300mg inj , clobetasol + miconazole cream , clobestasol 0.05% + salicylic acid 3% , clonidine 100mcg tab , clonidine 150mcg 1ml inj , cyanocobalamin 15mg + ferrous fumarate 300mg + folic acid 1.5mg cap , cyclophosphamide 50mg tab , dapagliflozin 5 mg tab , dapagliflozin 10mg tab , darifenacin 7.5mg tab , deflazacort 12mg tab , desogestrel 0.15mg + ethinyl estradiol 0.02mg tab , desonide 0.05% w / w 10gm cream , dexamethasone ip 0.5mg tablet , dexamethasone ip 2mg tablet , dexamethasone ip 4mg tablet , dexamethasone ip 8mg tablet , dextromethorphan hydrobromide + chlorpheniramine maleate 100ml syrup , dextromethorphan hydrobromide 5mg lozenges , dextromethorphan hydrobromide, chlorphenramine maleate, guaifenesin, ammonium cloride 100ml syrup , dextromethorphan hydrobromide+phenylpherine+chlorpheniraminr maleate sugar free syrup 100ml , gemcitabine rtu 1gm , dextrose 50% 100ml , diacerein 50mg cap , diacerin 50mg + glucosamaine sulphate potassium chloride 750mg + methylsulfonylmethane 250mg tab , diclofenac 1% ( diclofenac diethyl 1.16%w / w ) gel 15g , diclofenac sodium ( 75mg / 3ml ) 3ml , diclofenac sodium 50mg + paracetamol 325mg tab , diltiazem 30mg tab , dinoprostone 0.5mg gel , disodium hydrogen citrate ( alkalyser ) 1.4gm syrup 100ml , domperidone 10mg tab , domperidone oral suspension 30ml , dorzolamide hcl 2% e / drops , doxycycline 100mg + lactic acid bacillus 5 billion spores cap , doxycycline 100mg cap , doxylamine 10mg +vit b6 ( pyridoxin ) 10mg +folic acid 2.5mg tab , doxylamine succinate + pyridoxine hcl ( 10 / 10mg ) tab , entecavir 0.5mg tab , entecavir 1mg tab , escitalopram 10mg tab , escitalopram oxalate 5mg , ethambutol 600mg tab , etofylline / etophylline ( 231mg ) + theophylline ( 69mg ) tab , etofylline etophylline ( 115mg ) + theophylline ( 35mg ) pr tab , etoposide 100mg inj , femiplex tab. , ferric carboxymaltose 50mg / ml 10mlinj , ferrous ascorbate 100mg + folic acid 1.1mg + methylcobalamine 1.5 mg + zinc sulphate 22.5 mg tab , ferrous ascorbate and folic acid 150ml syp , ferrous ascorbate and folic acid tab , flavoxate 200mg , flunarizine 10mg tab , flurouracil 250 mg inj , framycetin skin cream 30 gm , frusemide ( 10mg / ml ) 2ml inj , frusemide ( 10mg / ml ) 4ml inj , frusemide 20mg + spironolactone 50mg tablet , fungal diastase + pepsin 200ml , furosemide 40mg tab , glycine 1.5% 3 ltr , hair removal cream 30gm , heparin sodium and benzyl nicotinate ointment , homatropine hydrobromide eye drops ip 5 ml , hyaluronidase 1500iu inj , hydrogen peroxide solution 6.5% 100ml , hydroxypropylmethycellulose 2% eye gel , hydroxyzine hydrochloride 10mg 100ml syrup , hylan polymer a and b g f 20 8mg / ml pre filled syringe 6ml , hyoscine butylbromide 20mg inj , ibrutinib 140mg cap , ibuprofen 400mg+paracetamol 325mg+chlorzoxazone 250mg tab , ketoconazole 200mg tab , ketorolac ( 0.5% w / v ) + moxifloxacin ( 0.5% w / v ) eye drop , l arginine + proanthocyanidin granules 6.5gm sachet , leflunomide 10mg , leflunomide 20mg , levetiracetam 500mg tab , levetiracetam oral solution 100ml syrup , levobupivacaine 0.5% 20ml , levocarnitine 150mg + vitamin e 200mg tab , levocarnitine 500mg tab , levosalbutamol syrup 100ml , lidocaine ( 2.5%w / w ) +prilocaine ( 2.5%w / w ) 5gm cream , lignocaine 2% ( 21.3mg / ml ) 50ml inj , liquid paraffin and milk of magnesia , loperamide 2mg tab , l ornithine l aspartate 150mg+pancreatine 100mg tab , luliconazole ( 1%w / v ) 30ml lotion , magnesium sulphate 50%w / v 2ml inj , mefenamic acid 250mg + dicyclomine hcl 10mg tab , meropenem sulbactum 1.5gm inj , methotrexate 5mg tab , methotrexate 10mg tab , methotrexate 7.5mg tab , methotrexate 15mg tab , methyl prednisolone acetate 40mg / 1ml inj , methylcobalamine 1500mcg + l metylfolate 1mg + pyridoxal 5 phosphate 0.5mg cap , methylcobalamine 500mg tab , methylergometrine inj 1 ml , metoclopramide ( 5mg / ml ) 2ml inj , metronidazole 2% and povidone iodine 10% ointment 15g , metronidazole 2% and povidone iodine 10% ointment 20g , gemcitabine rtu 1.4gm , minoxidil 5% + finasteride 0.1% lotion 60ml , mirtazapine 7.5mg tab , mitomycin c 10mg inj , moxifloxacin 400mg 100ml inj , moxifloxacin eye ointment 5gm , moxonidine 0.3mg tab , multi vitamin 10ml inj ( mvi ) , multivitamin drop 15ml , multivitamin with zinc syp , multivitamine and multimineral with dha and inulin powder 200gm , nebivolol ( 5mg ) + cilnidipine ( 10mg ) tab , nimodipine 50ml inj , nintedanib soft gelatin 150mg cap , nitroglycerine 25mg / 5ml inj , nitroglycerine 6.4mg tab , norethindrone acetate 5mg tab , normal saline 0.9% 3 ltr , nutritive infusion of pure crystalline amino acids , octreotide 0.05mg inj , ondancetron ( 2mg / 5ml ) 30ml syp , glutamine 600mg , oral rehydration salts ( electral powder ) , ornidazol 500mg tab , orodispersible probiotic sachets , osimertinib 80mg tab , oxcarbazepine 150mg , oxcarbazepine 450mg tab , oxetacaine ( 10mg / 5ml ) + aluminium hydroxide ( 0.291gm / 5ml ) + milk of magnesia ( 98mg / 5ml ) anesthetic antacid gel ( sugar free ) , oxybutynin chloride 2.5 mg tab , oxytocin ip 5iu inj , pantoprazole 40mg + itopride 150mg s.r. cap , paracetamol ( 150mg / ml ) 2ml inj , paracetamol ( 100mg / ml ) paediatric oral suspension 15ml drops , paracetamol ( 125mg / 5ml ) paediatric oral suspension 60ml , pentoxifylline 400mg tab , perfluoro n octane liquid 5ml , permethrin 5% w / v 60ml lotion , pheniramine maleate ( 22.75mg / ml ) 2ml inj , phenobarbitone 200mg / 2ml inj , piroxicam inj 40mg , placenta extract gel 20gm , polymyxin b + neomycin + hydrocortisone ear drops , pomalidomide 2mg cap , posaconazole 100mg tab ( 1x10 ) , posaconazole 300mg inj , posaconazole 40mg / ml oral suspension , povidone iodine germicide gargle 2% , prednisolone 5mg tab , prednisolone 10mg tab , prednisolone 20mg tab , prednisolone 40mg tab , prednisolone acetate opthalmic suspension 10ml eye drop , probiotic lactobacilus cap , progesterone 400mg cap , promethazine 50mg / 2ml inj , proparacaine hydrochloride 0.5% 5ml eye drop , protamine sulphate 50mg / 5ml inj , pyrazinamide 1000mg tab , pyrazinamide 500mg , pyridoxine 100mg tab , pyridoxine 40mg tab , ranitidine ( 25mg / ml ) 2ml inj , ranitidine 150mg tab , regoratenib 40mg tab , remdesivir 100mg inj , riboflavin 10mg tab , rifaximine 200mg tab , rifaximine 400mg tab , rosuvastatin 10mg tab , serratiopeptidase 10mg + diclofenac pot 50mg , silicone oil 1500 mm2 / s ( cst ) 10ml vial , simethicone 40mg + dill oil b.p 0.005ml + fennel oil 0.0007ml 15ml drop , sitagliptin 50mg + metformin 500mg tab , sitagliptin phosphate 100mg tab , sodium bicarbonate ( 8.4% w / v ) 25ml. , sodium chloride + sodium bicarbonate sachet kit ( nasoclear nasal wash 3g kit ) , sodium phosphate enema 100ml , sodium valporate ( 100mg / ml ) 5ml inj , spironolactone 100mg tab , spironolactone 25mg tab , sterile hemocoagulase solution ( 0.2cu ) 10ml , streptokinase 15lacks i.u inj , sucralfate 200ml suspension , sulfamethoxazole 800mg + trimethoprim 160mg tab , sulfasalazine delayed release 500mg tab , syrup potassium chloride oral solution , tamsulosin 0.4mg tab , telmisartan 40mg + amlodepine 5mg + hydrochlorthiazide 12.5mg tab , telmisartan 40mg + chlorthalidone 12.5mg tab , telmisartan 40mg + metopeolol succinate er 50 mg tab , telmisartan 80mg + amlodipine 5mg tab , tenecteplase 20mg inj , tetanus toxoid reduced diphtheria toxoid and acellular pertussis vaccine 0.5ml , tetanus vaccine inj , thiamine 200mg / 2ml inj , thiocolchicoside 4mg cap , thiopentone sodium 500mg inj , tobramycin 0.3% 5ml eye drop , tobramycin 80mg inj , tocilizumab 80mg inj , tocotrienol 400mg softgel cap , tolperisone hcl 150mg tab , torsemide 10mg inj , torsemide 20mg inj , torsemide 10mg tab , tramadol 50mg cap , tranexamic acid 500mg + mefenamic acid 250mg tab , travoprost 0.004%w / v eye drop , tretinoin 0.025% w / w 30gm cream , tretinoin 0.05% w / w 30gm cream , undenatured collagen type 2 + l citrulline+astazanthin+magnesium+l glutamine+vitamin e tab , valethamate bromide 8mg inj , vasopressin 40iu / ml pre filled syringe , vecuronium bromide 10mg inj , vecuronium bromide 4 mg inj , vidagliptin 50mg + metformin 500mg tab , vinblastin sulphate 10mg inj , vitamin a caps , vitamin b complex with b12 tab , vitamin c ( ascorbic acid ) 1.5 gm inj , vitamin c tab , vitamin e 400mg cap , vitamin k 10mg / ml 1ml inj , vitamin k 1mg / 0.5ml inj , warfarin sodium 2mg tab , warfarin sodium 3mg tab , zinc acetate 50mg tab , cytarabine 1gm inj , dabigatran 110mg , dabigatran 150mg , synacthen 250mcg inj , meropenem + tezobactum ( 1:1 combination ) 1gm+0.125gm , ropivacaine hydrochloride in dextrose 7.5mg ( 4ml ) ...

All India Institute Of Medical Sciences - Bihar

32397423 supply of medicines at aiims patna 1 aceclofenac 100 mg+paracetamol 325mg+serratiopeptidase 15mg 2 adapalene 0.1% + clindamycin 1% gel 15g 3 adrenaline preservative free 1000 for opthalmic use inj 4 adrenaline(1mg/1ml) 1ml inj (1:1000) 5 albendazole 10ml susp 6 amorphous hydrogel wound dressing with colloidal silver 32ppm 7 apixaban 2.5mg tab 8 apixaban 5mg tab 9 aspirin 75 mg tab 10 aspirin 150 mg tab 11 aspirin gastro resistant 75mg tab 12 atorvastain 20mg + aspirin 75mg tab 13 atorvastatin 10mg + clopidrogel 75mg cap 14 atropine sulphate (0.6mg/ml) 1ml inj 15 benzydamine chlorhexidine gluconate mouthwash 300ml 16 betamethasone sodium phosphate 4mg/1ml inj 17 bevacizumab 400mg/16ml inj 18 bisacodyl 10mg suppository 19 bisacodyle ip 5 mg tablet 20 bosutinib 400mg tab 21 bupivacaine 0.25% 20ml inj 22 cabazitaxel 60mg inj 23 cabergoline 0.25mg tab 24 calcitriol+calcium carbonate+omega 3+ epa+dha+metylcobalamin+folic acid+sodium borate softgel cap 25 calcium gluconate(50mg/ml) and calcium lactobionate(87.5mg/ml) 10ml inj 26 calcium phosphate magnesiun zinc and vit. d3 suspension 200 ml 27 camphor 25mg+chlorothymol 5mg+eucalyptol 125mg+terpinol 120mg+ menthol 55mg soft gelatin capsules 28 carboprost tromethamine 1ml inj 29 cefepime 1000mg + sulbactam 500mg inj 30 cefoparazone 1gm inj 31 ceftriaxone 500mg 1g inj 32 celecoxib 200mg cap 33 ceritinib 150mg cap 34 cetrorelix 0.25mg inj 35 cetuximab (5mg/ml) 20ml inj 36 chlorhexidine mouthwash 100ml 37 chlorthalidone 6.25mg tab 38 cholecalciferol 60000iu schet 39 clarithromycin 500mg tab 40 clindamycin 600mg capsule 41 clindamycin 300mg inj 42 clobetasol + miconazole cream 43 clobestasol 0.05% + salicylic acid 3% 44 clonidine 100mcg tab 45 clonidine 150mcg 1ml inj 46 cyanocobalamin 15mg + ferrous fumarate 300mg + folic acid 1.5mg cap 47 cyclophosphamide 50mg tab 48 dapagliflozin 5 mg tab 49 dapagliflozin 10mg tab 50 darifenacin 7.5mg tab 51 deflazacort 12mg tab 52 desogestrel 0.15mg + ethinyl estradiol 0.02mg tab 53 desonide 0.05% w/w 10gm cream 54 dexamethasone ip 0.5mg tablet 55 dexamethasone ip 2mg tablet 56 dexamethasone ip 4mg tablet 57 dexamethasone ip 8mg tablet 58 dextromethorphan hydrobromide + chlorpheniramine maleate 100ml syrup 59 dextromethorphan hydrobromide 5mg lozenges 60 dextromethorphan hydrobromide,chlorphenramine maleate,guaifenesin,ammonium cloride 100ml syrup 61 dextromethorphan hydrobromide+phenylpherine+chlorpheniraminr maleate sugar free syrup 100ml 62 gemcitabine rtu 1gm 63 dextrose 50% 100ml 64 diacerein 50mg cap 65 diacerin 50mg + glucosamaine sulphate potassium chloride 750mg + methylsulfonylmethane 250mg tab 66 diclofenac 1%(diclofenac diethyl 1.16%w/w) gel 15g 67 diclofenac sodium (75mg/3ml) 3ml 68 diclofenac sodium 50mg + paracetamol 325mg tab 69 diltiazem 30mg tab 70 dinoprostone 0.5mg gel 71 disodium hydrogen citrate(alkalyser) 1.4gm syrup 100ml 72 domperidone 10mg tab 73 domperidone oral suspension 30ml 74 dorzolamide hcl 2% e/drops 75 doxycycline 100mg + lactic acid bacillus 5 billion spores cap 76 doxycycline 100mg cap 77 doxylamine 10mg +vit b6 (pyridoxin)10mg +folic acid 2.5mg tab 78 doxylamine succinate + pyridoxine hcl (10/10mg) tab 79 entecavir 0.5mg tab 80 entecavir 1mg tab 81 escitalopram 10mg tab 82 escitalopram oxalate 5mg 83 ethambutol 600mg tab 84 etofylline/etophylline (231mg) + theophylline (69mg) tab 85 etofylline etophylline (115mg) + theophylline (35mg) pr tab 86 etoposide 100mg inj 87 femiplex tab. 88 ferric carboxymaltose 50mg/ml 10ml inj 89 ferrous ascorbate 100mg + folic acid 1.1mg + methylcobalamine 1.5 mg + zinc sulphate 22.5 mg tab 90 ferrous ascorbate and folic acid 150ml syp 91 ferrous ascorbate and folic acid tab 92 flavoxate 200mg 93 flunarizine 10mg tab 94 flurouracil 250 mg inj 95 framycetin skin cream 30 gm 96 frusemide (10mg/ml) 2ml inj 97 frusemide (10mg/ml) 4ml inj 98 frusemide 20mg + spironolactone 50mg tablet 99 fungal diastase + pepsin 200ml 100 furosemide 40mg tab 101 glycine 1.5% 3 ltr 102 hair removal cream 30gm 103 heparin sodium and benzyl nicotinate ointment 104 homatropine hydrobromide eye drops ip 5 ml 105 hyaluronidase 1500iu inj 106 hydrogen peroxide solution 6.5% 100ml 107 hydroxypropylmethycellulose 2% eye gel 108 hydroxyzine hydrochloride 10mg 100ml syrup 109 hylan polymer a and b g f 20 8mg/ml pre filled syringe 6ml 110 hyoscine butylbromide 20mg inj 111 ibrutinib 140mg cap 112 ibuprofen 400mg+paracetamol 325mg+chlorzoxazone 250mg tab 113 ketoconazole 200mg tab 114 ketorolac (0.5% w/v) + moxifloxacin (0.5% w/v) eye drop 115 l arginine + proanthocyanidin granules 6.5gm sachet 116 leflunomide 10mg 117 leflunomide 20mg 118 levetiracetam 500mg tab 119 levetiracetam oral solution 100ml syrup 120 levobupivacaine 0.5% 20ml 121 levocarnitine 150mg + vitamin e 200mg tab 122 levocarnitine 500mg tab 123 levosalbutamol syrup 100ml 124 lidocaine(2.5%w/w)+prilocaine(2.5%w/w) 5gm cream 125 lignocaine 2%(21.3mg/ml) 50ml inj 126 liquid paraffin and milk of magnesia 127 loperamide 2mg tab 128 l ornithine l aspartate 150mg+pancreatine 100mg tab 129 luliconazole (1%w/v) 30ml lotion 130 magnesium sulphate 50%w/v 2ml inj 131 mefenamic acid 250mg + dicyclomine hcl 10mg tab 132 meropenem sulbactum 1.5gm inj 133 methotrexate 5mg tab 134 methotrexate 10mg tab 135 methotrexate 7.5mg tab 136 methotrexate 15mg tab 137 methyl prednisolone acetate 40mg/1ml inj 138 methylcobalamine 1500mcg + l metylfolate 1mg + pyridoxal 5 phosphate 0.5mg cap 139 methylcobalamine 500mg tab 140 methylergometrine inj 1 ml 141 metoclopramide (5mg/ml) 2ml inj 142 metronidazole 2% and povidone iodine 10% ointment 15g 143 metronidazole 2% and povidone iodine 10% ointment 20g 144 gemcitabine rtu 1.4gm 145 minoxidil 5% + finasteride 0.1% lotion 60ml 146 mirtazapine 7.5mg tab 147 mitomycin c 10mg inj 148 moxifloxacin 400mg 100ml inj 149 moxifloxacin eye ointment 5gm 150 moxonidine 0.3mg tab 151 multi vitamin 10ml inj (mvi) 152 multivitamin drop 15ml 153 multivitamin with zinc syp 154 multivitamine and multimineral with dha and inulin powder 200gm 155 nebivolol (5mg) + cilnidipine (10mg) tab 156 nimodipine 50ml inj 157 nintedanib soft gelatin 150mg cap 158 nitroglycerine 25mg/5ml inj 159 nitroglycerine 6.4mg tab 160 norethindrone acetate 5mg tab 161 normal saline 0.9% 3 ltr 162 nutritive infusion of pure crystalline amino acids 163 octreotide 0.05mg inj 164 ondancetron (2mg/5ml) 30ml syp 165 glutamine 600mg 166 oral rehydration salts (electral powder) 167 ornidazol 500mg tab 168 orodispersible probiotic sachets 169 osimertinib 80mg tab 170 oxcarbazepine 150mg 171 oxcarbazepine 450mg tab 172 oxetacaine (10mg/5ml) + aluminium hydroxide (0.291gm/5ml) + milk of magnesia (98mg/5ml) anesthetic antacid gel (sugar free) 173 oxybutynin chloride 2.5 mg tab 174 oxytocin ip 5iu inj 175 pantoprazole 40mg + itopride 150mg s.r. cap 176 paracetamol (150mg/ml) 2ml inj 177 paracetamol(100mg/ml) paediatric oral suspension 15ml drops 178 paracetamol(125mg/5ml) paediatric oral suspension 60ml 179 pentoxifylline 400mg tab 180 perfluoro n octane liquid 5ml 181 permethrin 5% w/v 60ml lotion 182 pheniramine maleate(22.75mg/ml) 2ml inj 183 phenobarbitone 200mg/2ml inj 184 piroxicam inj 40mg 185 placenta extract gel 20gm 186 polymyxin b + neomycin + hydrocortisone ear drops 187 pomalidomide 2mg cap 188 posaconazole 100mg tab(1x10) 189 posaconazole 300mg inj 190 posaconazole 40mg/ml oral suspension 191 povidone iodine germicide gargle 2% 192 prednisolone 5mg tab 193 prednisolone 10mg tab 194 prednisolone 20mg tab 195 prednisolone 40mg tab 196 prednisolone acetate opthalmic suspension 10ml eye drop 197 probiotic lactobacilus cap 198 progesterone 400mg cap 199 promethazine 50mg/2ml inj 200 proparacaine hydrochloride 0.5% 5ml eye drop 201 protamine sulphate 50mg/5ml inj 202 pyrazinamide 1000mg tab 203 pyrazinamide 500mg 204 pyridoxine 100mg tab 205 pyridoxine 40mg tab 206 ranitidine (25mg/ml) 2ml inj 207 ranitidine 150mg tab 208 regoratenib 40mg tab 209 remdesivir 100mg inj 210 riboflavin 10mg tab 211 rifaximine 200mg tab 212 rifaximine 400mg tab 213 rosuvastatin 10mg tab 214 serratiopeptidase 10mg + diclofenac pot 50mg 215 silicone oil 1500 mm2/s (cst) 10ml vial 216 simethicone 40mg + dill oil b.p 0.005ml + fennel oil 0.0007ml 15ml drop 217 sitagliptin 50mg + metformin 500mg tab 218 sitagliptin phosphate 100mg tab 219 sodium bicarbonate (8.4% w/v) 25ml. 220 sodium chloride + sodium bicarbonate sachet kit(nasoclear nasal wash 3g kit) 221 sodium phosphate enema 100ml 222 sodium valporate(100mg/ml) 5ml inj 223 spironolactone 100mg tab 224 spironolactone 25mg tab 225 sterile hemocoagulase solution(0.2cu) 10ml 226 streptokinase 15lacks i.u inj 227 sucralfate 200ml suspension 228 sulfamethoxazole 800mg + trimethoprim 160mg tab 229 sulfasalazine delayed release 500mg tab 230 syrup potassium chloride oral solution 231 tamsulosin 0.4mg tab 232 telmisartan 40mg + amlodepine 5mg + hydrochlorthiazide 12.5mg tab 233 telmisartan 40mg + chlorthalidone 12.5mg tab 234 telmisartan 40mg + metopeolol succinate er 50 mg tab 235 telmisartan 80mg + amlodipine 5mg tab 236 tenecteplase 20mg inj 237 tetanus toxoid reduced diphtheria toxoid and acellular pertussis vaccine 0.5ml 238 tetanus vaccine inj 239 thiamine 200mg/2ml inj 240 thiocolchicoside 4mg cap 241 thiopentone sodium 500mg inj 242 tobramycin 0.3% 5ml eye drop 243 tobramycin 80mg inj 244 tocilizumab 80mg inj 245 tocotrienol 400mg softgel cap 246 tolperisone hcl 150mg tab 247 torsemide 10mg inj 248 torsemide 20mg inj 249 torsemide 10mg tab 250 tramadol 50mg cap 251 tranexamic acid 500mg + mefenamic acid 250mg tab 252 travoprost 0.004%w/v eye drop 253 tretinoin 0.025% w/w 30gm cream 254 tretinoin 0.05% w/w 30gm cream 255 undenatured collagen type 2 + l citrulline+astazanthin+magnesium+lglutamine+ vitamin e tab 256 valethamate bromide 8mg inj 257 vasopressin 40iu/ml pre filled syringe 258 vecuronium bromide 10mg inj 259 vecuronium bromide 4 mg inj 260 vidagliptin 50mg + metformin 500mg tab 261 vinblastin sulphate 10mg inj 262 vitamin a caps 263 vitamin b complex with b12 tab 264 vitamin c (ascorbic acid) 1.5 gm inj 265 vitamin c tab 266 vitamin e 400mg cap 267 vitamin k 10mg/ml 1ml inj 268 vitamin k 1mg/0.5ml inj 269 warfarin sodium 2mg tab 270 warfarin sodium 3mg tab 271 zinc acetate 50mg tab 272 cytarabine 1gm inj 273 dabigatran 110mg 274 dabigatran 150mg 275 synacthen 250mcg inj 276 meropenam + tezobactum (1:1 combination) 1gm+0.125gm 277 ropivacaine hydrochloride in dextrose 7.5mg (4ml) ...

Department Of Science And Technology - Bihar

31795619 bids are invited for lab item 1. lpg gas cylinder 2 2. ostwald viscometer 2 3. kipps apparatus 1 4. benzene 1 5. ethyl acetate 5 6. conc. sulphuric acid 2 7. conc. hydrochloric acid 2 8. conc. nitric acid 2 9. potassium chromate ( k2cro4 ) 2 10. phenol 2 11. formaldhyde 2 12. ferrous sulphate 2 13. copper sulphate pentahydrate 2 14. zinc sulphate heptahydrate 2 15. potassium nitrate ( kno3 ) 2 16. iodine 2 17. carbon tetrachloride 1 18. ammonium chloride 2 19. potassium chloride 1 20. sodium carbonate 1 21. barium chloride 2 22. ammonium hydroxide 2 23. manganese dioxide 1 24. sodium hydroxide 2 25. n butanol 2 26. 1 propanol 1 27. ninhydrin reagent 2 28. edta disodium salt 4 29. eriochrome black t ( ebt ) 2 30. phenolphthalein ( indicator ) 1 31. potassium hydroxide 1 32. methyl orange indicator 2 33. mohrs salt ( amm. ferrous sulphate ) 2 34. potassium iodide 2 35. potassium dichromate ( k2cr2o7 ) 2 36. potassium permanganate 2 37. starch 1 38. calcium carbonate 2 39. ammonium chloride ammonium hydroxide 2 40. silver nitrate 2 41. hexamethylene diamine 1 42. cyclohexane 1 43. ethyl alcohol 2 44. succinic acid 1 45. acetic acid 2 46. silica gel g 13% caso4 binder 1 47. salicyaldehyde 1 48. acetophenone 1 49. aniline 1 50. sodium nitropruside 2 51. sodium nitrite 1 52. ferric chloride 2 53. activated charcoal 2 54. k4fe ( cn ) 6 2 55. dmg 2 56. blue litmus 100 57. red litmus 100 58. ph paper 100 59. ammonium sulphate 2 60. ammonium oxalate 2 61. nesslers reagent 2 62. ferrous sulphate 2 63. lead acetate 2 64. calcium hydroxide 2 65. oxalic acid 2 66. sodium sulphate 2 67. electrode setupb ( anode and cathode ) 3 68. rheostat 3 69. key 3 70. ammeter 3 71. sodium 1 72. burette 40 73. pippette 10 ml 20 74. pippete 25 ml 20 75. conical flask 50 76. volumetric flask 250 ml 25 77. volumetric flask 500 ml 25 78. funnel small 40 79. dropper 25 80. cork borrer 10 81. cork small size 2 82. reagent bottle 50 83. wash bottle 20 84. platinum wire 10 85. gloves 50 86. sodium hydroxide 1 big packet 87. ethyl glocol 500 ml 88. zinc nitrate ( zn ( no3 ) 2.4h2o ) 1 middle bottle 89. nickel nitrate hexahytrate 1 middle 90. iso propylalcohol 2 ltr 91. vanadium pento oxide 1 ltr 92. sodium thiosulphate 500g 93. alkaline postassium iodine 200ml 94. magneous sulphate 500g 95. starch indicator 2pc 96. potasium hydroxide 500gm 97. magnesium bicarbonate 500gm 98. calcium bi carbonate 1 pc 99. magnesedioxide 500g 100. methyle benzene 1kg 101. methyle acetate 1kg 102. stop watch 2pc 103. lead chloride 1kg 104. copper sulphide 1kg 105. zinc nitrate hexahydrate ( zn ( no3 ) 2.6h2o ) 500g 106. ni ( no3 ) 2.6h2o 250g 107. poly ethylnol glycol 500g 108. secrinr 1...

Indian Army - Bihar

31072515 purchase of expendable medical stores as per tender document => limited 1 betaxolol eye drops 0.25% 0.5% bott of 5 ml 2 bimatoprost 0.03% bott of 3ml 3 brimonidine tartrate 0.2%, eye drops 4 brinzolamide 1%+brimonidine 0.2 % droptainer bottle of 5 ml 5 chloramphenicol 0.5% + dexamethasone sodium 0.1% bott of 5 ml 6 ciprofloxacin 0.3% eye drops of 3mg / ml bott of 5 ml 7 ciprofloxacin hcl 0.3% + dexamethasone 0.1 % bott of 5ml 8 cyclosporine eye drop 0.05% bott of 3 ml 9 dexamethasone 0.1% eye drop bott of 5 ml 10 dorzolamide 2%, eye drops 11 flurbiprofen sodium ophthalmic sol 0.03% vial of 5 ml 12 gatifloxacin 0.3% eye drop bott of 5 ml 13 ketorolac tromethamine 0.4%, eye drops 14 latanoprost 0.005% with 0.5% timolol eye drop bott of 2.5 ml 15 lotepredenol tabonate 0.5% bott of 5 ml eye drop 16 moxifloxacin 0.5% preservative free eye drops 17 natamycin 3% eye drops in 3 ml bott 18 nepafenac micronised suspension 0.1% bak free, iit technology in packing of 5ml 19 phenylephrine hcl 10% with chl0utol 0.5% eye drops 20 pilocarpine nitrate eye solution 2% bott of 5 ml 21 polyethylene glycol nf 400 0.45 %+ proplene glycol 0.3 %, s0itol, hp guar, bprate, with polyquad 0.001% as preservative, 10 ml in droptainer dispensing system 22 povidone 5% eye drop bott of 5 ml 23 sodium chloride eye drops 5%, 5 ml bott 24 sodium chromoglycate eye drops 2% bott of 5 ml 25 sodium hyaluronate 0.1% with citric acid 0.05mg, sodium citrate 8.50mg per ml comod system bott of 10ml 26 sodium hyaluronate 2.3% , 0.60ml, average molecular weight 3200999 daltons ( classification viscoadaptive ) 27 timolol maleate 0.5% preservative free with comod system 28 timolol maleate eye drop 0.5% bott of 5 ml 29 tobramycin 0.3% bott of 5 ml 30 travoprost 0.004% bott of 2.5 ml, eye drops 31 travoprost 0.004%+timolol 0.5 %2.5 ml, eye drops 32 tropicamide 1% with 5% phenylephrine eye drop bott of 5 ml 33 tropicamide eye solution 1%, bott of 5 ml 34 atropine sulphate 1% w / v bott of 3 ml 35 cyclopentolate hcl 1% opth soln bottle of 5 ml 36 homatropine hydrochloride, sol 2% 37 ofloxacin 0.3% bott of 5 ml 38 atropine sulphate 0.6 mg, 1 ml inj 39 bupivacaine hcl 5 mg / ml heavy 4 ml inj 40 fluconazole 0.3% w / v bott of 5 ml 41 fluoresceine sodium 20%, 3 ml inj 42 hydroxy methyl cellulose 2%, 2 ml inj 43 lignocaine hcl 2% ( without adrenaline ) 30 ml inj ( suitable for ophthalmic use also ) 44 mannitol 20% inj bottle of 350 ml inj 45 methyl cellullose 2% solution bottle of 5 ml 46 methyl cellulose inj 2% ( for intra ocular use ) vial of 2ml 47 pilocarpine intracameral inj 0.5% pilocarpine nitrate intra ocular inj without preservatives, amp of 01ml each 48 sodium hyaluronate opthalmic sol 14 mg / ml, pre filled syringe 49 trypan blue 0.6% in vial of 1ml inj 50 carboxy methyl cellulose ( cmc ) 1%, gel 51 slit lamp bulb 52 premoistened towelettes in dispenser containing alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride, alkyl dimethyl ethyl benzyle ammonium chloride or n n dialkyl nn dimethyl ammonium chloride, n alkyl nn dimethyl n benzylammonium chloride, 80 200 towelettes per 53 aciclovir 5% tube of 5gm 54 acyclovir ophth ointment 3% w / w in 5 gm tube 55 atropine sulphate oint 1% tube of 3 gm 56 ciprofloxacin hcl 0.3% tube of 5 gm 57 dexamethasone sodium phosphate 1% & tobramycin 0.3% w / w oint tube of 3.5gm 58 sodium chloride 6% w / w ointment tube of 3 gm 59 pristine ns prime, large 20cm x 20cm wipes impregnated with normal saline solution, individually packed and gamma sterilised, box of 20 wipes 60 trephine, corneal transplant, castroviejo, set of 13 sizes, consisting of 5, 5.5, 6, 6.5, 7, 7.5, 8, 8.5, 9, 9.5, 10, 11, 12 mm with metal guards and metal boxes. 61 trifocal iol 62 ctr ( capsule tension rings ) 63 disposable tubings & phaco pack 64 multifocal iol 65 oertli phacotip 15 * ( dia 0.9 & 1.2mm ) 66 oertli phacotip 30 * ( dia 0.9 & 1.2mm ) 67 phacohand piece 68 needle, atraumatic 6 mm 3 / 8 circle, spatulated, micro point10 / 0 nylon monofilament, pkt of 12. 69 needle, atraumatic 6mm 3 / 8 circle, spatulated, micro point polymide monifilament, 8 / 0 pkt of 12. 70 needle, atraumatic 6mm 3 / 8 circle, spatulated, micro point polymide monofilament, 9 / 0 pkt of 12. 71 needle, atraumatic 8mm double armed 1 / 4 circle spatulated micro point 6 / 0 . 72 polypropylene blue monofilament 70 75 cm, size 6 / 0, 3 / 8 circle reverse cutting, 12 13 mm double needle 73 polypropylene blue monofilament 70 75 cm, size 7 / 0, 3 / 8 circle taper cut, 7.6 mm double needle 74 polypropylene blue monofilament 70 75 cm, size 7 / 0, 3 / 8 circle taper cutting, 9 mm double needle 75 polypropylene blue monofilament 70 75 cms size 7 / 0 3 / 8 circle taper cut, 8mm double needle 76 polypropylene blue monofilament 70 75 cms size 8 / 0 3 / 8 circle taper cut, 8mm double needle 77 predinisolone acetate 1% w / v bott of 5 ml eye drop 78 acetazolamide 0.25g tab 79 acyclovir eye oint 80 acyclovir oint topical use 81 balance salt sterile ophthalmic irrigating solution with glutathione disulfide 4.6mg / ml , 500 ml 82 bandage contact lenses 83 bimatoprost 0.01% bott of 3ml 84 bimatoprost 0.03%+ timolol 0.5% with bak 0.005% e / d 85 brimonidine ( 2 mg / ml ) + timolol ( 5 mg / ml ) eye drop 86 brimonidine 0.01% eye drop 87 brimonidine 0.2% +timolol 0.5% bott of 5 ml e / d 88 brimonidine tartrate 0.15% bott of 5 ml e / d 89 brinzolamide e / d 90 brinzolamide+brimonidine e / d 91 ciprofloxacin+dexamethasone e / d 92 cotton tipped, double ended applicator ( ear buds ) 93 cresent ophthalmic knife 94 difluprednate 0.5% e / d 95 disposable entry keratome phaco knife 2.8 mm 96 disposable needle 26g 1 / 2 inch 97 disposable ophthalmic microsurgical groove knife 98 disposable sterile eye dressing with adhesive 99 dorzolamide 0.5% eye drop 100 dorzolamide 2% + timlol 0.5% e / d 101 dorzolamide hcl & timolol malate e / d 102 eye drop besiflpoxacin 0.6% with inactive polycarbophil and durasite 103 hpmc eye drop 104 hydrodissection disposable canula for ophthalmic use 25 g 22 mm long gentle smooth curve 105 hydrophobic acrylic multipiece foldable iol with acrylic optic and square edge pmma haptics with uv blocker with refractive index ( ri ) 1.47, 6mm optic and overall 13mm diameter with disposable cartridge usfda approved, 20 / 21 / 22d 106 hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose e / d 107 hypersol oint 108 hypodermic needles disposable 30 g 109 hypromellose 0.3% +dextran 700.01% + glycerin 0.2%, with polyquad bott of 10 ml e / d 110 latanoprost oththalmic solutione / d 111 latenoprost eye drop 112 moxifloxacin 0.5% + ketorolac 0.5% e / d 113 moxifloxacin eye drop 114 moxifloxacin+dexamethasone e / d 115 naphazoline eye drop 116 naphazoline+pheniramine eye drop 117 neosporin h eye ointment 118 nepafenac 0.1% bott of 5ml e / d 119 nepafenac e / d 120 nephazoline hcl, chlorpheniramine maleate & zinc sulphate bott of 7.5ml e / d 121 olopatadine 0.2% bott of 5ml e / d 122 ophthalmic operating sterile drape with drainage pouch 123 opthalmic knife 15 degree 124 opticlude orthoptic eye patch double ending, pack of 10 125 phaco chopper disposable 126 plastic instrument tray with silicon cushion for sterilisation of ophthalmic instruments disposable 127 pmma ball implant 18mm to 22mm 128 polyetheylene glycol 0.4 % ( systane ultra ) e / d 129 polygalactin braided 30 cm with 1 / 4 circle spatulated micropoint double needle, pkt of 12 s 6 / 0 130 polypropene ( prolene ) length 23 cms, with 16 mm spactulated micro point double suture 10 0 needle w 1713. 131 post op glasses 132 prednisolone acetate 1% + ofloxacin 0.3% eye drops 133 prednisolone e / d 134 preloaded hydrophobic acrylic single piece clear optics uv filter with abc design, optic size 6mm with overall diameter 12.5mm, usfda approved, 22 d / 22.5d / 23.0d 135 prolene straight needle double armed 10 / 0 136 rigid pmma pciol 137 safety guard 15 degrees side port entry knife system with slider and non slip grip 138 safety guard 2.5mm crescent knife system with slider and non slip grip 139 safety guard cataract knife system with slider and non slip grip 2.8mm slit 140 safety guard cataract knife system with slider and non slip grip, accurate depth 300 micron 141 sfiol / pmma scleral fixated pciol 142 side port 1.2mm 143 sodium carboxy methyl cellulose 0.5% 144 sodium chloride 3 % inj 145 sodium hyaluronate 1.4% , 1ml inj 146 sterile double layerd eye drape with adhesive corners and attached b expendable and indicated drain pouch 68x68 cm 147 sterile fluorescein eye strips packet of 100 148 sterilised adhesive ophthalmic pad dressing usp 149 sulphacetamide 20% eye drop 150 surgical trolley cover plastic 110cm x 100cm 151 suture 6 0 braided coated polygal;action ( vicryl ) 910 violet length 45 cms , with 8mm 1 / 4 circle spatulated micropoint double needle nw 2348 152 suture 6 0 braided coated polygalactin ( vicryl ) 910 violet length 45 cms , with 8mm 1 / 4 circle spatulated micropoint double needle nw2670 153 toric pciol aspheric pc biconvex acrylic iol with overall diameter 13 mm optic diameter 6 mm with uv abs0er 154 triamcinolone 40mg / ml inj 155 variconazole e / d 156 vicryl, advanced micropoint spatula, diameter 0.2mm , length 6.0mm, 3 / 8 circle 140 degree, double armed, polyglycolic acid, 30 cm . 8 0 ( pkt of 12 ) 157 visco device disposable canula for ophthalmic use 22 g 158 voriconazole e / d 159 voriconazole inj 160 xylocard 2% inj...

Science And Technology Information Institute - Bihar

30275957 bids are invited for ostwalds viscometer comprises glass u tube with two bulbs, connected by a capillary tube.borosilicate glass , stalagmometer shape: straight, borosilicate glass , pipette pump plastic material, capacity around 2 25 ml, accurate pipetting and dispensing of liquids , fussion tube ( pkt. of 1 gross ) stnadard size , platinum wire ( with glass tube ) platinum wire ( with glass tube ) , ion exchanger ( deionizer ) / u tech double bed deionizer two pvc cylinders filled with cation and anion exchange resin, flow rate 50 to 70 lit / hr , hot plate with magnetic stirrer • integrated temperature control • exact temperature and speed setting via digital display, even when switched off • set safety temperature limit displayed digitally • hot top indicator >> hot surface warning to prevent burns! • digital error code display • with adjustable safety circuit of heating plate temperature ( 50 360 °c ) • safety magnetic stirrer with heating, suitable for unsupervised operation • high level of safety thanks to improved heat control technology • aluminium heating plate for optimum heat transfer • improved magnetic adhesion • speed range: 50 1500 rpm • temperature range: rt 310 °c , hot water bath stainless steel water bath for laboratory use, 230 v, with atleast 6 holes , glass plates / slides ( packet ) plain, ground edges, 76 x 26 x 1 ( pack size mm ) , dropping bottles with droper and rubber teat borosilicate glass, capacity 60 and 125 ml , capillary tubes ( fine ) pkt. glass tube size: 0. 30mm od to 10. 00mm od , glass jar 2000 ml, tooled naked bottles, , separating funnel 250ml borosilicate glass, 250 ml , funnel ( conical ) borosilicate , diameter 75 mm , reflux condenser borosillicate; ( liebig condensor ) ; 300 mm jacket length, joint socket 14 / 19 , measuring cylinder ( 10 ml ) 10 ml, borosilicate glass , measuring cylinder ( 50 ml ) 50 ml, borosilicate glass , measuring cylinder ( 100 ml ) 100 ml, cylinders, graduated, single metric scale, with pour out, with hexagonal base, • graduation interval 1.0 ml. , measuring cylinder ( 500 ml ) 500 ml, cylinders, graduated, single metric scale, with pour out, with hexagonal base, • graduation interval 5.0 ml. , beaker ( 500 ml ) borosilicate griffin, low form , with spout • the spout design enables clean and precise pouring • uniform wall thickness distribution makes it ideal for heating liquids • the easy to read scale and large labeling field make marking easier • high resistance to chemical attack • double graduation metric scale for convenience , beaker ( 250 ml ) borosilicate griffin, low form , with spout • the spout design enables clean and precise pouring • uniform wall thickness distribution makes it ideal for heating liquids • the easy to read scale and large labeling field make marking easier • high resistance to chemical attack • double graduation metric scale for convenience , conical flask ( 250 ml borosilicate erlenmeyer, conical, narrow mouth complies with is 1381 ( part i ) , iso / din 1773 graduated from 50 ml to 250 ml • uniform wall thickness distribution makes these flasks ideal for heating • the conical form makes them suitable for mixing liquids • the easy to read scale and large labeling field facilitate easy marking , volumetric measuring flask ( 250 ml ) with interchangeable pp stopper accuracy as per class b • manufactured from 3.3 borosilicate, usp type i glass for corrosion free performance • amber enamel inscriptions • certified and calibrated at 27°c • tolerance ± 0.30 ml. • stopper size 14 / 15 , measuring cylinder ( 1000ml ) borosilicate glass , burette ( 50 ml ) 50 ml, borosilicate glass , pipette grad. ( 10 ml ) 10 ml , pipette grad. ( 25 ml ) 25 ml , pipette grad. ( 5 ml ) 5 ml , stand with clamp and bosshead heavy 7x5 standard size , specific gravity bottle ( borosil glass ( 50 ml ) borosilicate, 25 ml , funnels dia. 50, 65, 75 mm, borosilicate glass , reagent bottle 60ml 60 ml, borosilicate glass, narrow mouth, amber graduated, with interchangeable flat head stopper , reagent bottle 125ml 125 ml, borosilicate glass, narrow mouth, amber graduated, with interchangeable flat head stopper , reagent bottle 250ml 250 ml, borosilicate glass, narrow mouth, amber graduated, with interchangeable flat head stopper , reagent bottle 500ml 500 ml, borosilicate glass, narrow mouth, amber graduated, with interchangeable flat head stopper , wash bottle ldpe plastic bottles, 500 ml , flask conical ( 100 ml ) 100 ml, borosilicate glass , laboratory thermometer ( 0 to 360c ) filling: mercury filled material: glass and mercury temperature range: 0 100 degree c0 to 200 ?c , sprit lamp ss ss , glass tube borosilicate glass , glass rod borosilicate glass , cork wooden cork wooden , tripod stand tripod stand , stop watch racer stopwatch 1 / 100 second time display: hour, minute and seconds calendar display: day, date month alarm , electronic balance high precision digital weighing balance, sensitivity 0.001 gm, capcity 330 gm , china dish 3 china dish 3 , watch glass 80 ml, borosilicate glass , volumetric measuring flask ( 100 ml ) borosilicate 100 ml, borosilicate glass , volumetric measuring flask ( 1000 ml ) borosilicate 1000 ml, borosilicate glass , volumetric measuring flask ( 500 ml ) borosilicate 500 ml, borosilicate glass , round bottom flask 100 ml boiling, round bottom, short neck, borosillicate, joint: 19, 100 ml , round bottom flask 50 ml boiling, round bottom, short neck, borosillicate, joint: 19; 50 ml , round bottom flask 1 boiling, round bottom, short neck, borosillicate, joint: 14; 100 ml , melting point apparatus height ( metric ) 200 mm, accuracy ± 0.2°c, depth ( metric ) 370 mm, hertz 50 / 60 hz voltage 100 to 240 ± 10% vac for use with melting and boiling point capillaries, display type color, tft, 320 x 240, 3.5 in. includes calibration set; melting point tubes ( 100 pcs ) ; boiling point tubes ( 10 pcs ) ; sample holder temperature range ( metric ) 10 to 400°c wattage 150 w , benzene benzene , ethyl acetate ethyl acetate , salicylic acid salicylic acid , sulphuric acid sulphuric acid , hydrochloric acid hydrochloric acid , nitric acid nitric acid , potassium chromate ( k2cro4 ) potassium chromate ( k2cro4 ) , phenol phenol , formaldhyde formaldhyde , ferrous sulphate ferrous sulphate , copper sulphate pentahydrate copper sulphate pentahydrate , zinc sulphate heptahydrate zinc sulphate heptahydrate , potassium nitrate ( kno3 ) potassium nitrate ( kno3 ) , iodine iodine , carbon tetrachloride carbon tetrachloride , ammonium chloride ammonium chloride , potassium chloride potassium chloride , agar agar agar agar , sodium carbonate sodium carbonate , barium chloride barium chloride , ammonium hydroxide ammonium hydroxide , manganese dioxide manganese dioxide , sodium hydroxide sodium hydroxide , n butanol n butanol , 1 propanol 1 propanol , ninhydrin reagent ninhydrin reagent , edta disodium salt edta disodium salt , eriochrome black t ( ebt ) eriochrome black t ( ebt ) , phenolphthalein ( indicator ) phenolphthalein ( indicator ) , potassium hydroxide potassium hydroxide , sodium thiosulphate sodium thiosulphate , methyl orange indicator methyl orange indicator , mohrs salt ( amm. ferrous sulphate ) mohrs salt ( amm. ferrous sulphate ) , potassium iodide potassium iodide , potassium dichromate ( k2cr2o7 ) potassium dichromate ( k2cr2o7 ) , potassium permanganate potassium permanganate , starch starch , calcium carbonate calcium carbonate , ammonium chloride ammonium hydroxide buffer ammonium chloride ammonium hydroxide buffer , hexane hexane , silver nitrate silver nitrate , hexamethylene diamine hexamethylene diamine , adipoyl chloride adipoyl chloride , cyclohexane cyclohexane , ethyl alcohol ethyl alcohol , succinic acid succinic acid , acetic acid acetic acid , silica gel g 13% caso4 binder silica gel g 13% caso4 binder , 1 naphthol 1 naphthol , salicyaldehyde salicyaldehyde , acetophenone acetophenone , aniline aniline , ceric ammonium nitrate ceric ammonium nitrate , sodium nitropruside sodium nitropruside , sodium nitrite sodium nitrite , ferric chloride ferric chloride , activated charcoal activated charcoal total quantity : 1...

National Thermal Power Corporation Limited - Bihar

29254049 proccurement of medicines at ntpc barh proccurement of medicines at ntpc barh , amikacin500mg / 2ml inj , paracetamol syrup 60 ml. ( 125 mg / 5 ml ) bt , tab paracetamol 650 mg , inj paracetamol inj 2 ml amp , atropine sulfate 0.6mg / ml.inj , hydrocortisone 100mg vial , nebulising soln. budesonide .5mg / 2ml , calcium sandoz ( 10% ) inj ( 10 ml amp ) , furosemide ( 10 mg / ml ) inj ( 2 ml amp ) , amoxycillin+clavulanicacid ( 1g+200mg ) inj , tab.prednisolone 10mg , augmentin duo / clavam bid / enhancin bd , pantoprazole i 40 mg :inj vial , ofloxacin 50mg+ornidazole 125mg / 5ml 30ml , potassium chloride.inj , enoxaparin inj 60 mg / 0.6ml vial , zinc ( 20 mg / 5 ml ) syr ( 100 ml ) , zinc sulphate , dexamethasone ( 4 mg / ml ) inj ( 2 ml vial ) , cholecalciferol 60000 units:tab , inj.dextrose 5% + nacl.o.9% ( 500ml ) , tranexamic acid 100mg / ml inj. 5ml ampl , vitamin c ( ascorbic acid ) 500mg tablets , dextrose 25 % iv , phenytoin ( 50 mg / ml ) inj ( 2 ml amp ) , ceftriaxone ( 1 g ) inj ( vial ) , levosalbutamol:syp.100ml , montelukast 10mg+levocetirizine 5mg tab. , iv fluid normal saline >200 500ml , iv fluid ringer lactate :200 500ml , dopamine ( 40 mg / ml ) inj ( 5 ml amp ) , dobutamine 50mg / ml inj ampule , infusion set disposable , disposable syringe 10ml.with needle 22g. , syringe with needle disposable 5 ml , disposable syringe 3ml . , inj adrenaline , sodium bicarbonate ( 8.4% ) inj ( 10 ml amp ) , magnisuim sulphate , calmpose ( diazepam inj.2ml , inj avil 2 ml , cetrizine syp 5mg / ml 60ml / 30ml bt , chlorpheniramine malet+phenylephrin:30ml , iv cannula teflon coated size 22 , i.v.cannula, size: 24 g , disposable syringe 2ml with needle 23g , vit b complex+ lactobacillus:tab / cap , multivitamine syrup 200 ml phial , promethazine injection 2 ml ampule , azithromycin syrup , lactic acid bacillus powder ( sporlac ) , oralelectrolyte ( ors ) ...

Patna Dairy - Bihar

28181960 supply of ferrous sulphate ip grade in large pack size, copper sulphate, zinc sulphate, magnesium sulphate...

National Thermal Power Corporation Limited - Bihar

27789692 urgent procurement of medicines for covid 19 at ntpc barh urgent procurement of medicines for covid 19 at ntpc barh , enoxaparin inj 60 mg/0.6ml vial , ceftriaxone (1 g) inj (vial) , noradrenaline 1ml ampule , pantoprazole i 40 mg :inj vial , ondansetron (2 mg/ml) inj (2 ml amp) , inj.dextrose 5% + nacl.o.9% (500ml) , iv fluid normal saline >200 500ml , i.v.fluid normal saline:100 ml bottle , pantoprazole40 mg. tab. , medicine favipiravir tablet 200mg , dextrose 25 % iv , racecadotril (15 mg) sac , lactic acid bacillus(sporlac) tab , vitamin c (ascorbic acid) 500mg tablets , cholecalciferol 60000 units:tab , montelukast 10mg+levocetirizine 5mg tab. , azithromycin 500 mg:tab , nebulising soln. budesonide .5mg/2ml , terbutaline+bromhexine:syp. >120 160ml , cough exp.with terbutaline & ambroxol , povidone iodine gargle 100ml , zinc sulphate , tab paracetamol 650 mg , levo salbutamol+ipratropium bromide:2ml , remdisivir inj 100mg per vial , ondansetron 4mg, tablet...

Kanti Bijlee Utpadan Nigam Limited - Bihar

25547513 procurement of laboratory glass ware plastic ware and fine chemicals . , glass pippete: 2ml , lc 0 . 01mm , glass pippete: 5ml , lc 0 . 1mm , glass pippete: 10ml , :lc: 0 . 1mm , glass:buret:25ml , glass:buret:50ml , dispenser:10ml: , glass:cylinders:100ml , glass:cylinders:10ml , glass:cylinders:25ml , glass:cylinders:50ml , glass:cylinders:200ml , glass:cylinders:2000ml , :glass:flasks:100ml , :glass:flasks:250ml , filteration assy:vacuum pump , glass:moisture crucible l comp assy , heating mantle:standard , plastic ware:beaker:100ml , plastic ware:beaker:250ml , plastic ware:beaker:500ml , plastic ware:beaker:1000ml , plastic beaker: 2000ml with handle , plastic ware: bottle 60ml , :plastic ware:bottle:120ml , :plastic ware:bottle:250ml , plastic ware: bottle 500ml , plastic ware: bottle 1000ml , plastic ware:cylinder:250ml , plastic ware:cylinder:1000ml , plastic ware:cylinder:2000ml , :stand nessler cyl:std: , racks pipette:std: , stand funnel:std: , stand burrete:std: , glass:separatory funnel:250ml , glass:separatory funnel:500ml , glass:funnels:small , glass:funnels:medium , hot plate:standard large: , magnetic stirrer+hot plate:std , thermometer: mercurry ( 10 ) 100c , lc 1 . 0 , handheld digitalthermometer 50to1200deg , glass:wet & dry bulb thermometer std , glass:thermometer:mercurry:0 50c:lc 0 . 1c , glass:condensers: l 300mm , jt 24 / 29 , glass:flasks:2000ml:r bottom , glass:flasks:1000ml:r bottom , glass:hydrometer:range 1 . 0 1 . 5 , glass:hydrometer:range 1 . 5 2 . 0 , hydrometer sg range: 800 850 , hydrometer sg range: 850 900 , tissue paper:2plyx45m roll , glass:distln kit:dean & stark comp assy , oxalic acid ( ar ) , ammonium chloride ar / gr : ( ar ) , methanol dried for kf titr . ;ar / gr / excelr , mercuric chloride ar / gr , chmcl:sodium sulphite , chmcl:pyrogallol ar:gr , potassium chloride :ar grade , hydroxylamine hydrochloride ( ar / gr / exc ) , hydrazinium sulphate ar / gr / excellar , hexa methylene tetramine; ar / gr / excelar , chmcl:erichrome black t , acids:ortho phosphoric acid ar : ( gr ) , chmcl:methylene blue , ferrous ammonium sulphate , acetone lr analyt , hydrochloric acid ar / gr grade , zinc sulphate , chmcl:sodium hydroxide pellets ar:gr , barium chloride dihydrate; ar / gr / excelar , ethyl alchohol ( ar / gr / excelr ) , potassium bromate ar / gr / excellar , universal indicator solution , chmcl:potasium chromate ar:gr , chmcl:potasi hydro phathalate ar:gr , sodium azide , carbon tetrachloride;ar / gr / excelar grade , ferric chloride ( anhydrous ) , iodine crystals lranalit ( ar ) , sodium acetate anhydrous; ar / ge / excelar , sodium diphenylamine sulphonate , sodium hydrogen carbonate ( ar / gr / excelr ) , xylenol orange indicator ar / gr grade , zinc dust ar , sodium thio sulphate;ar / gr / excelar grade , bromocresol green 5 gm . , matched pair of quartz cuvette 50 mm , chmcl:sulphanilamide , n 1 naphthyl ethylenediamine ( neda ) , sulphamic acid , iso propyl alcohol , soln:hydrogen peroxide:tr , chmcl: sodium arsenite , tong:small , filter paper: rectangular , 57cmx46cm , spatula:large , hand gloves:asbestos 18 , test sieve:brass 8:2 . 8mm , filter paper circular 125 mm grade 42 , glass:hydrometer:0 . 9 0 . 95 lc: 0 . 001 , chmcl:phenol , glass microfibre thimbles whatman19x90mm , fltr paper:whatman gr:1:circles , 100 / pack , chmcl:formal dehyde solution , chemical lab ar sodium chloride , :glass:flasks:1000ml , :glass:flasks:500ml , :glass:flasks:2000ml , glass:nessler tube:50ml , glass:nessler tube:100ml , glass:rod:std size , chloroform bellow , test sieve:ss:comp set , test sieve:brass:12 . 5mm , water bath assy+thermostat std , :glass:watch glass:d 100m , glass:crucible:vm crucible l comp assy...

V O Chidambaranar Port Trust - Bihar

25039685 supply of pharmaceuticals 1 each tablet should contain paracetamol 500 mg (in strip packing only) 2 each tablet should contain paracetamol 650 mg (in strip packing only) 3 each tablet should contain paracetamol 500 mg+ diclofenac 50 mg + chlorzoxazone 500 mg(in strip packing only) 4 each tablet should contain aceclofenac 100 mg + paracetamol 325 mg (in strip packing only) 5 each tablet should contain tramadol 50 mg (in strip packing only) 6 each tablet should contain etoricoxib 90 mg (in strip packing only) 7 each tablet should contain piroxicam 20 mg (in strip packing only) 8 each tablet should contain aceclofenac 100 mg (in strip packing only) 9 each tablet should contain dicyclomine hcl 20mg +paracetamol 500mg (in strip packing only) 10 each tablet should contain pheniramine maleate ip 25 mg (in strip packing only) 11 each tablet should contain cetirizine hcl 10 mg (in strip packing only) 12 each tablet should contain levocetirizine hcl 5 mg (in strip packing only) 13 each tablet should contain diethyl carbamazine 100 mg (in strip packing only) 14 each tablet should contain hydroxyzine hcl 25mg (in strip packing only) 15 each tablet should contain montelukast 10 mg(in strip packing only) 16 each tablet should contain fexofenadine 120mg (in strip packing only) 17 each tablet should contain fexofenadine 180mg (in strip packing only) 18 each tablet should contain montelukast 10mg + levocetirizine hcl 5mg (in strip packing only) 19 each tablet should contain amoxycillin 250 mg (in strip packing only) 20 each tablet should contain amoxycillin 500 mg (in strip packing only) 21 each tablet should contain amoxycillin 250mg + clavulanic acid 125mg (in strip packing only) 22 each tablet should contain amoxycillin 500mg + clavulanic acid 125mg (in strip packing only) 23 each tablet should contain azithromycin 250 mg (in strip packing only) 24 each tablet should contain azithromycin 500 mg (in strip packing only) 25 each tablet should contain ciprofloxacin 500 mg (in strip packing only) 26 each tablet should contain cefixime 200 mg+ ofloxacin 200 mg (in strip packing only) 27 each capsules should contain doxycycline 100 mg ( in strip pack only) 28 each tablet should contain cefuroxime axetil 500 mg (in strip packing only) 29 each tablet should contain cefixime 200 mg (in strip packing only) 30 each tablet should contain norfloxacin 400 mg (in strip packing only) 31 each tablet should contain ofloxacin 200 mg (in strip packing only) 32 each tablet should contain ofloxacin 200 mg+ornidazole 500 mg (in strip packing only) 33 each tablet should contain cefixime 200 mg+clavulanic acid 125 mg (in strip packing only) 34 each tablet should contain ranitidine 150 mg (in strip packing only) 35 each tablet should contain domperidone 10 mg (in strip packing only) 36 each tablet should contain pantoprazole 40 mg +domperidone 10 mg (in strip packing only) 37 each tablet should contain omeprazole 20 mg (in strip packing only) 38 each tablet should contain omeprazole 20 mg + domperidone 30 mg (sr)(in strip packing only) 39 each tablet should contain rabeprazole 20 mg(in strip packing only) 40 each tablet should contain rabeprazole 20 mg+ domperidone30 mg(sr)(in strip packing only) 41 each tablet should contain esomeprazole 40mg+domperidone 30mg(sr) (in strip packing only) 42 each tablet should contain esomeprazole 40mg (in strip packing only) 43 each tablet should contain acebrophylline 100mg+ acetyl cysteine 600mg(in strip packing only) 44 each tablet should contain doxofyllin 400 mg (in strip packing only) 45 each tablet should contain acyclovir 400 mg (in strip packing only) 46 each tablet should contain tocopherol 200 mg (in strip packing only) 47 each tablet should contain tocopherol 400 mg (in strip packing only) 48 each tablet should contain vitamin d3 60 k (in strip packing only) 49 each tablet should contain folic acid 5mg (in strip packing only) 50 each tablet should contain calcitriol 0.25mcg + calcium carbonate 500mg+ zinc combinations 7.5 mg(in strip pack only) 51 each tablet should contain b complex+vit c (in strip packing only) 52 each tablet should contain vitamin b1, b6, b12 & other vitamin (in strip packing only) 53 each tablet should contain multivitamins + minerals(in strip packing only) 54 each tablet should contain ferrous fumarate 300mg+cyanocobalamin 15mcg+folic acid 1mg+pyridoxine hydrochloride 1.5mg+ zinc sulphate monohydrate 55mg (in strip packing only) 55 each tablet should contain calcium carbonate + vitamin d3 250 iu (in strip packing only) 56 each tablet should contain riboflavin 10 mg (in strip packing only) 57 each tablet should contain alphacalcidol 0.25mg (in strip packing only) 58 each tablet should contain ascorbic acid 500mg (in strip pack only) 59 each tablet should contain levocarnitine 150 mg + vitamin e 200 mg (in strip packing only) 60 each tablet should contain fluconazole 150 mg (in strip packing only) 61 each tablet should contain prednisolone 5mg(in strip packing only) 62 each tablet should contain sodium bicarbonate 500mg (in strip packing only) 63 each tablet should contain oxcarbazepine 150mg (in strip packing only) 64 each tablet should contain oxcarbazepine 300mg (in strip packing only) 65 each tablet should contain metronidazole 200mg (in strip packing only) 66 each tablet should contain pantoprazole 40 mg (in strip packing only) tab 67 each tablet should contain multivitamin ,multimineral with grape seed extract(in strip packing only) tab 68 each tablet should contain trypsin + chymotrypsin (in strip packing only) tab 69 each tablet should contain methyl prednisolone 4 mg (in strip packing only) tab 70 each tablet should contain thiocolchicoside 4mg (in strip packing only) tab 71 each tablet should contain thiocolchicoside 8mg +ketoprofen 100mg(in strip packing only) tab 72 each tablet should contain pantoprazole 40mg + levosulpride 75mg(in strip packing only) tab 73 each tablet should contain itraconazole 100mg (in strip packing only) tab 74 each tablet should contain deflazacort 6mg (in strip packing only) tab syrups & drops annexure a2 each 5 ml should contain paracetamol ip 250 mg bottle 75 each 5 ml should contain 76 each 5 ml should contain paracetamol ip 120 125 77 each 5ml should contain potassium clavulanate 78 each 5 ml should contain 79 each 5 ml should contain 80 each 5 ml should contain 81 each 5ml should contain 82 each 5 ml should contain metronidazole benzoate ip equivalent to metronidazole 200 mg 83 each 5 ml should contain 1. elemental iron at least 20 50mg 84 each 5 ml should contain 0.3% w/w of ofloxacin ip ophthalmic solution 85 each 5 ml should contain moxifloxacin ip 0.5%w/v ophthalmic solution 86 each 5ml should contain olopatadine hcl 0.1%w/v ophthalmic solution 87 each 5ml should contain flurometholone usp ophthalmic solution 0.1%w/v 88 each 5ml should contain gatifloxacin 0.3%w/v+ ketorolac 0.4%w/v ophthalmic solution 89 each 5 ml should contain gentamycin sulphate ip 0.3% w/v (eye & ear drops) 90 each 5 ml should contain : fexofenadine 30mg 91 each 5ml should contain 5mg of cetirizine hydrochloride . 92 each 5ml suspension should contain ondansetron 2mg. 93 each 5ml suspension should contains sucralfate 1gm 94 each 80 ml should contain chlorhexidine gluconate i.p 0.2 % w/ v in a pleasantly flavored base. 95 each 5 ml suspension should contain albendazole 200 mg. 96 each ml should contain domperidone 1mg. 97 each 5 ml should contain ranitidine 75 mg 98 each 5 ml of reconstituted solution should contain lactic acid bacillus (spores) 40 million 99 each 10 ml should contain benzocaine 2.7 % w/v + chlorbutol 5% w/v+ paradichlorobenzene 2% w/v(ear drops) 100 each 5ml should contain chlorpheniramine maleate 1mg+paracetamol 125mg + phenylephrine 2.5mg . 101 each 5 ml should contain chlorpheniramine 2 mg +dextromethorphan 10 mg . 102 each 30ml should contain oxymetazoline 0.05% n/s adult , 103 each 10 ml should contain normal saline (0.65%) w/v, 104 each 10ml should contain xylometazoline saline (0.01%) wv , 105 each 5ml syrup should contain 1.53gm of disodium hydrogen citrate 106 each 5ml should contain elemental calcium and vitamin d3 syrup 250 mg + 125 iu. 107 each 5ml should contain ferric ammonium citrate 53.3 mg, zinc sulphate 10mg, vitamin b12 5mcg, folic acid 500mcg, 108 each 10ml should contain 1. thiamine b1 2. riboflavin b2 3. nicotinic acid , niacinamide b3 4. pyridoxine b6 5. cyanocobalamin b12 6. vitamin c 7. l –lysine 109 each ml should contain zinc sulphate monohydrate equivalent to elemental zinc of 20mg 30ml 110 each ml should contain ( ferrous sulfate drops) elemental iron 20 25mg 15ml drops 111 each 5ml should contain guaifenesin 50mg, menthol2.5mg+terbutaline 1.25mg 112 each 10ml should contain tulsi 100mg yashtomadhu 60mg, haridra 50 mg, shunthi 10 mg, vasaka 60 mg, brahti 20 mg, pushakamol 20 mg injections annexure a3 113 each ml should contain pheniramine ip 25 mg . 114 each ml should contain ketorolac usp 30mg. 115 each 100 ml should contain paracetamol ip 1000 mg. 116 each 2 ml should contain tramadol hydrochloride 100 mg. 117 each 2ml should contain diclofenac sodium 25 mg. 118 each vial should contain lignocaine 2% ip + adrenaline 1 in 80000 dil injection. 119 each vial should contain paracetamol ip 75 mg /ml + preservative 120 each vial should contain cefotaxime sodium ip 1 g injection 121 each vial should contain ceftriaxone 1 gm + sulbactam 0.5 ip injection vial 122 each vial should contain ceftriaxone 1 gm ip vial 123 each 100 ml should contain ofloxacin ip 200 mg/ 100 ml i.v pyrogen free 124 each 100 ml should contain metronidazole ip 500 ml bottle 125 each vial should contain piperacillin 4.5 gm+tazobactam ip 0.5 gm 126 each vial should contain amikacin sulphate injection ip 500 ml / 2 ml vial 127 each ml should contain gentamycin sulphate ip 40 mg /2 ml amp. 128 each ml should prochlorperazine 12.5 mg 129 each 5 ml vial should contain pantoprazole sodiumip 40mg 130 each 10 ml should contain ondansetron usp 4mg 131 each ml should contain .dicyclomine hcl 10mg. 132 each ml of ampoule should contain ranitidine 25 mg....